It was already past nine o'clock in the morning.

Because yesterday's team task that had been done at three or four o'clock in the morning today consumed too much energy, and until now, the League of Legends and the people who stopped fighting with war are still resting.

Zhang Yi came to the auction house alone.

It just so happened that Zhang Yi just came to the door of the auction house and met Lin Qian.

Lin Qian looked lazy and greeted Zhang Yi.

"Morning, Brother Zhang Yi, do you also come to see the equipment?"

"Well, take a look."

So the two entered the auction house together.

At this moment, the auction house is full of people, and it is very lively.

As soon as Lin Qian entered, she looked for assassin equipment everywhere.

Zhang Yi focused on the strengthening stone in the auction house.

Currently, the highest of the strengthening stones on the shelves is still level 3, and the average price is the same as before, remaining at 30 silver coins.

Use the god-level strengthening talent to strengthen the [Dark Boots] to level 25, and only need 25 level 4 strengthening stones.

However, if you want to upgrade your super talent to 4 stars, you will need more than 70 more.

According to the setting of synthesizing one 4th grade strengthened stone for every 3 3rd grade strengthened stones, Zhang Yi needs a total of 300 3rd grade strengthened stones to strengthen the Dark Boots equipment to the top level.

Zhang Yi found a problem.

In the past, there were countless resources in the auction house. Today, there are not many strengthening stones on the shelves!

Fortunately, there is still the amount Zhang Yi needs.

So, I bought 300 level 3 strengthening stones in one go, which only cost 90 gold coins.

For Zhang Yi, who has assets of 3,500 gold coins, it's just a trivial matter.

And just as Zhang Yi was buying a large amount of strengthening stones, in the auction house, the comments and conversations of several players around him unintentionally passed to Zhang Yi's ears.

"Wipe, I saw a lot of good equipment last night. When I woke up, all the good equipment in the auction house was bought, and there was some garbage equipment left. Who did it?"

"Didn't you hear? Now many teams in Moonlight City are strengthening their strength at the limit and preparing for the ultimate boss of the dungeon!"

"Yes, this morning, Xiange Temple Sky, they robbed all the good equipment in the auction house. That scene is like no money!"

"No, I heard that the boss will be refreshed at the latest tomorrow night, right? Each team can't prepare for it. In this boss battle tomorrow night, which team has a strong overall strength, the boss will go to which one!"

"Let's go to the dungeon tomorrow, maybe we can find the team building order, then we will be rich hahaha!"

"Don't give away the heads. You don't know how many teams have already focused on the ultimate boss of the dungeon. Tomorrow night, the dungeon will blow up!"

I didn't care too much about the players' comments.

After buying enough strengthening stones, Zhang Yi left the auction house.

At exactly this time, Lin Qian ran out with a tangled expression on her face.

"What's going on at the auction house today, it's all 1 star and 2 star equipment. It's rare that the team mission last night rewarded 300 gold coins. I can't buy a 3 star shoe if I want to buy it!"

"Didn't you hear what they said?" Zhang Yi said, "The teams are rushing for resources and preparing for the ultimate boss of the dungeon."

"Suddenly a little excited!"

Lin Qian said: "Dozens or hundreds of teams grab the same boss. What kind of scene would that be?"

Zhang Yi disagrees.

He hadn't seen anything in the previous life.

The city and Warring States battle started in the later period of the apocalypse, the moving axis is a giant team battle of tens of millions of people.

The dungeon is about to usher in a small team battle of dozens of teams.

With that, Lin Qian looked at Zhang Yi: "Brother Zhang Yi, are you sure we have to grab the boss tomorrow?"

"It's not about grabbing the boss." Zhang Yi said, "I'm going to get the boss."

The word "take" is very essence, as if the ultimate boss of the dungeon is already in Zhang Yi's pocket.

In the voice.

Lin Qian changed the subject and said: "But there is something very strange, have you heard about Zhang Yi brother?"

"what's up?"

"People from King's Landing have never been to a dungeon!"

Lin Qian wondered: "Not only King's Landing, Moonlight City also has several big teams. They suddenly withdrew from the dungeon a few days ago. Could it be that they have a dark suit and the ultimate boss of the dungeon that must drop the team building order? Not interested?"

"I always think this thing is not easy!"

Zhang Yi doesn't care about this issue.

Instead, he asked, "How is Huangzi?"

"I just went to see him."

Lin Qian said: "The eyes are swollen, it hurts."

"He really has a deep love for that Xiao Yueyue."

"We will take him out to practice later."

"Okay." Lin Qian nodded.

When he came to the blacksmith's shop, Zhang Yi synthesized all the level 3 fortified stones, and finally got 100 level 4 fortified stones.

Then, use 25 of them to strengthen [Dark Boots] to the top level.

"Ding~Congratulations, your equipment [Dark Boots] has reached level 25, and the super talent [Fast Speed] is turned on!"

Speed: 1 star, passively increases the wearer's agility attribute by 100 points.

Smash all the remaining 70 4th-level strengthening stones in, just to upgrade the super talent of the Dark Boots [Fast Speed] to 4 stars: passively increase the wearer's agility attribute by 250 points!

In addition to 3 additional agility attributes, after strengthening, each additional attribute increased from 35 agility to 122 points.

Equivalently, the Dark Boots can bring more than 600 agility attributes to Zhang Yi!

As a result, Zhang Yi immediately used a level 45 4-star dark boot to replace the level 40 3-star dark boot he was equipped with.

"Ding~ Since your [Dark Boots] belongs to the 4-star dark suit, you will get an extra suit attribute bonus: skill damage +5%!"

"Ding~Congratulations on your equipment [Dark Boots] for entering the tenth place in the Moonlight City equipment list, and you will get a bonus: damage +1%!"

"Ding~Congratulations on completing this week’s nightmare survival mission [the strongest equipment], and you will receive a reward: resurrection chance +1! This week’s survival missions have all been completed, please wait for the system to release a new survival mission next Monday!"

On the last day of this week, the last survival mission was finally completed.

It's a pity that I hung up while doing a team mission, and lost a chance to resurrect, otherwise I would get a big turntable reward now.

Open the status bar and look at it. Except for the increase in defense power from 800 to 1050, Zhang Yi's biggest improvement is his agility.

With just a pair of shoes, Zhang Yi's agility points soared from over 200 to 820!

So far, Zhang Yi's intelligence attribute is only 650.

A rare wizard whose agility is higher than intelligence...

It is hard to imagine how much Zhang Yi's crit probability can be piled up with such a high agility.

At this stage, even a top-level assassin at the front line, it is estimated that he does not have such a high agility!

A beast master who gathers magicians and assassins as one is about to be born!

After finishing the equipment, Zhang Yi went to the store and spent 100 gold coins to buy a 4-star key.

Open the 4-star treasure chest of achievement rewards and get a rare quality magic scroll: skill scroll!

Plus 300 gold coins.

It is equivalent to a white prostitute with a skill scroll and 200 gold coins.

Use scrolls.

"Ding~ You have got 5 skill slots!"

Five more skill slots!

You can expand your skills.

Just then, with a "dingdong" sound, Zhang Yi received a message from a friend.

Open the message list:

The hero is immortal: "Boss, I and Zhan Tianxia were besieged by people in the dungeon! Boss help!"

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