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Chapter 253: Invasion of the Demons Legion

"Damn! The Demon Seed Army has attacked us, please be careful!"

I don't know who heard it. The players who were half awake realized that they had been attacked.


The screams mixed with white light, one after another.

Unsuspectingly, the League of Legends who were attacked by the demons and the players who stopped the war with war suffered heavy losses.

At least thirty or forty Dark Demon Seeds, until they were killed by Zhang Yi and the others, the team suffered huge losses.

The number of survivors plummeted to 50, and even the heroes of the Chosen were dead to save the United States!

The heroes who survived by chance were immortal, and looked at the corpses of the dark demons lying on the ground all around, with a shock.

"Does even monsters know how to sneak attack?"

"Don't underestimate the enemies that the team needs to face. They are different from ordinary monsters." Zhang Yi said.

In the sound of words, Zhang Yi looked around and asked the hero, "Where is the world?"

"Go to heaven."

"Why is he so watery..." Zhang Yi frowned.

At this time, news of Zhan Tianxia came in the team chat channel.

"Brothers, look at you, it's hard to get to this point, this task must be successful! (fist) (fist

The hero is immortal: "The boss said why you are so watery!"

Fighting the world: "..."

The time is midnight.

Almost all the tents were destroyed, and there was no way to continue resting.

Therefore, Zhang Yi and the rest of the people, with the fatigue of 40 or 50, followed the map guidance, and began to enter the last level: the core area of ​​the Mozu base!

This road can be described as overcoming obstacles.

I don't know how many dark demons blocking the way have been killed.

It took more than three hours to finally reach the core area.

This is a huge black castle.

A breath of death faintly radiated from the castle.

It can be clearly felt that there is a big guy living in this old castle!

Obviously, that big guy is the ultimate goal of this team mission: Dark Commander Yeluqi!

Everyone did not hesitate, and approached the castle in a hug.

At this moment, a roar suddenly came from the castle——

"Who would dare to break into my demons base!"

As soon as the voice fell, a humanoid monster with a height of at least three meters facing upwards, wearing black armor and holding two giant swords, stepped out of the castle!

The whole body was full of black energy, and on the head of the black armored monster, a line of blood-red ID greeted everyone's eyes——

Lv50 Dark Commander Yeluqi (Physics Department·3-star boss)!

"It's actually a level 50 3-star boss!"

The hero is immortal and can't help taking two steps backwards.

"We only have 50 people, can we beat such a big boss!"

"If you can't beat it, you have to beat it." Zhang Yi said: "Set up an array, fight!"

Apart from anything else, everyone quickly began to line up.

More than 30 knights and warriors lined up in two rows to guard the front.

The only twenty master archers and priests remaining behind are ready to go.

No one on the field has reached level 47, so no one can see the boss's data.

Can only fight with sullen head.


The dark commander dragged two giant swords, and approached here with sparks and lightning.

The sharp eyes exuding red light quietly watched the League of Legends and the players who stopped fighting by war.


"The ants of Moonlight City, relying on you, dare to trespass the demons!"

"court death!"

With a burst of shouts.

The dark commander swung his great sword and cut to the ground.


Two powerful sword lights swept across the sky.

Several knights in the League of Legends quickly raised their shields to block, barely blocking the sword light, and a huge amount of damage of more than 5000 points jumped on their heads!

In the next moment, the Dark Commander galloped over and swept the knights with a single sword.

When landing, accompanied by two white lights, the three knights hung two directly.

"Damn! The damage is so high!" The hero is immortal and pales in shock.

At the same time, the mage archers in the rear started shooting at the boss.

Whoosh whoosh...

The sharp arrow and the magic ball bombarded the dark commander's body, exploding a round of 1000 points of damage above his head.

Immediately afterwards, the Dark Commander stationed with two giant swords at the same time, releasing two powerful shock waves towards the surroundings.

In an instant, the front line of defense was dispersed.

Dozens of knights were beaten maimed, and the soldiers were killed directly!

The mage shooter behind was unscathed because of being protected by the front row.


The death of the nine fighters left the heroes completely desperate: "It's over, it's impossible to fight!"

At this moment, a voice came from behind: "You can fight!"

Looking back, Zhang Yi could only hear Zhang Yi said: "Let them retreat, protect the nanny."

It's unbelievable that the hero is immortal: "Then who will fight the damage?"

"He resists."

As he said, a white light shone in front of him, and the Dragon Blood Knight was summoned.

Holding the devil's shield, a dozen sword lights that had been hacked by the dark commander in succession charged forward.

Swords of light enough to air every second, every second, continued to bombard the demon shield.

The boss’s damage is indeed too high, even if it is a dragon blood knight protected by a demon shield, three or four thousand damage is constantly jumping on the top of his head!

However, compared to other people, the damage suffered by the Dragon Blood Knight is already very low!

And after every injury, a recovery of more than 2,000 will follow.

It is equivalent to the damage suffered by the Dragon Blood Knight in a single time, only more than 1,000 points!

With the buff bonus of the Chosen, the dragon blood knight with a total blood volume of 30,000 rushed past the dark commander's attack, completely not afraid!

And under the action of the dragon blood body, while continuing to attack the dragon blood knight, the dark commander's head is constantly jumping up to more than 8200 points of anti-injury damage!

The total health of the dark commander is about 2 million.

After more than a dozen anti-injuries, its health bar has fallen to 95%!

And the dragon blood knight's blood bar, after a wave of [Holy Light Self-Healing] recovery, there are two-thirds left!

Everyone was stunned.

The dragon blood knights attacked with defense and attacked with high levels of injury, which made the League of Legends and the players who stopped the battle to speak out of perversion.

Seeing that the dragon blood knight can really resist the damage of the boss alone, the hero immortalizes hastily ordered.

"All the priests will heal the blood knight! The rest of the people will give me to protect the priest, don't let the priest hang up!"

As a result, the tactics changed.

The dozen or so warriors and knights who had resisted damage in the front all withdrew back and handed the front line to the dragon blood knight alone.

They ran to the back, forming a few large circles between Zhang Yi and the remaining five pastors in the team, and firmly protected them.

Five priests started treatment at the same time.


Green light shone on the dragon blood knight's head.

The recovery value between 2000-3000 points one by one makes the dragon blood knight's health bar instantly recover to its full value!

Immediately afterwards, alone blocking the dark commander's dragon blood knight, he moved his bloodbath spear, and shot a **** shot towards the dark commander.

-29214 Crit!

The character broke out, and there was another crit!

With a single shot, the Dragonblood Knight directly stabbed 1.5% of the blood of the level 50 3-star boss Dark Commander!

From behind, there was a sound of cold breath.

"My mother, this is a level 50 3-star boss..."

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