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Chapter 246: Dafei's betrayal

On the way to the underground city.

The identity of Zhang Yi's Human Beast Master, as expected, attracted the attention of some past players around him.

But in contrast, it has not been as sensational as it was a few days ago.

The "Human Beastmaster" from a few days ago is like a national treasure.

In the past few days, it is clear that the players of Moonlight City have focused their attention on the ultimate boss that is about to be refreshed in the dungeon.

In addition, King's Landing and their general killing posts have been revoked, and players from all walks of life have begun to no longer pay attention to this Human Beast Master.

On the way, Da Fei suddenly talked to Zhang Yi.

"Brother Cheng, you've always hidden your identity before, why are you suddenly revealing your identity now?"

"You are not afraid of King's Landing, and the League of Legends and those who stop the war with war, will come to avenge you?"

"Oh, I almost forgot." Zhang Yi said deliberately, "Thank you for reminding."

With that, Zhang Yi turned on the racial hiding again, and then put on the mask he carried with him.

Da Fei was very proud of it.

Because Zhang Yi didn't have time to "make-up" this time, the League of Legends came later, and as long as Zhang Yi took off his mask, his identity could no longer be hidden!

When the people of the League of Legends win Zhang Yi, he can earn 1,000 gold coins!

Just as Da Fei was thinking so in his heart.

In all directions, suddenly a large group of players rushed out and surrounded them!

Seeing the sudden League of Legends players around, Da Fei was delighted: It's finally here!


The hero immortal raised the sword and pointed directly at Zhang Yi.

"You can really pretend to hide so deep, no wonder you haven't been able to find you recently!"

"And you, how dare you protect this Human Race Beastmaster!"

The hero's unquenchable voice just fell.

Scavengers and Lin Qian were shocked.

The scavengers simply thought that the people from the League of Legends were here to avenge Zhang Yi.

So he was surprised how the other party identified Zhang Yi's identity.

And because Lin Qian witnessed Zhang Yi conquer League of Legends last night, she was shocked: Did League of Legends rebel against Zhang Yi so quickly? !

Da Fei and Xiao Yueyue played dumb there.

"What Human Beastmaster? You admit the wrong person, we are all foreign races!"

"Less tm nonsense!"

The hero shouted angrily: "You guys, all of you have to die today!"

Da Fei was shocked.

I wonder how the people of the League of Legends have the same virtue as King's Landing, even if they don't give benefits, they still want to kill people?

Da Fei suddenly remembered that he had just sent an anonymous message to the hero, but he didn't recognize himself.

Thinking of this, a sentence without brain thinking came out of Da Fei's mouth: "Brother, the person who just sent you a message is me! Don't make a mistake!"

As soon as the voice fell, the hero did not die and there was no reaction.

The scavenger on the side was unbelievable: "Dafei you..."

"It turns out that it was Brother Cheng you betrayed! And so was yesterday?"

"No wonder the people of King's Landing will find us directly!"

Da Fei realized that he had just been impatient for a while and said something he shouldn't have said.

But this is the end of the matter, and there is nothing to pretend.

Simply, Da Fei no longer concealed: "Yes, it's me!"

Da Fei pulled Xiao Yueyue back and said with a grinning smile: "You won't end up with this Human Race Beastmaster, Huangzi, don't you understand?"

That being said, when the scavenger saw Da Fei holding Xiao Yueyue's hand, he seemed to understand something.

His eyes were hollow, and he felt a sudden sinking in his heart.

It seemed that suddenly, something very important was lost.

Da Fei and Xiao Yueyue came to the immortal hero's side, like a pug, pointed at Zhang Yi, and said to the hero immortal: "Brother Immortal, he is the human beastmaster!"

The hero nodded and said: "Good job buddy, from today, you will follow your brother, and your brother will take you guys and dogs...Ahhhhh! Brother will take you young lovers to have a spicy drink!"

I didn't expect to take this opportunity to join the League of Legends!

You know, with Da Fei's level and strength, if any team didn't look down on him, he would have left the scavengers and Zhang Yi a long time ago.

Now it can be admired by the League of Legends that has a leg with King's Landing!

Da Fei said excitedly: "Thank you for your appreciation!"

At this time, the scavenger looked at the two of Da Fei and Xiao Yueyue, with a face full of disbelief.

"It's not true, Da Fei, Xiao Yueyue, tell me, it's not true!"

"Xiao Yueyue, I'm so good to you, you can't betray me, right?"

"Hehe~" Xiao Yueyue sneered: "Are you good to me?"

"You don't take a picture of yourself with soaking urine. What kind of virtue is it that you, a garbage picker, are worthy of me?"

"To tell you the truth, Da Fei and I have been together a long time ago. Before you, they were all acting in front of you. Let's use you!"

Xiao Yueyue said to the scavengers with a face of disdain: "If it weren't for your value, which can bring us benefits, you would have been kicked far away by us!"

Da Fei was also holding Xiao Yueyue's waist, and laughed: "Poor Huangzi, Xiao Yueyue and I roll the sheets every night. You don't even know, do you think Xiao Yueyue is really interesting to you?"

"Oh, I hate it~" Xiao Yueyue let out a anger and blushed: "There are so many people, Da Fei, you can say anything!"

"It's okay." Da Fei laughed: "In the future, Brother Immortal and the brothers of the League of Legends will cover us. We are not afraid of being bullied. We will do whatever we want in the future!"

The scavengers fell into despair.

Da Fei urged the hero to immortal and said: "Brother Immortal, didn't this Human Race Beast Master often target you a few days ago? I will help you and kill him!"

With that said, Da Fei raised his spear and was ready for battle.

At this moment, the hero immortal suddenly received a message.

Suddenly his face changed.

"What's the matter, Brother Immortal?" Seeing the hero Immortal Dafei was a little bit wrong, asked.

The hero is immortal and said in a deep voice: "Junlin said that there is an urgent matter and call me to go over immediately!"

"What a coincidence..."

Da Fei frowned and said, "Isn't it in a hurry? Kill a few of them first!"

"The matter of King's Landing can't be delayed!"

"Brothers, withdraw first, this account will be settled by them next time!"

Apart from anything else, the immortal hero led a group of players from the League of Legends to evacuate quickly!

Da Fei was dumbfounded.

How is this like a joke? ?

But seeing the people in the League of Legends retreat collectively, Da Fei and Xiao Yueyue, who had been exposed, did not dare to stay with Zhang Yi and the others.

The people in the League of Legends hurriedly followed.

Until the people following the League of Legends followed the streets and dashed into a pile of city ruins.

Da Fei, who followed the Heroes of Immortality, panted and asked, "Brother Immortal, what the **** is so urgent over there?"

"It's okay." The hero said: "Junlin Tianxia just withdrew the message sent to me. He may have sent the wrong person."

Big fly:"???"

Dafei looked dazed, and didn't dare to ask more.

He smiled at the hero Immortal: "Brother Immortal, did I perform well today? I found the Human Beast Master for you!"

"Well, it's pretty good."

"Then, is there any reward for Brother Immortal?"

"What do you want?" the hero asked indefinitely.

Dafei then smiled: "What can you reward me, Brother Buchanan!"

As soon as the voice fell, the immortal hero as a warrior suddenly drew his sword.

"Puff" pierced Dafei's chest with a sword.

"Is it good to reward you for your death?"

Xiao Yueyue screamed in fright.

Da Fei has an incredible face: "Brother Immortal, you..."

The hero whose ID turned gray was immortal, and he said coldly: "I know the human betrayal master Yi Nuo Qingcheng who was just betrayed by you, who is it?"

"Isn't he... your enemy?"

"Yes, I was an enemy before." The hero said immortal: "But now."

"He is my boss!"

After speaking, the hero immortal drew the long sword from Da Fei's body.

In the next moment, several League of Legends archers behind them released arrows at the same time.

A round of concentrated fire attack smashed Da Fei in an instant, and the hero would never kill Da Fei with a sword!

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