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Chapter 260: I'll kill whoever touches Han Yarou

"You dare to yell at me even with you little trash?"

Ace and Kuangzhan looked at Pinnacle Huang Shao with disdain: "The stinky little furry boy, my uncle advises you to take care of your nostalgia. What I want is the woman behind you."

In the sound of words, the ace and Kuangzhan's eyes were fixed on the beautiful and delicious Han Yarou, her face was full of wretched colors.


Only then realized that the other party was also eyeing Han Yarou, and the peak emperor couldn't help but yelled: "You are a pervert!"

"We are half a cat, don't you go for the beauty of that chick?"

"Ah!" Young Master Pinnacle said: "I am pursuing an upright and bright pursuit. You are difficult for a strong man, despicable and shameless, can we two be the same?"

"It seems that you are taking care of this nosy?" Ace and Kuangzhan stared at the peak Huang Shao indifferently.

"Yes, Xiao Yarou's business is mine!"

The pinnacle emperor swung his sword straight at the trump card and fought wildly: "If you want to bully Xiao Yarou, you will pass my level first!"

"Let you see, my new Shenwu, Luo Shenjian is amazing!"


No more nonsense.

Trump and Kuangzhan gave an order: "Brothers, kill!"

"Kill the nosy trash gang of Pinnacle Hall, and get rid of that uncle, leaving only the chick!"

Following the trump card, the mad war gave an order.

In the surrounding area, more than 20 ace players have launched an offensive against the peak emperor and the others.

Many passersby players around, fell into a lot of discussions.

"Since ancient times, it's so lifeless for confidantes! It's all the war caused by that girl!"

"Yes, the two big teams fought for a woman, and that woman is quite impressive."

"The parent must be beautiful! If you are powerful and powerful, and have a team under your hand, you will also want to have such a beautiful girl by your side~"

"But having said that, that girl is indeed very beautiful! That little face is watery, tut tut..."

While discussing, everyone ate melons and watched the show.

On the field, the eight players in the Pinnacle Hall stood up to resist, but after all, it was impossible for more than 20 players to win the trump card.

The disadvantage caused by the numbers caused them to lose out quickly.

The two were beheaded, and the peak emperor and the other five people were beaten to maimed one after another.

"Swipe" the sword to slash the pinnacle Huang Shao to the ground, and the trump card and Kuang Zhan's foot stepped on the pinnacle Huang Shao's chest.

"Useless waste, with this strength, are you embarrassed to come out to tease girls?"

Young Master Pinnacle gritted his teeth, swearing to his death: "Bah! There is a kind of singles, you can beat me by rubbish?"


Young Master Pinnacle wanted to speak, and Trump and Kuangzhan stepped on his face: "Shut up and waste, labor and management want to hit you when they hear you!"

Having said that, Ace and Kuangzhan kicked the peak emperor to fly out.

"Just stay there and see how labor and management use their strength to conquer women!"

After that, Ace and Kuangzhan walked towards Han Yarou and the uncle, holding a long sword.

The pinnacle emperor was caught by a brawny knight, and the trump card and iron cavalry stepped under his feet, and there was no chance of turning over.

As he approached Han Yarou, Trump and Kuangzhan laughed and said, "Have you seen it clearly? This is a world where the strong are respected. Only a strong like me can protect you!"

"Be my woman, I can give you everything you want!"

The pinnacle emperor who was lying on the ground was struggling and cursing, excitedly speaking incoherently, and didn't know what the Chiliquala was talking about.

Ace and mad war are ignored at all.

Han Yarou stepped back in fear.

At this moment, a middle-aged soldier in black armor, the uncle suddenly came to Han Yarou's body.

With Han Yarou behind him, the uncle just stared at the trump card and fought wildly without speaking.

Zhang Yi confessed that as long as it is not something that jeopardizes the safety of her and Han Yarou, she should try not to interfere.

If you can be wretched, you can't provoke any forces in Extreme Ice City.

But obviously, if he is indifferent, Han Yarou will be bullied.

Looking at the uncle guarding Han Yarou's body, the trump card and Kuangzhan were full of disdain.

Glancing at the uncle up and down, he contemptuously said: "Why, do you want to protect her?"

"Do you think you can save her with your level 30 trash?"

Ace and Kuangzhan did not use exploration techniques.

It's just that when I first came into contact with these two people a few days ago, I found that they were both rookies with only level 34 and 35.

No matter how diligent the level is, it is impossible for the two of them to exceed level 40 in such a few days!

And judging from the condition of the equipment, they are all garbage equipment.

The middle-aged warrior who thought that this ID was called "Uncle" was still the rookie with more than 30 levels a few days ago and could be hacked to death with two swords. Ace and Kuangzhan didn't take him seriously.

"If you don't want to die, just get away from me!"

The uncle just kept in front of Han Yarou, with a natural and honest expression, making others think that he is really a good bully and honest person.

At this time, the uncle spoke: "Someone told me that if anyone moves Yarou, I will kill him."

As soon as the voice fell, the surrounding ace players roared with laughter.

"Just this rubbish, who will kill him?"

"Hahaha! Don't take a pee to take pictures of yourself!"

The trump card and the violent war wielded the sword and pointed at the uncle: "Just you rubbish, dare to pretend to be in front of me?"

"Labor and management will let you see and offend my strongest trump card!"

After finishing speaking, the 46th rank second-tier warrior trump card, madly fighting, personally carried the big sword and rushed towards the uncle.

The uncle's eyes gradually showed a murderous look.

Zhang Yi told him this morning.

When it's time to endure.

When you can't bear it, you don't need to bear it anymore.

At this moment, Ace and Kuangzhan had already rushed over.

He swiped his sword and slashed heavily, and landed on the uncle's body severely.

The sharp blade left a deep sword mark on the armor of the uncle's chest.

At the same time, the uncle's head just jumped up a 1200 points of damage!

And according to the percentage of blood volume, his health bar has only lost one-tenth!

There is no chance to be shocked by Ace and Kuangzhan.

The next moment, the uncle suddenly drew his sword.

The sword of "Wa" quickly repelled the trump card and fought wildly.

Changed hands to pursue the past, [Continuous Slash] cooperated with [Heavy Slash] to slash the trump card and Kuangzhan to the ground.

On top of his head, he exploded a few unbelievably high damage in a row——


-2025! -2139!

-6188 Crit!

The blood bar close to the top of the head was directly knocked out.

Before realizing what was going on, Trump and Kuangzhan "pushed" to the ground.

In a blink of an eye, it turned into a beam of white light and disappeared.

All the players with the strongest ace around were stunned.

"Fuck! Kill him and avenge the boss!"

I don't know who heard it. In an instant, the players with the strongest trump card were besieging the uncle.

At this time, the uncle held up the long sword with both hands.


Yijian Station released a strong red sword aura towards the surrounding area.

The strongest ace players in the game were all lifted off by the sword energy, and their blood bars suddenly dropped by a large amount.

Because not all of them are gray names, the uncle’s attack fell on the strongest ace white player, causing the ID hidden above his head to be displayed in gray form——

Lv48 Second Rank Warrior·Uncle!

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