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Chapter 242: Lin Qian's identity

"Boss is good..."

The heroes are immortal and Zhan Tianxia both sent news in unison.

People stood far away, not daring to approach Zhang Yi, the devil who had killed them several times before.

At this moment, Zhang Yi walked in front of the two of them.

"I will tell you in advance that I have five chances to resurrect."

Five resurrection opportunities!

Zhan Tianxia and the heroes, who had no chance to resurrect, were stunned.

Zhang Yi continued: "But for you, there is only one loyalty. If you dare to betray me in the future..."

"No, no!"

Without waiting for Zhang Yi to finish, the hero immortal hurriedly said: "Don't worry, boss, my League of Legends is absolutely loyal!"

Zhang Yi turned his gaze to the silent war world.

Frightened Zhan Tianxia stretched out three fingers and quickly said, "Me too!"

"That's fine."

Zhang Yi nodded: "Follow me, I will take you to fly."

The two smiled: "Thank you, boss..."

"It's nothing for you. Go back and wash and sleep. I have a task for you tomorrow."

Zhan Tian swallowed and asked, "What's the matter, boss?"

"I'll know tomorrow, and I will send a message to inform you in advance."


The heroes are immortal and Zhan Tianxia looked at each other, and hurriedly led the people, and left the fallen city in a desperate manner.

The girls in the Hall of Fame watched the League of Legends and the players who stopped the war running by.

The Hall of Fame and Cherry said unbelievably: "This has conquered the two big teams? Damn, it's too sloppy!"


The Hall of Fame and Rourou couldn’t believe it: “Our Hall of Fame recruiting is so hard to die. Brother Zhang Yi actually took two teams at once! And he’s still a foe! He actually stopped the fight with us before. Zhan Du was taken away..."

Of course, only Zhang Yi himself understands the reason why he can successfully subdue the League of Legends tonight and stop the war with the battle.

His foreshadowing the other night was very important.

Let the hero immortal and fight the world know one thing: Zhang Yi is someone they can't afford to offend!

The focus of the Hall of Fame and Xue Er is on the players of Sky, and Yiqi Juechen.

"Even Sky and Yiqi Juechen invited..."

With that, Xueer looked at Zhang Yi and muttered: "Who are you..."

Just then, Zhang Yi came over.

"Thank you tonight, ladies and sisters for your help, I am grateful!"

Level 44 Assassin Hall of Fame, Sasha smiled: "You're welcome, Brother Zhang Yi!"

As soon as the voice fell, several other girls **** reappeared.

Hall of Fame, Rourou: "Brother Zhang Yi, you are so amazing, you have collected hundreds of people at once!"

Hall of Fame, Cherry: "Brother Zhang Yi is too awesome!"

"Well... thanks to your help!"

Zhang Yi said, "This is what I owe you. If you need my help in the future, just tell me."

Xueer nodded: "Okay."

"Then, let's go one step ahead."


Just waiting for the girls in the Hall of Fame to leave, Zhang Yi couldn't help but sigh.

Since coming to Moonlight City, in just over a week, the Hall of Fame has grown from a small team of 300 people to 800 now!

The Hall of Fame is indeed the future star of Moonlight City!

Just turned around and found that Yiqi Juechen came over.

It has to be said that the Hall of Fame, Sky, and Yiqi Juechen have come forward, and this is a cool pretense tonight.

But after loading it, it’s time to pay for it.

Zhang Yi took out 1,000 gold coins from his bag and traded them to Yiqi Juechen.

Then, he said to Yiqi Juechen, "Good fellow, are you getting more and more worthy now?"

"Before I asked you to only need 500 gold coins at a time, now it's doubled!"

As soon as the voice fell, Yiqi Juechen said in a deep voice: "If you want to keep people, relying on these fake handles is useless."

"When they find out that you are lying to them, do you think they will still work for you?"

Zhang Yi smiled: "I have my own way to deal with this, so you don't need to worry about it."

"But thank you for your help tonight."

After a pause, Zhang Yi suddenly said: "Starting today, the cooperative relationship between us can be dissolved."

Yiqi Juechen was stunned for a moment.

Because he established a cooperative relationship with Zhang Yi before.

Promise Zhang Yi: Will not receive any other players' commission tasks against Zhang Yi.

As a price, Zhang Yi asked him to do something and had to pay double the commission.

Hearing what Zhang Yi said, Yiqi Juechen didn't say anything, but responded with one word: "Okay."

After speaking, Yiqi Juechen passed by Zhang Yi and left the Fallen City.

The looting of dozens of senior teams in Moonlight City has caused Yiqi Juechen's current worth to double.

He now has a random commission task, which is worth five or six hundred gold coins!

It's good to be like him, and Zhang Yi once had such a plan.

But soon gave up this idea.

Because of commission tasks, it is easy to provoke enemies.

Zhang Yi didn't want to be like Yiqi Juechen in the previous life, and it was unknown in the end that he would die.

As a result, only Sky players remained in the Fallen City.

They are the biggest heroes tonight.

Zhang Yi did not expect that Lin Qian actually convinced Sky!

I don't know how she did it. Zhang Yi planned to go to the dungeon to meet Lin Qian, the scavenger, to ask Lin Qian for advice.

Come to the sky and everyone.

Before Zhang Yi said the word "thank you", Sky and the Lord God spoke first.

"If I need your help from sky in the future, I believe you won't stand by and watch?"

"of course not."

The Lord God nodded: "That's good, help tonight, as a paid investment by our sky in you."

"Okay." Zhang Yi said, "I will pay you back."

It seems that the answer to the question can only be known from Lin Qian.

As a result, Zhang Yi and Sky's people said goodbye, then turned and left, rushing to the direction of the underground city.

Only when Zhang Yi had just left the Fallen City with his feet.

Lin Qian walked out from behind the sky crowd.


The Lord God looked at Lin Qian and said: "This Human Race Beastmaster, is it worthy of our free help over and over again? And he doesn't know that you secretly instructed us to help him."

"Of course it's worth it!"

Lin Qian said, "Brother Zhang Yi is amazing!"

The main **** frowned.

"To be honest, his personal strength is good."

"But there is no power under his hand. Such a person can't even stand his feet in Moonlight City."

Lin Qian curled her lips: "Isn't he the one who just took the League of Legends and Stop the War with War? The two teams add up to six or seven hundred people!"

The Lord God sighed.

"Miss, Lin Shao urged me to protect your safety here."

"You should know how loyal he can be to those who subdue him by this means. With such a person, it will not be safe."

"Of course I know!"

Lin Qian's eyes were determined: "This is the beginning, but I believe that Brother Zhang Yi will use his ability to completely conquer the group of people under him!"

"I won't tell you, you must continue to keep my secrets and don't reveal my identity!"

"Big Brother Zhang Yi is going far, I have to keep up with him!"

After speaking, Lin Qian threw off Sky's people and ran away alone.

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