On the way to Dream Island, it was not peaceful either.

When passing through that piece of water, he was attacked by the level 48 [Demonized Piranha] from the deep water area.

Wandered on the water for more than three hours.

When the 20 fleets arrived at Dream Island, only 17 were left.

There were no casualties in the first level [Death Ferry], but on the way to the second level, 18 people were lost!

When they landed, there were only 82 people left in the team.

The second level, Dream Island.

It is a checkpoint that requires division of labor and cooperation.

The requirement to pass the level is that players need to hunt 1,000 level 49 flash killer crabs on the island and activate the teleportation array in the third level.

The difficulty lies in the huge number of killer crabs living in the coconut grove, but the flash killer crab is one in a hundred.

Under normal circumstances, this level is naturally composed of five people as a team, and they work together in a division of labor.

Under Zhang Yi's proposal, the League of Legends and the players who ended the battle by war adopted new tactics.

All the warriors and knights entered the coconut grove to lure the flash killer crab out, while the mage archer was waiting outside the forest.

Those flash killer crabs come out every second.

While reducing the threat of all employees, it also increases efficiency.

Therefore, under this mode of division of labor and cooperation, the battle continued until eight o'clock in the evening, and a system prompt that everyone was looking forward to finally sounded——

"Ding~ Attention all players: The flash killing crab hunting progress has been completed. Congratulations on passing the second level!"

"The third level portal has been opened. Please pass through the portal and go to the third level! (Note: The final level will be protected and restricted by the system. Those who are not recipients of the mission will not be able to enter, and those who have died will not be able to enter

Night fell.

As the prompts from the system spread, a conspicuous white light curtain was refreshed in front of the coconut grove.

Just waited for all the teammates who were attracting strangers in the coconut grove to withdraw, and counted the number of people.

In the second level, more than a dozen people were swept away. Up to now, there are only 70 people left in the team.

This loss is relatively small.

If you change to a regular lineup, and then use regular flow to overcome the second level, I am afraid that there will be one-third of the people left at this time, it is fortunate.

As a result, the remaining 70 people stepped into the light curtain and disappeared on the Dream Island.

As soon as they turned their eyes, everyone came to a huge doomsday camp.

It is different from the human architectural style.

In this camp, all the black castles that came into view were all black castles, and the damage was very serious, with a damage rate of 70%.

Under the cover of darkness, it was full of gloom.

After everyone in the team came in, the light curtain behind him disappeared.

The back road has been blocked. If you want to get out from here, you can only pass the third level.

System protection, while preventing the next mission from being snatched by other players, it also restricts foreign aid.

Next, they can only rely on Zhang Yi themselves.

At this moment, the prompt of the system also passed down.

"Ding~The final level has been opened: the base of the demons!"

"Please enter the core area of ​​the Demon Base and kill [Dark Commander Yeluqi] who lives in the core area! Please note: There is a powerful Demon Legion in the Demon Base. Players Be careful!"

"Is it finally the last level!"

Lin Qian couldn't help but sigh softly when looking at the Demon Clan base that was shrouded in darkness ahead.

At this time, the hero swallowed deeply and said: "Rare-level team tasks, the rewards should be very rich!"

Zhan Tianxia began to fantasize: "4-star equipment, purple skill book, 4-star treasure chest..."

The surrounding League of Legends and the players who stop the war with war also have their own expectations.

Zhang Yi opened the small map and looked at it.

I found that this demons base is very large. Starting from their current location, if you want to reach the core area, plus the demons will be intercepted by the demons on the way, it will take three or four hours!

Moreover, once formally stepped into the base, facing the Demon Seed Legion that covered the entire base, there would be no chance to rest.

So Zhang Yi said: "Find a place, rest the whole army, restore fatigue, and then play the last level."

After a day of exhaustion, there was not much fatigue left, so Zhang Yi's proposal was approved by everyone.

However, the immortal hero found a problem: "We won't sleep in the wild..."

"Whatever you want, you can sleep wherever you like."

With that said, Zhang Yi opened his backpack and took out the tent he had bought in the city in the morning before he came out.

Upon seeing this, the hero is immortal and the world is surprised and surprised.

"Boss, when did you buy the tent... Do you know we are going camping outside?"

"I remember, it's no wonder that when I was waiting for you in the dungeon, the boss said you would go back to the city to buy something. It turns out that you just went to prepare a tent!"

"Stop talking nonsense and set up a tent!"

In the world of Apocalypse, if you camp in the wild, you must have a tent to recover from fatigue during rest.

Because of the limited space in their backpacks, Zhang Yi and Lin Qian each brought out only 10 tents.

Seventy people, with an average of three to four people in a tent, set up camp and began to rest.

As everyone knows, just as everyone settled down, in the darkness, a pair of eyes were spying on them...

It wasn't until the surroundings returned to silence that the monster with the ID mark of [lv50 Demonic Patrolman] on its head did it retreat towards the darkness behind him.

late at night.

Wan Lai was all silent.

Yu Zhan Tianxia slept in a tent, and the hero who was holding Zhan Tianxia's leg dreaming was immortal, and was suddenly awakened by a scream.

"what happened?!"

The hero is immortal and wars the world and wakes up at the same time.

The sudden screams and low roars also awakened all the sleeping people in the other tents.

"There are enemies!"

Accompanied by a shout.

The hero is immortal and wars the world and rushes out of the tent wearing gear like flying quickly.

As soon as he ran outside the tent, Zhan Tianxia was thrown to the ground by several monsters that sprang out of nowhere!

It is exactly the same as the Dark Demon Seed in the Dark Cemetery, except that the level of the Dark Demon Seed here is much higher.

Zhan Tianxia, ​​who was thrown to the ground by several dark magic seeds, hadn't realized what was going on, the blood bar on his head was instantly emptied under the siege of a few magic seeds.

The next moment, a white light of "Wow" lit up, and in the face of the hero's immortality, Zhan Tianxia was killed in seconds.

"Fuck..." The hero is immortal and stunned: "Brother go all the way!"

The hero was so scared that he drew his sword and quickly cooperated with the teammates around him to fight against these dark demons.

The League of Legends and the players who ended the battle with war just woke up from their sleep and don't know what happened.

In all directions, countless dark demons were already surrounded.

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