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Chapter 266: The ultimate boss is here

The scavenger's eyes were swollen, and his eyes were bloodshot.

It looks like a lot of decadence.


Lin Qian looked at the haggard scavengers with an inexplicable sadness.

I was about to say something.

But he heard the scavengers go first, and said to Zhang Yi: "Brother, I know, yesterday morning that you asked the people in the League of Legends to do that. You deliberately acted in a scene to let me see Da Fei and Da Fei. The true face of Xiao Yueyue."

"League of Legends and the people who stop the war with war are all under your command."

"Do you know everything..."

"Yeah." The scavenger nodded, and said with a wry smile: "Brother, you forgot, I'm the leader of the scavenger group."

Zhang Yi was worried at first. He knew that Da Fei had different intentions tomorrow morning, instead of telling the scavengers directly. Instead, he used this method to expose Da Fei's appearance and make the scavengers doubt his intentions.

It seems that scavengers are not really kept in the dark all the time. He seems to have doubted Da Fei and Xiao Yueyue a long time ago!

Sure enough, the scavenger's next words confirmed Zhang Yi's guess.

"I get along with Da Fei and Xiao Yueyue day and night, how can I not know anything."

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Qian was surprised: "So, you already suspected them..."

"Then why did you always pretend to be ignorant and treat them so nicely?"

"Because I have been trying to persuade myself, I must be thinking too much, it must be I thinking too much... I played with Xiaoyueyue since childhood, and she will definitely not treat me like this!"

The scavenger said with grief: "Until yesterday morning I saw it with my own eyes..."

Tears couldn't hold back again from the corners of the scavengers' eyes.

"Hurt, poor Huangzi."

Lin Qian comforted the scavengers: "Don't be sad anymore, shouldn't you feel relieved? It's better than being dragged by them all the time."

"Well, I also want to understand."

The scavenger wiped his eyes and said, "I thought about it for a day yesterday, and I should understand it."

"From now on, I will cheer up again!"

"Come on!" Lin Qian squeezed her small fist: "Brother Zhang Yi and I will always be your strongest backing!"

In the voice, the scavenger suddenly thought of a question.

He asked Zhang Yi, "Brother, how did you know that Da Fei and Xiao Yueyue would betray me?"

"The authorities are confused, the bystanders are clear." Zhang Yi fooled casually.

At this moment, the heroes immortal and Zhan Tianxia came back from the front.

Seeing the scavengers, the hero is stunned for a moment.

Seeing the scavengers face themselves, there is no over-excited emotion like seeing an enemy. If the hero is not destroyed, Zhang Yi has already told the scavengers everything.

When the hero is immortal, he said to the scavengers: "Brother, for that couple of dogs and's not necessary, right?"

The scavenger fell silent.

Suddenly stared at the hero, "Did you kill me once last time."

"You still stepped on my face!"


The hero is immortal and embarrassed: "Brother, misunderstanding, misunderstanding..."

"Misunderstanding?" The scavenger lit up his dagger, "Come over and let me cut it."

"Fuck, misunderstanding!"

The hero turned around and ran away.

Scavengers chased after him.

"Brother, misunderstanding!"

"Miss your sister! You stop for me!"

"Boss help..."

Zhan Tianxia was gloating over the misfortune: "Hahaha! Let you pretend to be forced every day, get hacked!"

"Brother scavengers, come on, rub him on the ground!"

After laughing, Zhan Tianxia turned to look at Zhang Yi, and said with some excitement: "By the way, boss,"

"The loot has been cleaned up. The people of King's Landing have lost more than 600 pieces of equipment! A lot of 3-star high-end equipment, strengthening stones and gold coins have also dropped a lot, let them give you all the things later! "

"no need."

Zhang Yi said: "As mentioned earlier, these materials are used to strengthen your people, as well as League of Legends."

"You divide it equally, use these resources to strengthen the combat effectiveness of your subordinates."

Fighting the world stayed.

Originally thought Zhang Yi was just talking casually. After all, with so many resources, how could he be willing to disperse them all with someone else.

Zhang Yi has no reluctance at all!

"Boss, you are too kind..."

Looking at the excited battle world, Zhang Yi said: "Tomorrow's action can't be neglected. I need both of you to help me win the ultimate boss of the dungeon."

"Don't worry, boss!"

Zhan Tianxia said: "We will end the war with a war, and we must do our best to **** the boss and help the boss win the boss!"

Over there, the hero who was being chased by the scavengers was immortal, and he did not forget to shout to Zhang Yi here: "And me...our League of Legends must also go all out to help the boss win the boss! "


With a scream, the hero who was chased by the scavengers was immortal, and was beaten severely by the scavengers on the ground.

"Brother, don't slap your face, don't slap your face!"

The hero is immortal now is Zhang Yi's person, of course the scavengers will not really kill him.

It will be relieved after a fight.

So next, just like the players of all major teams in Moonlight City, target the ultimate boss of the dungeon that is about to be refreshed. Before the boss is refreshed, Zhang Yi enters the fifth floor of the dungeon with the League of Legends and those who stop fighting with war.

Polish your time while performing the level 5 [Darkening Elimination] mission.

In a flash, it was another day.

Night fell.

On the side of Terra Ice City, the uncle and Han Yarou started hunting down the level 50 4-star big boss [King of Slime], which was buried in the level 50 map, [Land of Exile]!

According to Zhang Yi's confession, find the location of the card point on the map: the groove on the wall of a bunker in the place of exile.

Because the King of Slime is an extremely fat melee monster with short hands.

As long as the player enters that groove, they will not be attacked by the King of Slime.

Zhang Yi, a professional archer in the previous life, was the King of Slime who used that groove to kill solo.

Although the uncle is a melee professional warrior, using a long sword, he can also hide in the groove and attack the King of Slime.

After all, it is not easy to find this map bug.

Han Yarou hides in another groove and cooperates with the uncle to deal with the boss.

With Han Yarou and the uncle fighting against level 50 4-star bosses, within two or three days, they couldn't win the King of Slime.

However, [Land of Exile] has a map benefit, that is, the player will not consume fatigue when placed on the map.

Matching with that groove seems to be a rule tailored for the player to single-kill the King of Slime, so there is no need to worry about the failure of fatigue due to insufficient fatigue in a protracted battle.

Moonlight City is here.

The people of King's Landing rarely stopped for two days. I don't know if they were really deterred by Zhang Yi or something. Since the first battle in the underground city that morning, they have not bothered to find League of Legends and Stop the War with Yizhan in the past two days.

In other words, even if they want revenge, there is no chance.

Because the heroes are immortal, they are on the fifth floor of the dungeon, and the people of King's Landing do not even have the qualifications to enter the fifth floor.

As the new week comes.

Before the ultimate boss of the dungeon is refreshed.

Zhang Yi used the daytime to complete the ordinary and elite-level survival missions this week, and fixed the survival mission at the nightmare level.

On Yiqi Juechen's side, Zhang Yi did not act for the time being.

His business is going to be kept until after the boss is taken.

The biggest gain of the two days was to raise the level of the Dragon Blood Knight to level 42.

It's about eight o'clock in the evening.

Accompanied by players who are in Moonlight City, they can feel the shaking of the mountains.

A resounding announcement from the whole city spread from high above——

"Ding~ players of Moonlight City, please pay attention: [Dark Dungeon] The ultimate boss of the map [Dark Ruler·Doomsday Corpse King] has been refreshed, please go to the Dark Dungeon to actively participate in the boss battle!"

After a few minutes.

Suddenly the wind and clouds in the sky changed suddenly, and the dark clouds blocked the moonlight, causing the earth to fall into darkness.

Immediately afterwards, another city-wide announcement sounded:

"Ding~ Please note, players of Moonlight City: The hidden map [Devil’s Tower] Seven Towers [Devil’s Battlefield] has been completed by players, and the ultimate guard boss of the Demon’s Tower [Traceer·Hell Nine Birds] has been refreshed. , Please go to the Demon Squad Tower to actively participate in the boss battle!"

The two bosses were refreshed at the same time...

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