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Chapter 254: Dark Commander Yeluzi

Ever since, the core of this boss is all placed on the dragon blood knight.

The remaining more than 30 people, among them more than 20 warriors and knights, dedicated themselves to protecting the priest and the mage archer.

There was a dragon blood knight in front of him, resisting the dark commander.

It looks like a dragon blood knight singles out a level 50 3-star boss, which is incredible!

Except for the Dragon Blood Knight, there was no one on the court who could withstand the boss' damage.

Qiang Qiang!

The dark commander slashed the demon shield in front of the dragon blood knight with one sword after another. On top of his head, more than 8,200 anti-injuries were continuously jumped up. The blood bar fell down little by little at a speed visible to the naked eye. ...

Except for the priest's constant treatment, everyone in the back was shocked, and even the mage archer was shocked and forgot to attack.

Until Zhang Yi's reminder.

"Don't be in a daze, as long as there is damage, you can make a contribution!"

"Hit it!"

As soon as the voice fell, Zhang Yi started a fireball technique, freezing technique, combined with aurora technique, and exploded more than 10,000 damage on the dark commander's body!

However, Zhang Yi’s painstaking damage from a set of skills has not been swept away by the Dragon Blood Knight with a single shot...

Not to mention the others.

They don't have the 4-star enhanced full-level weapon in Zhang Yi's hand, and they don't have the buff bonus of the Chosen One.

The damage caused is even minimal.

The dragon blood knight alone controls everything.

Because the counter-injury hurts more than everyone on the court.

Therefore, the hatred of BOSS is firmly locked on the dragon blood knight, even if it is not under the influence of taunting.

The only threat to the back row was when the dark commander used his group attack skills.

With group skills, Dragon Blood Knights cannot stand alone.

However, with the close protection of warriors and knights, Zhang Yi and the others will not be threatened.

As a result, the blood bar on the top of the dark commander's head fell down little by little.

The battle lasted for more than ten minutes, and the blood of the dark commander had passed the mutation period and dropped to 25%...

Everyone in the rear was dumbfounded.

It's like, what's going on before is an epic duel between BOSS and BOSS.

The strength displayed by the Dragon Blood Knight is no less than that of a BOSS!

The vitality of BOSS is still falling.




The mood of everyone has become more and more excited.

Seeing that the BOSS is about to be taken down.

At this moment, the Dark Commander suddenly took two steps back and stopped attacking the Dragonblood Knight.

At the same time, there was a roar, and a burst of red light appeared all over his body.

"what's the situation?"

After the battle, the hero is immortal and stunned: "Didn't it have passed the mutation period? Is it necessary to force mutation?"

Zhang Yi frowned: "It's going to zoom in!"


The heroes are immortal and the others around them are all stunned.

And Zhang Yi did not have time to explain to them at this time.

In the world of apocalypse, players can learn a big move after completing three turns at level 50.

The same is true for BOSS.

BOSS above level 50 will have a powerful ultimate.

Because I have never encountered a level 50 boss before, the heroes can't destroy them, and I don't know that there is a big move.

So, the hero immortalized and asked: "Then how do we deal with its big move?"

Zhang Yi shouted: "Run!"

After speaking, Zhang Yi was the first to turn around and ran away, very decisive.

The others were taken aback, and hurriedly ran with Zhang Yi.

However, it was still a step slower.

"Ding~please note: [Dark Commander Yelvqi] is about to release its big move, please take care of it!"

I saw the dark commander glowing red all over, holding up two huge swords, and slamming the ground.

"The ants, let this commander go to death!"


The two swords merged into one, forming a powerful red light wave that swept around.

In an instant, all Zhang Yi who had run out of the range of the dark commander's hatred were all swallowed by the light wave.

Amidst the screams, the surrounding teammates were all killed by one blow.

Dozens of bright white lights illuminate the darkness.

Only Zhang Yi and Lin Qian, who were protected by the Dragon Blood Knight using the [Dragon Blood Shield], survived with a trace of residual blood.

Looking around, let alone Lin Qian, even Zhang Yi was stunned.

This boss big move is so fierce!

Looking back, I found that after releasing the ultimate move, the blood of the Dark Commander suddenly dropped from 8% to 3%!

It turned out that it was a big move that was released by sacrificing its own energy and blood.

Obtaining the enhancement of blood makes the power of the ultimate move stronger!

Before the battle, the Dragon Blood Knight also had only a trace of blood.

Beheaded by the dark commander with a sword.

"Ding~ It's a pity that your monster [Dragon Blood Knight] died in battle!"

As the dragon blood knight turned into a little starlight disappeared.

The health bar of the Dark Commander fell to 2% after being wounded.

Crossing the two swords, the dark commander is beginning to accumulate power for new skills.


Two sword lights came to Zhang Yi and Lin Qian at the same time.


Zhang Yi quickly used the flash, moved to Lin Qian's side, pushed her away in a daze, and at the same time rolled over by himself, avoiding Jianguang's attack in anguish.

Unexpectedly, it was the moment when the dark commander used the charge to approach it, and he flew with a sword.

"Ding~ You were attacked by [Dark Commander] and lost 6385 HP. You are dead!"

"Brother Zhang Yi!"

The system's battle reminder and Lin Qian's helpless cry made Zhang Yi's heart sink.

"It's over..."

At the same time, at the resurrection spring of Moonlight City, the heroes are immortal and the world, as well as the more than 90 League of Legends and the players who participated in this team mission, are stuck there, full of nervousness and anticipation.

"There are only two people left, the boss and his little mistress, can you get through it?" Zhan Tianxia said worriedly.

The hero is immortal with a serious look: "When I died, the BOSS had only 3% of the blood left. Both of them were chosen by nature, and they had the boss, they should have been able to fight..."

"As long as the boss is not dead, we have hope!"

As soon as the voice fell, the white light fell from the Resurrection Spring, and Zhang Yi was teleported back and appeared in front of everyone.

A group of people looked at Zhang Yi who had been killed back, dumbfounded.

"It's over..."

"It's so close!!!"

"Ahhhh! Our day's hard work is all in vain!"

Even Zhang Yi felt unprecedented despair.

If it was yourself who had just survived, there might be hope.

Now only Lin Qian is alive, even if the BOSS only has 2% vitality, she will definitely not be able to fight.

Just when everyone thought that the mission had failed.

A system prompt sounded--

"Ding~Congratulations to your team for completing the rare-level team task [Darkness Strikes]. You have obtained basic rewards: experience value +8500000, alien prestige +4800, gold coins +300!"

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