"Xiao Yarou, why are you walking so fast!"

On the street where people come and go in Extreme Ice City.

The peak emperor and the others quickly caught up with Han Yarou and the uncle.

Running to the front of Han Yarou, Young Master Pinnacle turned to face Han Yarou, carrying a large sword in both hands, while walking backwards, while staring at Han Yarou.

"Xiao Yarou, why do you look so good! Every time I see you, I feel better!"

Han Yarou turned her face away, she didn't want to pay attention to the peak emperor.

The peak emperor has a thick-skinned face.

"Just look at me right away. Anyway, I think I'm pretty good-looking and powerful, and I have a team under him!"

Young Master Pinnacle didn't know where his self-confidence came from, and he always thought he was awesome.

"Don't you really consider being with me? I can protect you!"

Han Yarou frowned and said, "I told you that I already have a boyfriend!"

"You say that every time~"

Young Master Pinnacle disagrees: "But I have never seen your boyfriend come out. Is it your boyfriend out of thin air?"

"Xiao Yarou, let me tell you that you are with me, and the future is greatly reduced. I will take you to a drink... Ouch!"

The retreating peak Huang Shao didn't pay attention and was tripped by a stone and sat on the ground.

Han Yarou took this opportunity to quickly bypass the peak emperor, and went out of the city with her uncle.

"Young Master Huang is okay..."

The little brothers of the pinnacle hall quickly helped the pinnacle emperor from the ground.

Touching his butt, Young Master Pinnacle stared at Han Yarou's back, baring his teeth and said: "I have a personality, I like it! I am more and more interested in you!"

Having said that, Young Master Pindian followed up.

"Brothers, let's practice wherever they go!"

"Xiao Yarou, I must chase you down!"

"Wait for me, I am coming!"

The younger brothers were behind, looking helpless.

So, they went out of the city with the uncle Han Yarou.

Han Yarou's appearance is indeed outstanding, coupled with a black priest [dark suit], the dark wind combined with the first love face, reveals a strange beauty.

On the road, the passing rate of male players turned back as high as 90%.

However, because the equipment special effects are turned off, it is difficult for ordinary people to directly see that Han Yarou is wearing a full set of dark suits.

After all, it is not only the color of the dark suit that is black.

So the players who turn around are all looking at their looks.

The peak emperor asked a few younger brothers to surround Han Yarou and not show it to other players.

He is walking side by side with Han Yarou.

"Xiao Yarou, to be honest, you are alone, what should you do if you are bullied?" Young Feng Huang looked concerned.

"I have an uncle to protect me."

Han Yarou said to Young Master Pin Feng: "And my boyfriend will come to me from the main alien city after a while, and my boyfriend will protect me!"

"Here again, I don't believe you have a boyfriend!"

The pinnacle emperor is reluctant and unforgiving.

"I know it's because we just met, you are embarrassed."

"But it's okay, I won't give up on you anyway, let's get acquainted with each other slowly!"

Young Master Pinnacle confidently said: "After you know my strength and what kind of person I am, I believe you will change your mind!"

Then, the peak emperor talked endlessly like a word.

"Xiao Yarou, where are you going to level up?"

"I will also go to leveling with you, it's okay, you practice yours, we practice ours!"

"I feel so happy to see Xiao Yarou all the time when I'm leveling!"

Facing the pinnacle emperor who stalked Han Yarou, the uncle on the side also remained silent.

Because I have been in contact with the people of Pinnacle Hall for several days.

When I first got acquainted, because other players caused trouble, I was saved by the people of the Peak Hall.

Had it not been for the shameless Young Master Pinnacle, Han Yarou would still have a good impression of him as a life-saver.

As long as Young Master Pinnacle doesn't do anything excessive to Han Yarou, the uncle doesn't bother to care about him as a kid.

In addition, Zhang Yi's explanation to him when he mentioned this "Pinnacle Hall" to Zhang Yi just now...

So far, Young Master Pinnacle has only verbally stalked Han Yarou, he has never touched Han Yarou.

Therefore, Young Master Peak Emperor and the others continued to surround Han Yarou and walk with them.

At this moment, there was a stir in the surrounding area.

Suddenly, a large group of players rushed out from nowhere, and they couldn't help but surrounded the uncles and the people in the pinnacle hall!

According to the ID characteristics on the top of that group of players, it can be judged that it is another family power.

Moreover, this group of players made the peak emperor and the uncle feel very familiar with them.

The ID prefix on everyone's head is the word "Ace".

The strongest trump card!

When Xiao Fenghuang first met his uncle and Han Yarou, he happened to be bullied by them.

And the one who bullied them at that time was the strongest trump card!

Seeing that these guys were making trouble again, the uncle and Han Yarou couldn't help frowning.

At this time, among the more than twenty strongest ace players who surrounded the uncle and the others.

A 46-level middle-aged warrior man headed by, trump card, mad fighting, sneered, and said to Han Yarou and the others: "It's not that we met again."

"It's okay, Xiao Yarou, don't be afraid."

Peak Emperor looked at Han Yarou, who was frowning, and said, "I will protect you!"

Having said that, the peak emperor looked at the trump card and fought wildly.

"Why, we haven't been abused enough by our Pinnacle Hall last time, so came to look for abuse again?"

"Your Peak Palace, what kind of rubbish?"

Ace and Kuangzhan pointed at the peak emperor, and shouted: "Last time I didn't rely on your large numbers of people, but with your rubbish, can you be my strongest ace opponent?"

Pinnacle Huang Shao laughed: "A joke, if you can't beat it, you can't beat it. There are so many reasons!"

"Why don't you say that a dozen of you were bullying the uncle and Xiao Yarou at the time? Aren't you bullying more and less?"

Ace and Kuangzhan were actually speechless.

The peak emperor went on to say: "Be more acquainted, hurry up and take your people to roll, or wait for me to do it. If you want to run, you can't get away!"

Ace and Kuangzhan suddenly felt strange: "I'm curious, why do you want to protect those two more than 30-level waste?"

Because the last time Ace and Crazy Fight were, and the first time I had trouble with Uncle and Han Yarou, both of them were only level 35.

So now, Trump and Kuangzhan still think that they are still more than 30 levels, and even the pinnacle emperor thinks so.

Because both the uncle and Han Yarou hid the grade mark.

No one will deliberately use exploration techniques to check their levels.

The peak emperor showed a row of white teeth: "You want to bully my future girlfriend, I naturally disagree!"

"Your girlfriend?"

Ace and Kuangzhan looked disdainful: "You don't take a **** and take pictures of yourself, as black as a ghost, black and ugly, she will be your girlfriend? Toad wants to eat swan meat!"

"You are thinking about fart!"

"I am black my health, is it in your way?"

"You are so ugly to me."


The peak emperor "wow" has to drew his sword at once.

"Skills can be killed but not insulted, ace dog thief, ready to die!"

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