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Chapter 264: One man alone stands in the way of thousands of troops

Obviously, the League of Legends and the players who fight to stop the battle are not the opponents of King's Landing.

Not to mention the number of people, the League of Legends and the people who stop the war with war add up to not as many people as King's Landing.

The difference in strength between the two players is not small.

After all, it is the best celebrity team in Moonlight City. Apart from being killed several times by Zhang Yi before, there is still no king who has caught up to the level.

The rest of King's Landing has 47-48 levels.

They are highly ranked and well equipped.

In contrast, League of Legends and Yizhan Stop the War are like a mob.

Except for the one-hundred-member group who carried out a team mission with Zhang Yi last night, the rest were generally only around level 43.

Screaming accompanied by white light, one after another.

The battle lasted not long, and the League of Legends and Yizhan Stop the War had already suffered heavy losses.

The respective members were beheaded one after another, turning into white light and disappearing on the field.

A "swish" [Fire Arrow] shoots and kills a magician player who is fighting to stop the battle in front.

King's Landing laughed and said, "Do you know why I refused to join your alliance?"

"Just you trash, you don't even have the qualifications to be an enemy of King's Landing!"

The hero was immortal and striving to kill a warrior of King's Landing with a single sword, stepping on the soldier's corpse that had not yet been refreshed, and facing the surrounding King's Landing World, gritted his teeth and said: "Fuck! Isn't it just relying on you?"

King's Landing World holds a long bow, arrogant and domineering.

"Isn't that Human Race Beastmaster your boss? Where did he go?"

"There is a kind, let your boss come to save you!"

Jun Lin Tianxia sneered and said: "It is estimated that he is hiding somewhere around here now to watch you get killed, so he dare not come out!"

The words of King's Landing reminded Zhan Tianxia.

One sword killed a **** assassin in King's Landing.

Zhan Tianxia asked that the heroes back to back with him are immortal: "Why the boss hasn't come yet, have you sent him a message?"

"Posted, the boss has never returned to me." The hero frowned and frowned, "I guess I didn't see it."

"That's over." Zhan Tianxia's heart sank: "Today, we are afraid that we are going to fall into the hands of the dog thieves in King's Landing."

The hero sighed: "But even if the boss comes, he alone can't deal with so many people in King's Landing..."

In the words, when the hero is immortal and the world is desperate.

Suddenly there was a hysterical scream from the periphery.

Hearing the movement in the rear, King's Landing suddenly turned his head, and was stunned to see that a huge purple skull storm swept through the crowd of mage shooters, causing the blood bars on the heads of those caught in the storm to drop suddenly.

next moment.

Huh, huh!

Dozens of white lights illuminating the sky at the same time.

In the rear, dozens of King's Landing's mage shooters and priest players were killed at the same time!

At the same time, accompanied by an exclamation—

"Captain! The Human Beast Master is here!"


Under the bombardment of the mage's proud skills [Fireball] and [Freezing].

In the back, two 47-level priests of King's Landing exploded a huge amount of damage on their heads—

-8024 Crit!

-7666 Crit!


Two white lights lit up.

In the presence of King's Landing, the two priests full of blood were directly killed by Zhang Yi with a single blow!

As the two priests who had just blocked the vision turned into white light and disappeared, what appeared in the eyes of King's Landing was a black-robed beastmaster man with red light all over his body!

The white ID on the top of the head is fully open, clearly visible—

Terran·Lv45 Second Rank Beastmaster·Yinuo Qingcheng!

Sure enough, it was the human beast master!

And this is the first time that King's Landing has seen the other party reveal their ID.

He dare to disclose his identity!

In addition, what shocked King's Landing even more was the red light radiating from the opponent's body...

All pk mode!

King's Landing stayed.

This guy, dare to open all pk!

Amidst the consternation of King's Landing, several screams were heard in front of him.

The white light comes on.

Under the bombardment of Zhang Yi's chain of lightning, the three Remnant Blood Archer players in King's Landing suffered more than 4,000 crit damage and were killed directly.

Then, a storm of death struck.

Eight black hurricanes swept the crowd, scattered and hit eight King's Landing Master Archer players.

Of the eight damages caused, six critical strikes occurred.

Five of them were second.

Facing the unexpected and unstoppable Human Beast Master Zhang Yi, the player of King's Landing couldn't help but retreat.

"Captain! This guy hurt too much! Brothers can't resist it at all!"

"Fuck! Why is his crit rate so high! One crit, this tm is a mage?!"

None of these King's Landing players on the field can resist Zhang Yi's two damages.

Even most of them were killed directly by a crit.

Zhang Yi's explosive damage scared the players of King's Landing to forget to fight back.

Even the king is stunned.

But soon, King’s Landing World reacted and shouted: “Don’t persuade him, he is only one person, brothers, give me all!”

"This **** dare to deliver it to the door by himself, let's let him come back and forth!"

With the order of King's Landing.

The King's Landing players quickly divided into two batches, one group continued to confront the League of Legends and those who ended the war with war, and the other group took Zhang Yi directly.


The heroes Immortal and Zhan Tianxia, ​​who had originally thought that they were about to be planted in King's hands today, saw Zhang Yi who had come to rescue them with sparks and lightning, and they were all excited.

The hero is immortal: "The boss is finally here! He didn't abandon us!"

Fighting the world: "The boss is awesome!"

Seeing a large group of warrior and knight players in King's Landing rushing over with their swords and shields, Zhang Yi stopped.

Holding the storm wand in his hand, the murderous eyes are overflowing.


A white light gleamed in front of Zhang Yi, and the dragon blood knight was summoned.

Seeing the Dragon Blood Knight's first glance, the players who approached in King's Landing stopped one after another with panic on their faces.

Obviously, they have not been relieved from the deterrence they received on the Dragon Blood Knight the morning before yesterday.

In the battle the day before yesterday, as a dragon blood knight of a knight system of Warcraft, the scene of a group of attacking skills killing more than 30 master archer players in King's Land is vivid.

Makes a lot of King's Landing players have lingering fears.

Everyone, look at me and I look at you, but no one dares to go.

Until the next King's Landing shouted: "I don't believe that he alone can stop our King's Landing army!"

"He opened all pk mode and killed me. As long as he uses this opportunity to kill him once, he will be useless!"

"His monster has the ability to resist injuries, don't touch him, just kill him!"

Junlin’s second-in-command, the 47th rank second-ranking fighter Junlin Bahuang is the first to bear the brunt: "Brothers come with me! He has no skills!"

With that, Junlin Bahuang led the people of Junlin and continued to attack Zhang Yi.

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