The boss battle on the fifth floor of the dungeon is going on fiercely.

So far, in the area of ​​Moonlight City, the 4-star boss has not appeared in the players' sight.

As a level 50 5-star boss, the Doomsday Corpse King is almost invincible in front of Moonlight City, who are generally ranked second players of level 47-48.

The attacks of the players are not painful to it.

And even if it was only encountered by the Doomsday Corpse King, in addition to the warriors and knights, the crispy assassin mage shooter players were almost all directly killed by spikes.

with no doubt.

The map limit, although 10,000 players entered the fifth floor, it was hindered by space.

Only players within a 50-meter radius of the boss can actually attack the boss.

Except for the two or three hundred players who can hit the boss, the others can only surround the outer circle and stare.

Players located within the attack range of the Doomsday Corpse King begin to attack.


Whoosh whoosh!

Countless sharp arrows and magic **** blasted from all directions and landed on the huge Doomsday Corpse Emperor.

The warrior knights and assassins who fought in close combat slashed at the rotting thighs of the corpse emperor.

A series of injuries jumped from the head of the Doomsday Corpse King——



-544 Crit!


All injuries are mandatory.

None of the players present can cause damage to the Level 50 5-star Doomsday Corpse King.

As for the two to three hundred players within the attack range, the blood bar on the head of the Doomsday Corpse Emperor was almost untouched!


There was a deafening roar.

The Doomsday Corpse King swept across with a backhand sword, knocking a large group of players into the air in front of him, and when they landed, dozens of white lights lit up, and half of them were directly killed.

Followed closely.


With the light shield station, a strong shock wave spreads around, engulfing hundreds of players within a 50-meter radius.

next moment.


Countless white lights illuminate the underground city.

The Doomsday Corpse King has a range of skills that directly kills hundreds of players!

Players who could not squeeze in from the periphery were stunned.


"It deserves to be a 5-star boss, too strong!"

That being said, only when players around the boss die and make room.

In all directions, countless players from the periphery poured in instantly, filled the vacancy, and continued to attack the boss.

Because there is a system of shelter.

In addition, the system has stated that after the boss is killed, additional settlement rewards will be contributed based on the player's output.

And players who hang up can also get normal rewards.

Even if he is dead, he can touch the boss and get assists before he is dying.

Just died well enough.

The shouts of the players, screams, and the roar of the boss, connected together, resounded through the dungeon.

Many players who couldn't squeeze in and couldn't participate in the boss battle temporarily took advantage of this opportunity to start the live broadcast.

After all, they can still see the boss.

Countless players blocked in the first to fourth floors of the dungeon, even outside the city, can't even see the boss!

The underground city is in full swing.

At the same time, inside Moonlight City.

Zhang Yi, who woke up and restored his fatigue to full value, just came out of the hotel and was going to the drugstore to replenish some potions.

With a "dingdong", a message was received.

Open the message list, I saw that it was sent by the hero immortal.

"Boss, I, Zhan Tianxia and they are blocked outside the dungeon, and they can't get in. Damn!"

"There are so many people here, just like tm grabbing food! The map limits each floor to only 10,000 people, and we can only go in if the people inside are dead!"

As expected.

Zhang Yi returned the news to the hero.

"Don't worry, the boss will not die for a while, you find a chance to squeeze in, and when the boss assists, you will retreat to a safe position and wait for me to pass."


The hero immortal asked: "When will you come, boss? And why do you come in when you come?"

"It's okay, I can get in."

Zhang Yi said, "I still have something to do. If that matter is resolved, I will go over."

"By the way, boss..."

At this time, the hero immortal sent another message.

"Why not let Sky and the Hall of Fame people act with us?"

Although I have this doubt in my mind, in fact, through the past few days of getting along, the heart of the hero is immortal and fighting the world, has already had an answer to this question.

They can already vaguely guess that the relationship between Sky and the Hall of Fame, and Yiqi Juechen, is not so inseparable from Zhang Yi.

But it doesn't matter anymore.

Maybe it was because of Sky and the Hall of Fame at first.

But now, the League of Legends and the people who end the war with war are all surrendered to Zhang Yi's strength.

Willing to let Zhang Yi be their boss.

There is no more news to the hero.

Turn off chat.

Zhang Yi looked at Lin Qian and the scavengers who came out of the hotel together beside him.

"You two, are you ready?"

"All is ready except for the opportunity!"

The scavenger and Lin Qian asked almost in unison: "When are we going to leave?"

"You two go first and wait for me outside. I'll go prepare and go right away."


Lin Qian said worriedly: "Brother Zhang Yi, just the three of us, even if we add those players who have already entered the Demon Squad, it should not be the guarding boss of the Demon Squad, the opponent of the nine-headed bird announced by the system. Bar?"


After receiving Lin Qian's words, the scavenger said: "The previous news said that the dungeon boss Doomsday Corpse King is a 5-star quality!"

"Even the ultimate boss of the ordinary map is 5 stars, and the hidden map boss is estimated to be 5 stars! How can we fight?"

"We may not be able to beat it inside the Devil's Tower, because there are few people. What if we are outside?"

Zhang Yi said, "Just draw it out and hit it."

The scavengers were unbelievable: "It was sealed by the Demon Suppression Tower, how can we draw it out?"

In Zhang Yi's mind, there is already a plan: "I have a way, but I need your two's help."

"You go to the town's magic tower and wait for me first, I'll be there soon."

Say goodbye to the scavenger Lin Qian.

Zhang Yi came to the drugstore and supplied some potions.

Then he went to the blacksmith's shop to repair the durability of the whole body equipment.

Only then set out to rush to the town magic tower.

On the way to the town magic tower, use up the big turntable opportunity rewarded by the survival mission.

Because Zhang Yi's chance of resurrection is full.

The ordinary and elite missions completed during the day today have been rewarded with two big turntables, plus a resurrection opportunity given by the system every Monday also transformed into a big turntable.

It is equivalent to that, Zhang Yi now has 3 big turntable opportunities!

So, open the 3-level big turntable interface.

All 3 chances are used up, except for the 3-point turntable experience.

Get 500 gold coins and a purple skill book!

There is also an epic magic scroll! !

Zhang Yi was dumbfounded.

The big turntable in exchange for the chance of resurrection is indeed precious.

After all, many players' resurrection opportunities are simply not enough, and they don't even have the opportunity to touch the big turntable.

But today's harvest was a bit beyond Zhang Yi's expectations!

Surprised, I took a look.

The skill book is the purple of the magician [Magic Shield]:

Apply a 150% magic attack shield to self for 5 seconds and cool down for 20 seconds. (The shield value used by the beastmaster is 130% of the magic attack power)

A rare self-protection skill as a mage.

Level 45 Zhang Yi has 15 skill slots through upgrades. Added 10 skill scrolls. Five rewards were awarded for the second round.

Accumulated 30 skill slots, so far only 20 have been used.

Therefore, Zhang Yi did not hesitate to consume 4 skill slots and learned the purple [Magic Shield].

Then, when he saw the epic magic scroll, Zhang Yi was stunned again.

【Conversion Scroll】(Epic Magic Scroll):

Description: Up to 10 stars or less, or use of skill books of orange quality, can convert the equipment and skill books to other designated occupations, equipment and skill books of the same value.

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