Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 269: Mage Orange Book·Streamer

It's actually a conversion reel!

This is exactly what Zhang Yi needs right now!

Because the orange warrior skill book [Sword Shadow Storm], which was previously obtained in the safe zone, was put in Zhang Yi's bag, and it was almost moldy.

Last time I forgot to give it to the uncle in the misty city, Zhang Yi's original plan was to give this sword shadow storm to the uncle after going to Extreme Ice City for a while.

But since there was such a conversion reel, Zhang Yi was tempted.

Conversion scrolls can convert equipment and skill books of different occupations into equipment and skill books of the same value for designated occupations.

That is, if it works on Sword Shadow Storm, Zhang Yi can get an orange mage group attack skill book!

Orange group attack!

This temptation is simply too big!

Zhang Yi finally couldn't hold it back, and attacked Jianying Storm.

Taking advantage of the fact that he had just left the city, he hurriedly drew back to Moonlight City.

Take out Sword Shadow Storm in the warehouse.

But I can count on this orange book to help Zhang Yi win the two ultimate bosses of the underground city and the town magic tower tonight!

While continuing to rush to the Demon Suppression Tower, he used the conversion scroll on Sword Shadow Storm.

Until the conversion scroll turned into a little bit of starlight, integrated into the skill book.

Freely choose, transform the Warrior Sword Shadow Storm into the Beastmaster skill.

The next moment, the orange [Sword Shadow Storm] in Zhang Yi's hand, a golden light flashed away.

Then, a pleasant system prompt sounded——

"Ding~you used the magic scroll [transition scroll], congratulations on your new orange skill book [streaming off]!"

Look at the skill book that completes the conversion in your hand-

[Streamer off] (Orange Skill Book):

Description: Absorb light energy and transform it into its own power. Select the designated enemy within 50 meters as the target, summon a streamer from the air, hit the target and cause 250% magic attack damage. And when the streamer hits the ground, a wave of light will bloom around it, causing a 220% magic attack damage to all enemy targets within a 50-meter radius. (When using the Beastmaster, the damage coefficient is reduced to 225% and 200% respectively)

Consumption: 205

Cooling time: 60 seconds

Occupation: Magician, Beastmaster

Consuming skill slot: 5

Sure enough, it was replaced by a mage orange group attack!

Good guy, the orange skill is really NB!

From the perspective of the beast master.

Not to mention the direct damage of the first goal reached 225%, even the group damage coefficient has reached 200%!

The damage coefficient is higher than that of any single skill in Zhang Yi!

And the cooling time is not as long as Undead Storm, only a 60-second CD!

The Lightning Chain can only lock up to three targets, which is not addictive.

The death storm barely survived.

In daily battles, the only group attacking skill Zhang Yi can use is Undead Storm.

It is the lack of such a wide range of group attack skills!

With the streamer, Zhang Yi, who hurts and explodes, is just as powerful as a tiger!

So Zhang Yi immediately used the skill book.

Open the list of skills, only the orange [streamer off] icon refreshed.

The first orange skill in this life was born!

The big turntable can always give people unexpected surprises.

At present, the turntable experience has reached 4/5. Zhang Yi is looking forward to waiting for two days to complete the last nightmare mission of the week to get another turntable opportunity. After the big turntable is upgraded to level 4, what kind of surprises can he bring to himself .

Turn off the big turntable.

Zhang Yi just turned his thoughts back to the top of the town magic tower.

There was a sudden turmoil in the surrounding area.

Looking around, I found that quite a few players were running from behind and passing by Zhang Yi.

In a hurry, I don't know where to go.

Someone among them yelled: "Brothers, hurry up, go to the dungeon, the boss will be killed if it is too late!"

It turns out they are in a hurry to go to the dungeon to fight the boss!

The dark dungeon and the town magic tower are in the same direction as the moonlight city, with a Y-shaped line.

Behind him, players kept running from Moonlight City and rushed to the underground city.

Some rushed over to fight the boss after hearing the system announcement.

Some of them were just killed by the boss in the dungeon, and after they were resurrected in the city, they rushed back.

It seems that the dungeon, the ultimate boss who must drop the team building order, is really in demand!

So, while rushing to the town's magic tower, Zhang Yi also opened the live broadcast interface at will, ready to see the boss battle in the dungeon.

I randomly found a live broadcast room and clicked in.

The next moment, the light screen that popped in front of Zhang Yi was a live broadcast from the perspective of a player who was on the fifth floor of the dungeon.

It can be seen in the screen that the Doomsday Corpse Emperor, tens of meters high, is constantly swinging his lightsaber to kill the players surrounding it.

Sometimes you just step on it with your foot.

Between deportment and deportment, you can drive a large swath of white light!

Basically, the players who were met by the Doomsday Corpse Emperor were all nine dead.

And so far, the Doomsday Corpse Emperor has been refreshed for ten minutes, and the blood bar on its head is 95%!

According to this progress, it will take at least three hours before the players can overthrow the Doomsday Corpse King.

Don't worry about it.

Turn off the live broadcast interface.

Zhang Yi quickly came to the war relics.

Outside the town magic tower, the two of Lin Qian scavengers completed the rendezvous.

The two of them weren't too close to the town magic tower, but just watched from a distance.

Just wait for Zhang Yi to come.

The scavenger looked at the Demon Suppression Tower ahead and said to Zhang Yi, "It seems that there are many people there."

Looking around, I saw that the surrounding area of ​​the town magic tower was already full of players!

Zhang Yi frowned slightly: Are these guys funny?

Without a demon order, why can't you get into the Demon Suppression Tower?

"Regardless of them."

Zhang Yi said, "You are all on your body!"

"Yes." Lin Qian said in unison with the scavengers.

The devil order for the two of them was given to them by Zhang Yi when they came to climb the tower a few days ago.

So Zhang Yi said: "We enter the tower."

The three came outside the town magic tower.

Many players from high-level teams are unwilling to stay outside the tower, unable to get in, but are reluctant to leave.

Because there were too many people in the dungeon, they couldn't squeeze in, so they had to put the target on the side of the town magic tower.

But even the town magic tower can't get in.

The sighs became one piece.

"What's the matter? You still have to go in with a demon order. Isn't it clear that we are not allowed in?"

"Yeah, the city lord can only produce 10 vomiting orders a day, and as long as they come out every day, they will be immediately taken away by the high-priced high-ranking teams such as Sky and the Hall of Fame. Where are we civilian players? !"

"Up to now, there are no more than 100 people who can enter the Demon Squad Tower. Let's see how such a small number of people deal with the ultimate boss in the Demon Squad Tower!"

The scattered players surrounding the devil's tower were talking about it for a while.

Zhang Yi, Lin Qian, and the scavengers walked through the crowd.

"Brother, don't go there, you can't get in."

Seeing Zhang Yi and the others approaching the Magic Tower, a player reminded them.

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