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Chapter 245: Controversy over team building orders

[Xiange, July Fire] (Male, Level 45 second-tier magician): "The team building order is decided by the fairy pavilion! After the dungeon ultimate boss is wiped out, no matter who grabs the team building order, please contact me as soon as possible. Xiange acquired at a high price!"

[Shrine·Angel] (Male, Level 45 Second Rank Knight): "The same upstairs, the price is doubled, please sell it to me if you get the team building order at that time!"

[Hall of Fame, Cher] (Female, Grade 45 second-turn archer): "Sisters of the Hall of Fame, we don't count on others. The team building order on the ultimate boss of the dungeon must be from the Hall of Fame. Let's grab it ourselves! "

[Invincible/Shinhwa] (Male, Rank 44 second-tier fighter): "Dear clan bosses, let’s say in advance. When the dungeon boss is released, we will play fairly, and whoever gets the team will be the first to grab it. Yeah, don’t do anything to kill people, we are all civilized..."

When Zhang Yi woke up, he opened the Moonlight City chat channel and found that it was full of enthusiasm.

The leaders of the various teams in Moonlight City are discussing about the ultimate boss of the dungeon.

In addition, from the chat between them, Zhang Yi learned that the number of tasks submitted on the fifth floor of the underground city has reached 500!

The progress has reached half, and it is estimated that in two days, the ultimate boss will be refreshed.

For the ultimate boss death this time, Moonlight City’s first team building order, the attitude of each team, is bound to win.

Another problem is that the people of King's Landing have not captured the dungeon until now!

Anyway, it is also a celebrity team in Moonlight City at this stage. Are they going to give up the ultimate boss of the dungeon?

Many players do not understand this.

In addition, the enthusiasm of the town magic tower is not diminishing.

There are still many high-level teams acquiring Fumo Ling at a high price.

The task of running the ring on the city lord is instantly maxed out after being refreshed at 0 o'clock in the morning every day.

Fortunately, Zhang Yi had made a fortune with the Demon Order before that, and now it is impossible to make a fortune from the Demon Order.

At present, the one who has the most vomiting orders is sky.

Because Zhang Yi sold all 40 Fumo Orders to them.

Moreover, it is said that after the people of Sky received 40 vomits, they also selected the 40 strongest members of the team by Sky and the Lord God, divided into eight groups, and marched into the Demon Squad!

As Zhang Yi had expected, after the eighth team of Sky entered the Demon Suppression Tower, they found that all the six towers in front had been opened up and took the Seven Towers: Demon Field Battlefield!

The sky's people are really awesome.

In just one day, they completed the task of hunting 5,000 demon spirit beasts on the seven towers to one third!

According to their progress, it will take two more days to complete the challenge of the seven towers and activate the ultimate gatekeeper of the devil's tower!

If the time happens to happen, it can even be refreshed simultaneously with the ultimate boss of the dungeon.

Moreover, the Dark Dungeon is just a 40-50 level ordinary map.

The magic tower is a hidden picture of level 40-50!

According to the system announcement, the ultimate bosses in the dungeon must drop the team building order. It is conceivable that the guarding bosses of the town magic tower will definitely drop the team building order!

Relatively speaking, the competition in the dungeon is fierce, and there will be countless teams beating for the boss at that time.

On the side of the Summoning Tower, it is because of map restrictions that players who do not have a demon order cannot enter.

As long as the people of Sky brush out the boss, they think that the stability of the boss is theirs!

So Sky simply moved to the Devil's Tower.

Underground city boss, as an alternative.

Zhang Yi is different.

For Zhang Yi, both the dungeon and the ultimate boss of the town magic tower are his!

Plus the reward of that epic hidden mission.

Zhang Yi has a strong hunch: two days later, he is about to usher in a soaring!

There are two days left, no hurry.

Today's task is to get the team task of the dungeon.

Before that, Zhang Yi has one more thing to deal with.

So, Zhang Yi opened his friends list and sent a message to [Heroes are Immortal].

"Brother Mie, have you gotten up?"

After a while, Zhang Yi received the news.

The hero is immortal: "Dare not dare (cold sweat

The hero is immortal: "You are the big brother, you are the first brother!"

The hero is immortal: "I'm up, boss, do you have any instructions? Yesterday I heard you say that there seems to be a task today..."

"Well, there is a team task for your people to help."

"Team task (color the hero slobbered: "Is there a team task to do? The boss is so good!"

After a pause, Zhang Yi said, "But before that, there is one more thing, I want you to help."

The hero is immortal and quickly said: "Boss, just confess, as long as within the reach of my League of Legends, I will do it for you!"

The hero is immortal, it seems that Zhang Yi is really afraid of killing.

Coupled with the deterrence from sky, the Hall of Fame and Yiqi Juechen last night, they have now completely surrendered to Zhang Yi.

As a result, Zhang Yi talked a few words with the hero, and explained what he wanted him to do next.

Then, Zhang Yi got up.

It was already nine o'clock in the morning.

Wake up the scavengers and Lin Qian in the next two rooms. The three called Dafei Xiaoyueyue, went to the breakfast shop in the city, and had breakfast.

During breakfast.

Da Fei and Xiao Yueyue were stunned when they saw the "Human" logo on Zhang Yi's head.

"Brother Cheng, you...really are the human beast master!"

Zhang Yifeng said lightly, "Well, it's me."

Da Fei opened his mouth and stopped talking.

But the bottom of my heart is extremely shocked!

He even started to plan in his mind, ready to contact King's Landing again and report the news to him.

But then I remembered that he had already pulled King Lintian down that day...

But then, Da Fei thought of the other two.

A few days ago, I posted a post with King's Landing, wanted for the League of Legends of the Human Beast Master and stop the war with the war!

Just do it!

Da Fei opened his friends list in private and began to implement a plan to betray Zhang Yi.

He doesn't care about the friendship, even if Zhang Yi takes him to clean the dungeon these days.

He only knew that he would get a lot of benefits from selling Zhang Yi to the League of Legends.

Zhang Yi pretended not to know anything, and continued to drink porridge and eat steamed buns.

Seeing that he kept asking Xiaoyueyue and asking her if she had any scavengers sleeping well last night, Zhang Yi said, "Today, let's go to the dungeon for another day."

Hearing, the scavenger froze for a moment: "Didn't you say that you are going to perform that team task today?"

"The task of the team is not in a hurry, the scroll is on me, and others can't take it away."

"All right……"

Although I don't know why Zhang Yi suddenly changed his plan, the scavengers didn't ask much.

So, a few people finished their breakfast and set off for the underground city.

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