Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 267: Ruler of Darkness·Doomsday Corpse King

With the release of two city-wide announcements about boss refresh, Moonlight City’s chat channel instantly fries the pot.

[One Leaf Zhiqiu] (Male, Level 47 second-tier magician): "I rely on me, rely on me! The ultimate boss of the dungeon and the ultimate boss of the town magic tower have been refreshed at the same time!"

[Hall of Fame, Sa Sa] (Female, Rank 48 Second Rank Assassin): "God, how could there be such a coincidence! After waiting for so many days, I have to wait for two big bosses at the same time! Unfortunately, there is no order for the devil. I can only fight the boss of the dungeon~ (tips

[Tianxia] (Male, Rank 48 second rank fighter): "The brothers of [Tiange] are ready to go to the dungeon to fight the boss. The Doomsday Corpse Emperor belongs to our Tiange! Moonlight City’s first team building order is also us. From the pavilion!"

[Shadless Pioneer] (Male, Level 48 Second Rank Assassin): "You are thinking about fart, the boss is our [Shadow Gate], no one wants to grab us!"

At this moment, countless players who were in the Moonlight City or were training in the wild, swarmed towards the Dark Dungeon.

Darkness enveloped the earth.

Dark dungeon, five floors.


In the city covered by red light, a black vortex tears through the sky.

Countless players who were painting the dark carrion on the fifth floor looked up at the whirlpool.

next moment.

A deafening roar accompanied by "Roar".

A giant dark carrion king with a body height of several tens of meters, a pair of golden streamer armor, a golden crown on his head, and a blue aurora sword and aurora shield in his hand sprang out from the whirlpool.

"Ho **** ho ho!"

"Ats, all surrender to the feet of the emperor!"

With a loud "bang", the giant carrion king sat on the ground, causing the mountain to shake for a while, directly stepping on the seven or eight 47-48 level players on the ground into white light.

In my sight, I saw a row of dazzling red IDs on the head of the giant carrion corpse——

Lv50 Dark Ruler·Doomsday Corpse King (Physics Department·5-star boss)!

"5-star boss!"

"From the beginning of the service to the biggest boss that I have seen so far, only 3 stars, this is actually only 5 stars!"

"Brothers, rush, kill the boss!"

The crowd boiled.

Just as you were in the fifth floor of the dungeon, countless players from all directions were preparing to attack the Doomsday Corpse King.


Countless white lights lit up, and all those players disappeared into the city!

Outside the dungeon, countless players were teleported out, each with a dumbfounded look.

"This...what's the situation, why did I come out?"

"Wipe, everyone has been forcibly teleported out?"

Just when the players were unthinkable, the system prompts passed down——

"Ding~ Attention all players: The Doomsday Corpse King has been refreshed, and all players in the dungeon map have been forcibly teleported out of the city by the system!"

"Starting immediately, the dark dungeon has special restrictions: each floor of the dungeon can only have 10,000 players at the same time. When someone on the fifth floor dies, the players on the fourth floor can enter the fifth floor to fill the vacancy. Players can also enter the second floor to fill the vacancies of 10,000 people, and so on, the map restriction lasts until the death of the doomsday corpse king!"

"The portals on each floor have been opened, and players cannot enter the dungeon from beyond the level when the map is restricted!"

"Ding~System Shield is enabled: During the survival of the Doomsday Corpse King, all players who die in the dark dungeon will not lose their chance of resurrection, and the death penalty will be reduced to 10% loss of experience at this level! After the boss battle is over, all players who participate in the boss battle , Including players who died in the process can receive normal rewards, and additional rewards will be settled based on player output contributions!"

Ever since.

Outside the dungeon, countless players who have just been forcibly teleported out, look at me and I look at you.

After a while of silence.


I don't know who shouted in the crowd.

Everyone rushed toward the light curtain leading to the underground city at a speed of 100 meters.

The NPC guarding by the side of the light curtain, the dungeon guard Loki waved and said.

"Dear adventurers, please follow the order and enter the ground in an orderly manner..."


Before he finished speaking, Loki was trampled over.

Countless players rushed into the light curtain.

Prior to this, players entering the dungeon can customize the choice to directly enter the first few floors.

Now that the map restriction is turned on, all players can only enter the first floor initially.

On the first floor of the dungeon, it was saturated in just one minute.

After a total of 10,000 players have entered, the rest of the players outside the light curtain can no longer enter.

Until the first batch of 10,000 players entered, the fireworks and lightning all the way through the layer filled with countless 41-42 dark carrion, came to the deepest and entered the second layer through the light curtain.

The number of people on the first floor fell into a vacancy, and players from outside the city continued to flood in.

At the same time, the first batch of players to enter the second floor sprinted towards the third floor of the dungeon.

Not long after, the first batch of players have reached the fifth floor one after another.

Ahead, a giant dark carrion resembling a monster: The Doomsday Corpse Emperor, standing in the middle of the street with a lightsaber.

It seems to be waiting for the arrival of the players.

"You are finally here, the emperor is already impatient, and wants to use your blood to sacrifice to the emperor's divine sword!"

Accompanied by a roar, the Doomsday Corpse Emperor brought a lightsaber and a light shield and approached here.



With every step, the earth shakes the mountains and rivers.

Relying on the systematic shelter, facing the 50-level 5-star doomsday corpse king, the biggest boss in history, the players were fearless, and they copied the guys and rushed towards the boss!

A group of players who only waited to bear the brunt stepped into the attack range of the Doomsday Corpse King.

The Doomsday Corpse Sovereign stopped suddenly, opened and crawled with countless worms, exuding a foul-smelling blood basin, and let out a roar.


A translucent white sound wave swept toward the front of the Doomsday Corpse Emperor, instantly engulfing a large group of players within 50 meters.

Dozens of fighters and assassin players who were touched by the sound wave exploded a series of huge damage ranging from 6000-9000 points on their heads!


More than a dozen white lights lit up, and in an instant, all a dozen assassin players in the range were killed in a single shot.

The body melted into ashes and disappeared in the dungeon.


The players in the back row exclaimed.

"Is the 5-star boss so drunk? Level 48 assassins are all right!"

"It's exploded!"

"Brothers, don't be afraid, there is a system of shelter, so please charge me!"

With a shout, the players behind them continued to rush towards the boss.

Tens of thousands of players approached the Doomsday Corpse King, surrounded it and launched an attack.

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