Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 251: Level 2: Dream Island

"Depend on!"

Seeing the countless corpse beasts flying in front of him, the heroes are immortal and pale in shock.

"There are so many here again, how can this be stopped!"

Zhang Yi said: "Change tactics!"

Zhan Tianxia hurriedly asked: "How to change?"

"The dragon blood knights are the main ones, and the rest of the knight professionals are supplementary."

"Arrange the line of defense. Don't ridicule everyone. Your task is not to let them rush into the back row. In addition, protect the parts of my blood knight that cannot be protected by shields. Try to make the blood knight face the enemy!"

"In addition, all priests concentrate on treating the knights around the blood knight, don't let them die!"

Hearing Zhang Yi's strategic deployment, the hero is unbreakable: "Boss, you mean, let your blood ride alone resist all the damage..."

"Fight as I said, hurry!"

Seeing that the group of rotten corpse beasts resembling evil wolves are getting closer and closer, the twenty mage shooter players in the team can't stop them from advancing at all.

There is no time to hesitate now.

As a result, the knight players in the front line immediately followed Zhang Yi's command to arrange the formation.

More than two dozen knights stood in a row holding shields.

In addition, there are several advanced knight players guarding the left, right and rear three positions of the dragon blood knight.

In this way, the dragon blood knight exposed to the corpse beasts, only the front protected by the devil's shield!

In this wave, more than a hundred corpse beasts!

Once they break through the front line of defense, within 3 seconds, the entire team will be destroyed.

Ho Ho Ho Ho!

In a roar overwhelming the sky.

As the group of corpse beasts charged, the entire ground was shaking.

Except for Zhang Yi, everyone in the audience had their legs weakened.

Soon, the group of corpse beasts rushed into the attack range.

Under Zhang Yi's control, guarding the forefront, only level 40 dragon blood knights launched taunts!


A silver light bloomed on the soles of the feet, covering the audience.

Because according to Zhang Yi's instructions, no other knight players on the field used taunts.

Therefore, the dragon blood knights taunted and attracted all the hatred of the corpse beasts.

Ho Ho Ho Ho!

Hundreds of corpse beasts flew towards the dragon blood knight.

The dragon king's body and dragon blood shield are fully open.

The next moment, the corpse beasts rushed over.

Use the devil shield to block the attacks of those corpse beasts.

Bang bang bang!

The corpse beasts slammed into the demon shield. Under the protection of the enhanced level 25 demon shield, the dragon blood knight only jumped up to six or seven hundred points of damage!

And every damage will be accompanied by a green recovery value of more than 2,400!

The attacks of those corpse beasts not only cannot cause a little damage to the dragon blood knight, but they are returning blood to him!

This scene stunned the heroes who were watching the battle behind them, and they were immortal.

Although the number of corpse beasts is huge, it is precisely because of this that they are crowded together, except for the nearest a dozen corpse beasts, which are blocked outside, they can't attack the dragon blood knight at all!

At the same time, under the close protection of several League of Legends guarding around the Dragon Blood Knights and the close protection of the Fighting Knights Knights, the other three positions of the Dragon Blood Knights were secured.

All the attacks he receives from the front will trigger the devil's shield to reduce damage and restore blood.

From beginning to end, the blood bar on the head is full.

However, the health bars of the several knight players who were protecting the dragon blood knights were violent.

They couldn't resist the damage of the corpse beast at all.

Fortunately, the twenty priests behind, regardless of the dragon blood knights who brought their blood back, they hit the target of the treatment on the three knights who were close to protecting him around the dragon blood knight.

There are 20 priests on the field, treating three people.

On average, for every knight, there are six or seven priests healing at the same time!

Under such a huge amount of treatment, the blood bars on the heads of those knight players fluctuated as high and low, up and down.

After a while, it will fall to half, and then it will be full of blood in an instant.

As long as they are not killed in seconds, there will be no danger to their lives.

The treatment of the teammates of the pastor in the back can always pull them back from the ghost gate.

Thus, the dragon blood knight alone blocked the corpse beast army.

The knights in the back row who were still weak in their legs were all stunned.

The most frightening thing is that the corpse beasts that are attacking the dragon blood knight will suffer as much as 8,500 damages each time they encounter the dragon blood knight!

With their total energy and blood of less than 20,000, those corpse beasts touched the dragon blood knight two or three times, and they directly killed themselves!

Others did not dare to act rashly, for fear that the hatred of the corpse beast would be drawn to themselves.

Although the Dragon Blood Knight has no pressure to resist these corpse beasts, if it is replaced by someone else, it will be lost in the blink of an eye.

During this period, even Zhang Yi dared not act.

It seems that something is waiting.

Defensively resisted the attacks of these corpse beasts for about a minute.

Under Zhang Yi's control, the Dragon Blood Knight, who finally completed the one-minute skill cooldown, did not hesitate to release his skills——

Dragon Blood Fury!


The red shock wave bloomed along the dragon blood knight's feet, swallowing hundreds of corpse beasts around it.

A round of damage of up to 9179 points directly knocked out those corpse beast blood bars in half!

At this time, Zhang Yi finally launched an attack.

Storm of Undead!

Death storm!

Lightning chain!

Boom boom boom boom!

With the bombardment of the surrounding mage shooter teammates, the corpse beasts frantically harvesting blood.

Lin Qian, the Chosen, also wandered behind the beast herd with a dagger, and with the bonus from the buff of the Chosen, launched a sneak attack on the corpse beast.

After being consumed by a wave of dragon blood knights and destroying half of their blood, these corpse beasts with residual blood became much easier to deal with.

It took a few minutes for everyone to destroy the group of corpse beasts in a state of zero casualties!

"Ding~The first level has been passed, and the second level has been opened: Dream Island! The map location has been updated, please follow the map guidance to go to the second level!"

Follow the system prompts to fall.

Looking at the corpses of corpse beasts piled up in the surrounding mountains, until the end of the battle, the heroes are immortal and they have not recovered from the battle of the world.

This Nima... is completely the boss and his blood riding on the fly, and the rest are all support!

The heroes are immortal and the hearts of the world are more surrender to their boss.

At the same time, they finally understood why Zhang Yi chose more knights when he asked them to choose people.

In this battle, if the lineup were a little bit crisper, the whole army would have been wiped out long ago.

Thanks to the number of knights, it was possible to stop the attack of the group of corpse beasts.

After passing the first level, the trophies on the field were cleared, and everyone came to the death ferry.

I saw that there were a large number of small boats docked on the shore, probably each boat could accommodate five or six people.

So, with five people as a group, a group of people was divided into 20 teams to form a fleet.

Follow the map and rush to Dream Island.

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