Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 270: The second 5-star boss!

Facing the person who "kindly" reminded him, the scavenger smiled at the knight player: "It's okay buddy, we can get in."

As he said, the scavenger shook the Demon Order in his hand.

The knight player was taken aback.

Then he shook his head: "It's useless if you have a Demon Order, you can't get in."

I ignored the knight.

Zhang Yi and the others just passed through the crowd and came to the vicinity of the Demon Town Tower, and they saw a large group of players guarding the entrance of the Demon Town Tower!

Even the people in the Hall of Fame are blocked outside!

The eldest sisters in the Hall of Fame, Cher and Cherry, are arguing with the people of Sky.

"We have a demon order, why don't you let us in?"

This is the voice of Cherry Girl.

In the sky crowd, a 48-level warrior man [sky, holy sword] said to several hall of fame girls: "The Devil's Tower has been reserved by our sky, and other people are not allowed to enter!"

It seems that Sky wants to swallow the ultimate guardian boss of the town's magic tower alone.

However, it is fine if it is an open map.

On this kind of map where the number of people going in is limited, the people of Sky will also stop other players.

Do they have the ability to win the boss?

At this time, Zhang Yi walked up to him.

The same, was stopped by Sky's people.

"Hey, Brother Zhang Yi is you!"

Several nymphomaniacs in the Hall of Fame saw Zhang Yi and immediately surrounded him. The one on the left was "Brother Zhang Yi" and the other "Brother Zhang Yi". Lin Qian on the side called Lin Qian gritted her teeth.

Before arriving at the entrance of the town magic tower, Lin Qian angrily shouted at the sky players who were blocking the door: "Get out of the way!"

Several people in Sky glanced at Lin Qian, and they actually backed down!

"Brother Zhang Yi, quickly go in!" Lin Qian stood at the door and whispered to Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi was also taken aback, and together with the scavengers and Lin Qian, he entered the Demon Suppression Tower.

Only left outside, the awkward-looking Hall of Fame girls, and other passers-by players.

Hall of Fame, Cherry: "Assi, why can they go in?"

Hall of Fame, Sa Sa: "Did you enter with your face?"

Hall of Fame, Rourou: "It means we don't look as good as the little demon sister just now?"

A few girls tried to enter the tower again, but they were stopped by Sky's people again...

Use the Fumo Order to teleport.

The three of Zhang Yi came directly to the Seven Towers of the Demon's Tower: Demon Field Battlefield!

Just after being teleported to the Demon Battlefield, several system prompts suddenly spread to Zhang Yi's ear—

"Ding~ The system has detected: Since you are the opener of the hidden mission [The Demon’s Tower Trial], you have obtained a special right given by the system: the right to release the Seal of the Demon Tower!"

"Before the death of the ultimate guardian boss of the Demon Squad Tower [Traceer·Hell Nine Birds], you will have the right to lift the seal of the Demon Squad Tower and release the Nine Hell Birds out of the tower!"

"The system reminds you: In the unsealed state, when the **** nine-headed bird is killed inside the map of the magic tower, you only need to get an assist to complete the task. In the unlocked state, you must take the **** nine-headed bird last Only one blow can complete the task!"

"Whether to lift the seal, please make your own choice!"

Hearing these tips, Zhang Yi was delighted.

[Trial of the Demon Suppression Tower] In the detailed description of the mission, there is a statement about lifting the seal of the Demon Suppression Tower.

It is precisely because the task opener possesses this characteristic that Zhang Yi has the confidence to win the Hell Nine-Headed Bird.

Otherwise, if the seal of the Demon Summoning Tower cannot be lifted, it is impossible for the nine-headed bird to be killed by the less than one hundred players who enter the Demon Summoning Tower by the use of the Demon Spell Token.

Even if the difficulty of the task is reduced, only Zhang Yi needs to be mixed to assist.

The boss is not dead, and it's useless to mix in assists.

It happened that the town magic tower and the dungeon boss were refreshed at the same time.

Therefore, Zhang Yi's plan is to lift the seal of the Demon Suppression Tower, release the nine-headed bird of hell, and then lure it to the dungeon.

Look for opportunities to use the [Darkness Coming] scroll to simultaneously take down the Doomsday Corpse King and Hell Nine-headed Bird, the two bosses!

But now, it is not the time to lift the seal.

Because once the seal is lifted, the nine-headed bird will immediately escape from the town magic tower.

At that time, it would not go to the dungeon by itself.

Before that, Zhang Yi still needs to accomplish one thing to achieve the effect of dragging the nine-headed bird to the dungeon.

At this time.

Only heard the roar of giant beasts in front of the battlefield with corpse scars everywhere.

From time to time, you will see a white light shining through the sky.

Obviously, it was Sky's people who had already fought with the guard boss, the nine-headed bird of hell.

While rushing towards the fighting place.

The scavenger asked in amazement: "Qianqian, how did you just make it so that the people from Sky made way for us?"

Lin Qian glanced at the scavengers.

"First of all, take a deep breath, concentrate, and have no distractions." Lin Qian said solemnly: "Then yelled at them: Get out!"

Scavenger: "..."

"They know me and Brother Zhang Yi, who walked through the back door! Their captain bought the Fumo Order from Brother Zhang Yi last time."

The scavenger nodded suddenly: "So, I still believe it a little bit."

In the voice.

Several people came to the battlefield.

Looking around, I saw that in a clearing ahead, a group of Moyo No. 60 or 70 players were besieging a huge red firebird with nine heads!

That group of players are exactly Sky's people!

According to the ID above the head, everyone's level is as high as 48-49.

Looking at the equipment special effects that are not hidden, everyone on the field has around 20 equipment enhancements, all in a 3-star dark suit!

Obviously, they are all top core members of Sky!

In addition, on the top of the nine-headed firebird's head, there is a line of clear red ID—

Lv50 Tracer·Hell nine-headed bird (Magic·5-star boss)!

Sure enough, it belongs to the same category as the ultimate boss of the dungeon, this is another 5-star big boss!

The scavenger was a little excited: "Take one of them, and we will take off on the spot!"

"Being a man requires pursuit."

Zhang Yi said: "These two bosses are ours."

Continue to look at the field.

The huge fiery red firebird leaped in mid-air, continuously ejecting flames from the mouths of the nine blood basins to burn the sky's players on the land.

The 49 second rank fighter sky, the main **** is in danger.

Turn on the command: "The mage archer concentrates his firepower, hits its wings, and knocks it down!"

"Knights pay attention to protect output, nurses don't hesitate to treat, everyone pay attention to standing, don't get together!"


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