
Numerous golden lights lit up all around.

With the extremely rich experience rewards of the rare team missions, the League of Legends and the players who died from the battle to stop the battle have all been upgraded to more than 2 consecutive levels, and most of them are even upgraded to 3 consecutive levels!

Zhang Yi, who fell back to level 42, had experience directly added to the maximum limit of 3 times. The overflowed experience made Zhang Yi rise to level 43, and the remaining experience was still up to 2.8 times!

At this moment, everyone was dumbfounded.


Zhang Yi is also a little weird.

Just after he died, the only person in the team who survived was Lin Qian.

With Lin Qian's strength, how could it be possible to kill the dark commander who still has 2% blood? !

Just when everyone felt unimaginable, a white light shattered at the resurrection spring.

Lin Qian is back.

It's just that she didn't come back from death, but used the scroll of city return, chose the resurrection spring as the location, and teleported it back.

Seeing Lin Qian, Zhang Yi asked everyone's doubts.

"how did you do it?"

Lin Qian smiled with a smile behind her hands: "Am I good?"

Zhang Yi was unbelievable: "With your damage, it is impossible to win the boss singledly."

"But you didn't see it, it only had this little blood in the end!"

"It still has 2% blood..."

"Oh!" Lin Qian curled her lips: "Why are you struggling with this problem, shouldn't you praise me? I killed the boss and completed the team task~"

"You don't praise me, huh, not happy~"


Zhang Yi said, "I really didn't expect it, this time I do thank you."

"Cut, perfunctory~" Lin Qian curled her lips again.

Zhang Yi sighed.

At the moment he died just now, he really thought that this mission had failed.

Especially the hero is immortal and fights the world.

Using the survival mission, the chance of a resurrection that was finally brushed up was so gone, not to mention, I thought that the mission was also ruined, and lost his wife and broke down.

So, apart from joy, everyone focused their attention on the ultimate reward.

Exclusive team tasks.

In addition to the basic rewards, all players participating in team missions have an opportunity to choose additional rewards after completing the mission.

Zhang Yi casually opened the reward collection interface.

The reward displayed in the interface really includes 4-star equipment!

Zhang Yi was suddenly surprised.

Because at this stage, 4-star equipment is still an existence that can be called an artifact!

Looking at the entire Moonlight City, the total number of 4-star equipment owned by players does not exceed ten.

This makes Zhang Yi's storm wand and demon shield still hold the second and sixth place in the Moonlight City equipment list!

In this round of rewards, a total of 2 pieces of 4-star equipment, 1 4-star treasure chest, purple skill book, 3-star dual-prime attribute dark suit, etc., all kinds of top-quality equipment and props!

In addition to these regular rewards, Zhang Yi also saw a special reward...

Epic quality magic scroll: Darkness is coming!

In the previous life, the team that grabbed the boss of the dungeon was the one who completed the task of this team, and it was this magic scroll that was used!

This is the first time Zhang Yi in this life has seen an epic-quality magic scroll.

I have to say, a little excited.

Because this special reward is issued directly, there is no need to consume the only chance to receive the prize.

Zhang Yi clicked the scroll, and the scroll fell into Zhang Yi's backpack automatically.

Open the backpack, take out the scroll and take a look.

[Darkness is Coming] (Epic Magic Scroll):

Description: After using the scroll, darkness will fall within one mile of the user, and all enemies shrouded in darkness will reduce their damage by 90% for a duration of 30 seconds.

Note: This scroll has a special suppression effect on the ultimate boss of the dark dungeon [Dark Ruler · Doomsday Corpse King]. When the Doomsday Corpse King is in the dark, the damage from the scroll user is increased by 10 times.

Worthy of being an epic magic scroll!

As for the effect of this scroll, Zhang Yi, who is very sparse and talented, can only use the words "very awesome" to describe it.

No wonder the team that got the scroll in the previous life could **** the boss in the hands of so many high-level teams in Moonlight City.

In this life, rushing to get this scroll in front of that team, Zhang Yi is 90% sure that he can grab the ultimate boss in the dungeon!

In addition, according to the contribution of the task, to rank and receive awards.

After systematic calculation, Zhang Yi, who contributed the most in this team task, has the right to choose the first reward.

The reward here is for Zhang Yi to choose.

Zhang Yi naturally chose the 4-star equipment reward without hesitation.

"Ding~Congratulations on obtaining 4-star Beastmaster equipment [Dark Boots] x1 at random!"

Opening the backpack and taking out the boots, Zhang Yi was dumbfounded.

[Dark Boots] (one of the wizard's dark suits):

Quality: 4 stars

Level: 45

Physical defense: 140

Magical defense: 130

Additional attributes: Agility +35, Agility +35, Agility +35

Durability: 20/20

Profession requirements: Magician, Beastmaster

Additional Skills: Dark Guardian (the equipped person will get dark shelter, when attacking your enemy, the weapon is equipped with the dark suit, the damage you receive will be reduced by 40%)

Description: Equipment forged using the power of darkness. It is said that those who wear a complete darkness suit can obtain the power of darkness...

It is actually a 4-star wizard dark suit, and it is also a 3 agility additional attribute!

The additional skill Dark Guardian is even more abnormal.

Because in the predominant stage of the dark suit, almost everyone will now have a dark weapon, which is equivalent to Zhang Yi being injured by the player, which is directly reduced by 40%!

There were not enough level 4 strengthening stones in the bag to strengthen, and Zhang Yi's level was not enough, so he temporarily put the boots of darkness in the bag.

Continue to rank according to contribution.

Lin Qian, who was in second place, chose another 4-star equipment.

The heroes are immortal and fight the world, but they choose the skill book treasure chest, 3-star dark equipment and other rewards.

On the whole, everyone is very satisfied after receiving the award.

This team task has been successfully concluded!

It was also four o'clock in the morning, and even though a group of people had just received a generous reward and was so excited, they still had to rest.

"Boss!" The hero immortal and Zhan Tianxia almost shouted in unison, shouting to Zhang Yi.

"Thank you, boss, for giving us this opportunity!"

In the eyes of the immortal heroes, this is an honor.

Because Zhang Yi could actually find Sky and people in the Hall of Fame to do this task, but Zhang Yi chose them.

Zhang Yi said, "It's okay, just behave well, next time there is this kind of opportunity, it will be yours."

The hero immortal and Zhan Tianxia looked at each other, ecstatic.

"Thank you boss!"

As a result, everyone went to the hotel to rest one after another.

Zhang Yi intends to go to the auction house to buy some level 4 strengthening stones to strengthen the dark boots for equipment.

Today is Sunday, and the survival mission will be refreshed tomorrow.

Zhang Yi is planning to use these 4-star dark boots to complete the last survival mission of the week: [Strong Equipment].

Just as Zhang Yi was about to go to the auction house alone, Lin Qian suddenly followed.

"Brother Zhang Yi, you saved me again just now!"

"When?" Zhang Yi was taken aback, and suddenly remembered that it seemed that when he was playing the boss, he finally gave her a push, which indeed saved her life.

Therefore, Zhang Yi said: "The next time you fight, don't be dazed, like a silly person."

"You're just naive!"

"Just ready to give you something, you scold me, I won't give it to you!"

Lin Qian shook a blood-colored ring on the palm of her hand in front of Zhang Yi.

[World Destroyer] (4-star mage ring)!

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