This scene stunned Lin Qian and the scavengers who hadn't started the action yet, as well as other players around who were cleaning the carrion.

"Don't be in a daze."

Zhang Yi, who was still casting spells to kill the dark carrion with his single skills, said to the scavengers Lin Qian around him: "Prepare to harvest, make a quick battle."

The two quickly recovered.


Picking up the dagger, the two assassins rushed towards the front line at the same time.

The skill damage enhancement effect of the dark suit is applied to the group attack skill, weakening a lot.

In terms of single skills, the effect is very obvious.




Several single attack skills went down, and three super-high damage were exploded on the three residual blood dark rotting corpses around the dragon blood knight.



-6188 Crit!

Ho Ho Ho!

With a few wailing, several carrion corpses hit by Zhang Yi were killed directly.

The 3-star dragon blood knight, under the siege of a dozen dark carrion corpses, cooperated with the damage reduction and blood recovery of the devil shield, greatly reducing the damage.

After a round of siege, the blood bar only dropped by one-fifth!

And under the strong anti-injury of the dragon blood body, those dark carrion corpses that attacked the dragon blood knight themselves suffered more than 5000 points of anti-injury damage!

The **** gun moved.

Blood kill!



A dark carrion with half a blood, half of the blood was emptied directly.

With Lin Qian and the scavengers harvesting a wave of 1500-2000 damage, the battle ended not long after it started.

More than a dozen dark carrion corpses were all killed, turned into a wealth of experience, and Zhang Yi three people bagged them.

On the ground, in addition to dozens of scattered silver coins and copper coins, there are more than a dozen dark keys.

The scavengers still picked up all the spoils.

"Fuck, brother!"

The scavenger who picked up the spoils in the front line looked at Zhang Yi behind with a shocked face: "Your blood knight has realized what kind of abnormal group attack skill, and the damage is so high!"

Zhang Yi swallowed a blue potion and said, "Recover a bit and prepare to start the next wave."

The scavenger sighed: "Brother, I feel that the gap between me and you is getting bigger and bigger, what should I do..."

"It's okay." Zhang Yi said: "I will not dislike your food."

In Zhang Yi's view, although the scavengers are not good, he picks up things first.

This is also the reason why Zhang Yi wants to hand over the Dark Key to him...

at the same time.

The scattered players around in groups of three or five who were trying to clean the carrion corpses were all stunned.

They were choking to deal with two or three carrion corpses at once.

And these few people actually swept a dozen carrion corpses at a time, and they were so easy to destroy them!

"Damn! That knight in their team is absolutely perverted!"

"People still seem to be only monsters..."

"Is Warcraft so strong? I knew I also played the profession of Beast Master~"

Amidst the discussions among the surrounding players, Zhang Yi and them all recovered.

After waiting for one minute, the Dragon Blood Knight's [Dragon Blood Fury] skill completes the cooldown.

Open the brush again.

Released all the depression accumulated during the dungeon hunting with Dafei, Xiaoyueyue and the others.

In the state of full firepower, these 48-50 dark carrion corpses, in the hands of only level 43 Zhang Yi, and level 40 dragon blood knights, are as crisp as paper.

In this state, it was not early in the morning.

After five o'clock in the morning, a few people had finished cleaning a thousand dark carrion corpses.

The last thousand keys of darkness are finally gathered!

Looking at the pile of dark keys in the bag, the scavenger ran back.

"Brother 10,000!"

"Let's go to lead that team task!"

"Yeah." Zhang Yi nodded: "Stop brushing, leave the city."

Hurrying to the teleportation array and preparing to leave the dungeon, the scavengers counted the profits.

"We made a fortune today, we exploded a piece of dark equipment!"

The scavenger took out a pair of black boots from the bag: "48-level assassin dark boots, the market price is at least 200 gold coins upward!"

"We swept a thousand carrion corpses in one night and only exploded more than 20 gold coins..."

"I got the equipment for both of you, don't sell it."

Zhang Yi said: "The complete set of Assassin's dark suit seems to have a 40% crit rate. Look back and see if you can get a dark suit out."

The scavengers almost drooled.

"Brother, I have a bold idea."

"I want to use these ten thousand dark keys to change to a dark suit!"

"Believe it or not, I will break it for you."

"Just kidding hehe..."

In the sound of words, several people have already arrived outside the dungeon.

The dungeon guard Loki kept guarding outside the light curtain with due diligence day and night.

The scavenger came to Loki while yawning, triggering a dialogue.

"Brave adventurer, as long as you have enough dark keys, you can exchange for the dark equipment you want from me!"

As Loki's voice just fell, the scavenger opened the backpack and showed Loki a glance at the dark keys that piled up into the mountains.

"I have ten thousand keys of darkness, what can I change?"

Rocky's face was shocked.

"You actually have so many dark keys in your body!"

Rocky sighed.

Take out a full set of 3-star assassin dark suit, and a magic scroll, and deliver it to the scavengers.

"Come on adventurer, choose one of the two, take what you want!"

Scavengers stared at the dark suit.

Looking back at Zhang Yi behind him.

Then decisively used 10,000 dark keys to exchange for the only magic scroll in Loki's hand.

Taking the scroll to Zhang Yi's side, the scavenger handed the scroll to Zhang Yi: "Didn't it mean that 10,000 Dark Keys can be exchanged for a team mission? Why is it a scroll?"

"This is the mission scroll."

Zhang Yi took the scroll from the scavenger.

【Dark Scroll】(Rare Magic Scroll):

Description: After using this scroll, you can activate the team task on Dungeon Guard Loki, and only the scroll user can lead the team to receive the task.

Note: This scroll is the only one in Moonlight City

It is actually a rare quality magic scroll!

In this way, what is activated with this scroll must be a rare and even higher quality team task!

The basic rewards for the ordinary team tasks arranged by the scavengers last time are already 3-star equipment blue skill books and the like.

Zhang Yi feels that this mission will have a high probability of obtaining 4-star equipment!

Seeing Zhang Yi's sharing of past descriptions of [Dark Scrolls], the scavengers suddenly became completely drowsy.

"Brother, wait, I'll go to the scavenger group to find someone to help us with this task!"

"no need."

Zhang Yi said, "Someone has already chosen me."

The scavenger wondered: "Who?"

"I'll know tomorrow." Zhang Yi pretended to be mysterious.

At this time, Lin Qian stretched her waist: "So tired!"

"Brother Zhang Yi, let's go back and rest! The panda eyes have been smashed out by me during the day and night of monster spawning and leveling during the recent period..."

"During this time, it's really hard for you two."

Zhang Yi said: "When this team task ends tomorrow, I will invite you to have a big meal."

"Okay!" Lin Qian said with a smirk: "Liangzi, let's look back and get a good shot of Brother Zhang Yi!"

The scavenger made an ok gesture: "Brother Cheng will ruin the family with one meal."

Zhang Yi laughed: "No problem, as long as you two can eat."

The scavenger smirked: "Brother, don't forget, there are Da Fei and Xiao Yueyue!"

Zhang Yi deliberately changed the subject.

"It's getting late, let's go back and rest."

After that, the three of them smashed the scroll of returning to the city and disappeared outside the dungeon.

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