Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 263: We will recognize him as the boss!

It was the morning, and Moonlight City was bustling.

Although they had only rested for a few hours since they came back at four o'clock in the morning, the heroes are immortal and fighting the world, but they are full of energy.

After nine o'clock, the two of them left Moonlight City with a total of more than 700 players with League of Legends and Yizhan.

Mighty and mighty, heading towards the direction of the dark dungeon.

"The boss said he was going to fight the dungeon today?" asked Zhan Tianxia, ​​who was walking shoulder to shoulder with the heroes on the way to the dungeon.

"No." The hero said: "The boss said that we will move freely today and tomorrow. When the ultimate boss of the dungeon comes out tomorrow night, we are ready to go to the dungeon with him to grab the boss!"

The war angel sighed: "Good guy, this ultimate boss doesn't know who will get it. If we can win the first kill of the ultimate boss in the dungeon, we will get all the rewards and the team building order."

"Let's take off in one wave!"

"I don't know if I can fly or not." The hero immortal glanced at the player behind Zhan Tianxia, ​​who stopped the war by fighting.

Said: "I only know that your level is too low! Raise your level quickly, or you will only have to be cannon fodder for the boss battle in the dungeon tomorrow!"

"You are ashamed to say me?" Zhan Tianxia was rightly confident: "As if you are a high-level person, everyone is a rookie, don't look down on anyone!"


The hero sighed: "Seriously, our average strength is really terrible. We can't even count as a third-rate team in Moonlight City."

"The boss has taken us so hard, and we can't always hold back the boss!"

"Yeah." Zhan Tianxia nodded: "In the past two days, we will be in the dungeon. We will strive to make one or two 3-star dark equipment for everyone to prepare for tomorrow's boss battle and help the boss win the ultimate boss! "

In the sound of words, the League of Legends and the players who ended the battle with war came to the dark graveyard above the dungeon.

More than 700 people were immediately divided into more than 100 teams.

When preparing to pass the teleportation array and enter the dungeon.

There was a flurry of restlessness in the surrounding area.

Only when the League of Legends and the people who stopped the war came over, a large group of players from all directions had already rushed in and surrounded them!

Seeing the aggressive players around, the heroes are immortal and Zhan Tianxia, ​​they were shocked.

"King's Landing?!"

Yes, it is the players of King's Landing that surrounds the two teams!

And there are at least a thousand people in this posture!

The hero is immortal for a moment.

Asked the group of King's Landing players who surrounded them inexplicably: "What are you doing?"

King's Landing among the crowd.

A level 46 archer in silver mail came out of the world.

Smiling at the two heroes, Immortal and Zhan Tianxia, ​​"How are the two of you doing recently? It seems to be very moisturizing."

"That's it, our small teams, naturally, can't compare with celebrity teams like your King's Landing!"

The hero glanced at the players around King's Landing, and asked King's Landing: "But what do you mean by this?"

King's Landing chuckled softly: "I'm a little curious."

"How did you get mixed up with that Human Race Beastmaster? I remember that the other day you were killed by him didn't even dare to go out of the city gate, and just like our King's Landing, you posted on the forum to kill him."

The hero is immortal and the world is astonished.

Although they knew that the paper package couldn't keep the fire out, they would know about the Human Race Beastmaster Alliance sooner or later, but they didn't expect that they knew it so early.


Thinking that since King's Landing World already knows, the hero is immortal and fights the world, there is nothing to hide.

"Yes, we are in alliance with him, but who we are in alliance with does not seem to have anything to do with your King's Landing?"

The hero is immortal and said: "When we applied for an alliance with you, we were rejected by your King's Landing."

"Initially, with whom you are going to alliance, it has nothing to do with me."

King's Landing said: "But by the way, those who choose the alliance are my enemies of King's Landing!"

"Association with that waste human race beast master is to be an enemy of mine King's Landing!"

The eyes were cast on the heroes immortal and Zhan Tianxia, ​​and a murderous intent suddenly appeared in the eyes of King's Landing.

"You are so courageous, you dare to assist that Human Race Beastmaster!"

"It seems that you really didn't regard me as King's Landing in your eyes."

Zhan Tianxia couldn't bear it and said, "We just recognize him as the boss, what's wrong?"

"Following the boss, isn't it better to be consumed by your King's Landing, is there a future?"

"Hahaha! What a promising one!"

"Today, I will let you know the fate of mixing with that waste human race beastmaster!"

With that said, King's Landing gave an order--

"Brothers, kill me these traitors from the League of Legends and Stop the War!"

After saying that, the surrounding King's Landing players are battling their swords and killing them from all around!

At the same time, the League of Legends and the players who are surrounded by them are also picking up the guys and preparing for the battle.

"Brothers don't be afraid, starting today, we will no longer succumb to King's Landing!"

"Whoever bullies us, we kill whoever!"


With a cry of the hero's immortality.

Players on both sides immediately engaged in a confrontation.

At this time, the untouched hero immortal asked Dao Zhan Tianxia: "Do you still have a chance to be resurrected?"

"There's a chicken!" Zhan Tianxia said: "This week's nightmare mission, I was finished before the team mission started. The last chance to resurrect, just happened to be used up by the team mission."

"After that, I don't have a chance to resurrect. Just like you, the last chance to resurrect from the nightmare mission was used up last night."

After a pause, the hero gritted his teeth and said: "I am afraid that he will be an egg, I will send a message to the boss, let the boss come to support us, and kill the gangsters of King's Landing!"

After that, after sending a message to Zhang Yi for help, the two heroes immortal and Zhan Tianxia also carried their swords and killed them towards the King's Landing player.

The offensive of King's Landing players is very fierce.

In all directions, there were three or four hundred archers and magicians, starting a round of long-range shooting, and falling into the League of Legends and the crowd of fighting by war.


As soon as the battle started, dozens of white lights lit up on the court.

The League of Legends and dozens of mage shooters who ended the battle were killed in seconds immediately!

Immediately afterwards, the three major teams, nearly two thousand players merged together.

The dark cemetery is in full swing.

Seeing this scene, some passerby players nearby did not dare to approach the dark graveyard anymore.

Among the people who stopped and watched, discussions followed.

"I'm going, under what circumstances, the League of Legends ended the war with a war, why did you fight with the people of King's Landing?"

"Yes, it's weird. Didn't they also post together a few days ago to kill the Human Beast Master? At that time, they thought that several of their teams were in an alliance!"

"I heard that it is the League of Legends and the people who stopped the war with the war. They have taken refuge in the Human Beast Master, so I was avenged by King's Landing!"

"Really, the League of Legends and the people who ended the war with war actually took refuge in their enemies?"

"Yes, I seemed to see them doing some tasks together yesterday~"

With more and more players watching around.

The battle in the dark cemetery has also become more intense.

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