Looking at the group of 47-level monsters.

Zhang Yi, who was only level 43, was a little weak.

This primary exploration technique is getting more and more useless!

Fortunately, someone posted the corpse beast data in the team chat:

[Rotten Corpse Beast] (Physics Department·Normal Monster):

Talent: Erosion (high-quality talent, the attack of the rotting corpse beast will make the enemy's skin fester, for 5 seconds, the attack by the rotting corpse beast will deepen it by 20%)

Level: 47

Physical attack power: 2520

Physical defense: 880

Magical defense: 750

Health value: 19500

Skills: rot infection, bite

Description: This group of corpse beasts were originally the demon guards that prevented aliens from chasing after the demon army was absconding. They are stationed at the death ferry all the year round. Anyone who tries to get close to the death ferry and wants to pass the Heishui River will be intercepted by these corpse beasts...

At this time, the hero screamed while pulling up the sword.

"Brothers, these corpse beasts are high-attack and crispy monsters. We only need to pay attention to protect the back row, and the knights and fighters will go forward and fight!"

"Everyone, let's make a quick fight!"

With the order of the hero immortal.

Everyone picked up the guy one after another and continued to approach the death ferry.

Ho Ho Ho!

There was a roar.

The three nearest rotting corpse beasts suddenly pulled away and ran over here!

Qiang Qiang!

In the queue, a dozen knights quickly ran to the front line to form a line to complete the formation.

Each set up a shield to form a line of defense.

At the next moment, the twenty archers and magicians behind them raised their bow and arrow wands one after another, ready to attack.

Just wait for the group of corpse beasts to step into the effective attack range within 50 meters.

Whoosh whoosh!

A series of dozens of sharp arrows mixed with magic balls, over the heads of the knights and warriors in the front row, fell and shot on the three corpse beasts that were at the brunt.

Blood-red damage exploded above their heads-





The strength of the League of Legends and the people who stop the war by war is in the middle or even lower.

It should be very difficult to deal with these 47-level monsters.

Fortunately, the defense power of these corpse beasts is very low!

Twenty archers and magicians attacked in a round of fire, and they also immediately smashed the corpse beasts.

Before they approached, the second round of attacks by the mages and archers had arrived, killing the three corpse beasts instantly!

Although the strength is average, there are so many people anyway, it is not a problem to deal with a few corpse beasts.

But in a blink of an eye, more corpse beasts were attracted over.

The next moment, roars broke out.

A large group of corpse beasts rushed in in front.

Facing this wave of at least fifty or sixty corpse beasts, the knight players guarding the front row couldn't help their legs become weak.

"Mage archer brothers behind, give me some strength! We're afraid we won't be able to hold on for long!"

Having said that, a row of knights simultaneously opened the copper wall and iron wall and taunted, greatly increasing their own damage reduction and the damage of the enemy.

At the same time, the pastors in the rear array are ready.

Immediately afterwards, the League of Legends and the twenty mage shooter players who ended the war with the battle began to attack again!


Countless flying arrow orbs shot past one after another, falling into the herd of beasts.

Burst a series of 1000-1500 points of damage above their heads.

It's okay to deal with two or three at a time.

But at the same time dealing with such a large group of corpse beasts, the League of Legends and the only twenty mage shooters in the fight with the war, the disadvantages were revealed.

Their single damage can only cause those corpse beasts to lose less than a tenth of their vitality.

Even if so many people gathered fire and attacked, the damage was dispersed and hit the group of corpse beasts without pain or itching.

Soon, in a roar, those corpse beasts rushed over directly against the rain of bullets from the players here, at the cost of the death of four corpse beasts!

Boom boom boom!

As there were knights guarding the front row, those corpse beasts could not directly enter, so they used their bodies to hit the line of defense.

Those huge corpse beasts are infinitely powerful.

Coupled with more than 2500 explosive high attack power, there is also an erosion talent that increases damage by 20%.

Under the violent impact, the knight players guarding the front row kept retreating, and the blood bars on their heads suffered more than two thousand super-high damage in a single time!

Twenty pastors in the back row started treatment at the same time, stabilizing the blood of the former queuing friends.

Fortunately, there are a lot of Cavaliers in the team.

The more than twenty knights who were only waiting in the front row were beaten and disabled, and they quickly retreated to change positions with the knights who were ready in the second row.

In an instant, a blood-filled line of defense appeared again.

And those knight players who withdrew took the opportunity to use potions and cooperate with the priest's treatment to recover.

Just when the League of Legends and the players who stopped the war with the war, went all out against the group of corpse beasts.

After the battle, Zhang Yi moved.


The hero is immortal and said to Zhang Yi: "The first level is just some little ones, don't bother you to do it yourself, just leave it to the brothers!"

"Minimize casualties as much as possible, we will fight quickly and start the next level."

With that said, Zhang Yi lifted the storm wand, took a few steps forward, and entered the effective range.

With the shelter of front teammates.

Zhang Yi started an undead storm and swallowed dozens of corpse beasts in a large area in front of him!


Under the fierce attack of the purple skull storm, the group of corpse beasts that were swallowed up jumped on top of their heads for about 1,000 points of damage!

Regardless of the damage done by Zhang Yi, it is not as high as the heroes of the League of Legends and those mage shooter players who fight to stop the battle.

Zhang Yi is playing a group attack.

Moreover, the purple undead storm has a single damage coefficient of only 30%!

Immediately after the Undead Storm, Zhang Yi then released the Storm Wand with the skill [Death Storm].

With chain lightning, fireball, freezing, and aurora.

Anyway, what skills are there to use what skills, where are the lights up, all the skills, all the brains are thrown out.

With the 30% full attribute bonus brought by the Chosen, plus the 14% damage increase after the equipment list is dropped, it brings a series of explosion damage to the group of corpse beasts——




-9468 Crit!


For those corpse beasts that were attacked, the blood bars on their heads were falling down!

The explosive output stunned the surrounding League of Legends and the Master Archer players who stopped the war by war.

You know, their attacks can only cause one to two thousand damage to the corpse beast.

And Zhang Yi’s damage almost tripled them!

Here, Zhang Yi first used his own abilities to smash all the corpse beasts to pieces with the rain and dew.

Immediately afterwards, the dragon blood knight was summoned, and a dragon blood fury covered the audience.





The dozens of dead blood corpse beasts around were all bombarded and killed by the red light bursting out from the feet of the dragon blood knight!

Seeing the fifty or sixty 47-level corpse beasts in front of them were all killed in seconds.

Everyone was too late to surprise.

Ahead, there are more corpse beasts on the side of Death Ferry!

At least hundreds of corpse beasts swarmed like a tide...

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