I heard the restlessness coming from behind.

The players outside the dungeon looked back.

Surprisingly, a large group of players with thousands of numbers rushed over here like a rainbow!

As the group of players gradually approached.

Someone saw the ID on their heads, and there was an exclamation from the crowd:

"King's Landing!"

"There are also people from the temple and the fairy pavilion!"

"Didn't they have been to the dungeon before? Why did they suddenly come together now?"

"It must be directed at the boss!"

"But even if they come, they can't get to the fifth floor, right?"

Among the crowd, the players talked a lot.

"The rule of the dungeon is that you must complete the tasks on the upper level before you can enter the next floor. People who seem to be King's Landing have not even fought the tasks on the first floor of the dungeon~"

"The temple and the fairy pavilion are similar."

In the voice.

King's Landing, the temple, the fairy pavilion.

The three big teams, with a total of five or six thousand players, arrived outside the city.

The countless scattered players who were being blocked outside the city thought that the people in the Three Great Teams were just like them, coming to beat the corpse emperor.

Looking at the three captains at the top of the crowd.

The 46th-level second-tier archer reigns over the world, the 48th-level second-tier assassin myth, and the 48th-level second-tier magician fairy sword.

Among the casual players, someone ridiculed: "Dear big guys, come late, you can't get in."

Never thought, the voice just fell.

Whoosh whoosh——

Several flying arrows flew out from the hands of King's Landing.

The 47-level Beastmaster player who had just started teasing was shot and killed by King's Landing before he could react!


A white light lit up, and as the kneeling corpse of the Beast Master player was refreshed, the surrounding crowd was shocked.

No one understood why King's Landing suddenly acted on a passerby.

The ID turned into a crimson King Over the World, he cast his gaze on the pile of dark keys dropped by the death of the beastmaster!

A look of greed appeared in his eyes.

At this moment, beside him, the captains of the other two big teams, Shinhwa and Xianjian, couldn't help but laugh.

"Brother Junlin is right. As expected, killing is the fastest way to obtain the Dark Key!"

"Of course, we don't need to spend a lot of time to kill the monsters and explode the key. The dark key that they exploded alone can be worth the income of dozens of hundreds of carrion corpses!"

King's Landing said coldly: "At this point, it is the time when the prey is the most concentrated. In the blink of an eye, we can clean up the tasks of the first to fifth floors of the dungeon."

"Brother Junlin is absolutely right!"

With that said, the three captains each gave an order: "Brothers, kill me and seize the dungeon!"

The voice just fell.

After the battle, in the Temple of Kings and the Fairy Pavilion, the players of the Three Great Teams are battling their swords and attacking the scattered players outside the dungeon!

"Depend on!"

Faced with the sudden attack by the Three Great Teams, the crowd fell into a panic.

Among the casual players, a warrior man said in astonishment: "Are they crazy? What are they doing?!"

"They treat us as prey!" Another wizard player was unbelievable: "They want to kill people to get the Dark Key!"

"Fuck! Brothers fight back together, don't let them think we are bullies!"

I don't know who shouted.

Numerous individual players gathered outside the city, picking up the guys one after another, facing the players of the King’s Landing Temple and the Fairy Pavilion, and launched a counterattack!

Swords and swords, wars are flying.

The scene was chaotic.

In this melee between tens of thousands of players, with the screams and wailings one after another, white lights lit up one after another.

Because of the rules of the dungeon map: as long as the player dies within the range of the dungeon map, they will drop 20% of the dark key they have!

So the people of King's Landing had actually made this plan from the very beginning.

In the dungeons, most players in Moonlight City are hunting dark carrion in the city, and when they are doing missions to collect the dark key, they are leveling up on other maps in the wild and deliberately did not come to the dungeon.

Just for today, the ultimate boss refresh, when countless players gather in the dungeon, they directly hunt these players and explode the Dark Key from them to clean up the task of the dungeon!

This is always a bug in the dungeon map.

Killing people and exploding the Dark Key is definitely faster than killing the dark carrion to collect the Dark Key.

King's Landing, Temple and Fairy Pavilion, the people of these three big teams have done things that other players dare to think but dare not do.

Some people may think that there are tens of thousands of individual players outside the city, and the number of players is several times more than the total number of people in the three big teams. As long as they work together, the three big teams will not be their opponents at all.

But in fact, people are selfish.

Most of these casual players do not know each other, and they are not united like the players of King's Landing Temple.

When seeing so many dark keys exploded after the people around them died, these casual players were all moved!

After all, more than a thousand keys of darkness can be exchanged for a piece of 3-star dark equipment on the dungeon guard.

In addition, the highest level 5 [Darkness Elimination] mission in the dungeon requires only the collection of 1,000 Dark Keys.

Kill a few people, if you are lucky, you can explode a piece of dark equipment directly from the opponent!

Under such temptation, who can not be confused.

So gradually, this battle turned into a chaos!

Except for King's Landing, the three teams of the Temple and the Fairy Pavilion are always united.

Other casual players, no matter how they can take care of the three enemy teams, see that there are residual blood or low-level players around, who are easy to bully, as long as they don't know them, they can directly kill them!

The scene was extremely chaotic, and all the players seemed crazy.

Relying on systematic asylum, crazy massacres.

Because in the system asylum status, even if the red name dies, the penalty will be reduced by 90%!

Seeing that the scattered players were fighting more fiercely than themselves, here, more than a dozen people have been killed, and the ID above their heads has turned into a purple king over the world. I can’t help but smile: "They are fighting harder than us, hahaha, Niu force!"

As soon as the voice fell, the myth on the side said: "Let’s grab the key quickly and wipe out all the quests from the first to fifth floors. Otherwise, the boss will be destroyed soon, and we haven’t got in yet!"

"Not in a hurry!"

"Boom" with a fireball technique bombarded the magician fairy sword who killed a blood-remaining assassin in front of him, and said to the two of King's Landing and Shinhwa: "Look at the live broadcast and you will know that the boss still has 60% of the blood."

"At this rate, it will take at least two hours for the boss to be overthrown."

"Two hours, enough for us to reach the 5th floor, just to grab the residual blood boss!"

"Hahaha, cool! Exciting!"

"Brothers, don't be soft, kill me! The ultimate boss of the dungeon is ours!"

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