Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 271: Tracer·Hell nine-headed bird

Under the order of Sky, the Lord God.

On the field, several people had been killed in the previous round, and the remaining fifty-odd sky elite players launched the second round of offensive against the nine-headed bird.

Boom boom boom boom!

More than 20 mage shooters in the audience launched long-range shooting at the nine-headed bird at the same time.

It caused a sharp arrow and magic ball to violently bombard the body of the nine-headed bird of hell, causing a wave of damage on its head——




Worthy of being the main force of Sky.

They are all level 50 5-star bosses. On the other side of the dungeon, the players inflicted on the Doomsday Corpse King are all unbreakable compulsory damage.

And here, the people of Sky have been able to cause four-digit damage to the nine-headed bird of hell!

Sky, currently the best-developed team in Moonlight City, is a big dark horse that countless players look forward to!

I saw that the more than 20 sky's mage shooters on the field went down in a round of fire attacks, almost knocking out 20,000 blood of the nine-headed bird.

And the percentage of the health bar on the head of the Hell Nine Birds only dropped from 99.7 to 99.5.

Calculated according to the percentage, its total blood volume is 10 million.

At exactly this time, the level 48 scavenger used the exploration technique to check the data of the nine-headed bird, and shared the data with Zhang Yi——

【Tracer·Hell Nine-headed Bird】(Magic·5-star boss):

Talent: Hell Burning (Epic talent, passive. Hell nine-headed bird's attack has a 100% probability to cause the target to enter the burning state for 10 seconds, and the burning state loses 1% of the maximum blood damage every second. And , The damage caused by the Hell Nine-Headed Bird to the burning enemy is increased by 55%. At the same time, 15% of the damage caused to the burning target is converted into its own blood)

Level: 50

Magic attack: 4990

Material defense: 1550

Magic defense: 1400

Health value: 10250000

Skills: Hell Flame, Hell Death, Hell Roar...

Description: Nine-headed bird of hell, once was an air overlord of the demon clan, a powerful beast proud of the nine great demon gods, wind demon gods. Under the command of the Wind Demon God, he invaded the alien Moonlight City, but was suppressed by the Moonlight City garrison in the Suppressing Demon Tower. If the seal of the Demon Tower is lifted, the day when the Hell Nine-headed Bird emerges from the tower, it will be the time when Moonlight City is destroyed...

Even scavengers can see the boss's data, and now only the level 45 Zhang Yi is ashamed.

But it's okay, when these two 5-star bosses are won, Zhang Yi will rise!

at this time.

Ho Ho Ho!

Along with the roars, the nine-headed **** bird was spraying death light against the ground.

Boom boom boom!

Nine blue lasers bombarded them and swept past the sky crowd.

Caused a burst of high damage, jumping from the sky player's head——



-11558 Crit!



Two white lights lit up, and two more people were killed in seconds.

Even the sky people can't resist the damage of the nine-headed bird with nearly 5000 attack power.

And Nine-headed bird's attack just now was just a test of the water.

Use the dead light to sweep the entire field, trigger the Hell Burning talent, and ignite almost all Sky's people.

In the next moment, nine flames shot down from the mouth of the nine-headed bird, covering the audience!

Accompanied by a burst of screams, the sky player who was attacked by the nine-headed bird again, the damage suffered increased from an average of 6,000 to about 9,000!

Dozens of white lights lit up in the audience, and Sky players were directly cut in half by the second!

At the same time, under the blood-sucking effect of the burning of hell, the top of the nine-headed bird jumped up with more than 1,000 points of green recovery value.

In an instant, the energy and blood that had been lost before had returned to its full value.


The remaining Sky players fell into a panic of consternation.

"This guy is too fierce, the damage is so high, and he has his own blood sucking. We have so few people, there is no need to fight!"

Sky and the Lord God did not expect that the strength of this boss would be so strong.

The battle has only started for a while, and the team has already lost more than half.

The Qi and blood of Nine-headed Bird didn't move at all.

Thinking of going on like this, there would be no other result except the entire army being wiped out, and the Lord God decisively changed his strategy.

"Stop fighting, everyone quickly withdraw and get out!"

The voice just fell.

Everyone in the surrounding area began to use Fumo Token to prepare for teleportation.

However, Fu Mo Ling has the same 10-second reading effect as the Scroll of City Return.

The reading is not over yet.

With a roar, the nine-headed bird attacked again.

Ho Ho Ho!



Sound waves hit the audience, instantly engulfing the remaining 30 or so sky players on the field.

At the next moment, dozens of white lights light up at the same time.

Sky was completely wiped out, including their captain, Lord God.

Nothing is spared.

On the field, silence was restored, with only countless drops scattered on the ground.

Here, the scavengers and Lin Qian were shocked.

Shocked, the scavenger asked Zhang Yi: "Brother, you said you want to lead it out and fight, how to lead it?"

"As a hidden mission opener privilege, I can lift the seal of the Demon Suppression Tower at any time."

I heard what Zhang Yi said.

Lin Qian was delighted for a while: "Really, then you should lift the seal and let it out!"

"There is absolutely no way to fight it, only if you let it go out and let more people join together, will you have a chance to kill it!"

"Before that, there is one more thing that must be done."

Zhang Yi looked at Lin Qian and the scavengers: "I need your two's help."

Lin Qian and the scavenger said in unison: "What is busy?"

"You two go and steal something for me."

The scavenger thought he had heard it wrong, and looked at Zhang Yi with a dumbfounded look: "Huh?"

Zhang Yi glanced at the nine-headed **** bird that was living in the "basin" in the distance.

Said to Lin Qian and the scavengers: "It's up to you two to lead it to the dungeon."

Hearing, the scavengers were unbelievable: "You want to... lead it to the dungeon?!"

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, do as I say, and start acting."

After explaining Lin Qian and scavengers.

Zhang Yi lifted the storm wand and approached the Hell Nine-headed Bird in front of him.

Lin Qian and the scavengers were separated from each other.

The three people spread out in different directions.

at the same time.

On the dark dungeon side, the battle is still in full swing.

One hour has passed since the boss was refreshed.

And now, the blood of the Doomsday Corpse Emperor is still 70%.

The town's magic tower could not be attacked, so Sky and the people from the Hall of Fame also fought from the town's magic tower to the dungeon.

As well as the various battle teams in Moonlight City, one after another flooded into the dungeon.

Outside the dungeon, there was a crowd of people, and some people even set up a street stall to take advantage of the heat...

At this moment, countless white lights shed at the rear at the same time.

A large number of players, through the teleportation array in the dark cemetery, came to the ground!

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