The battle outside the dungeon was dim.

At this time, the players who were on the first to fifth floors of the dungeon had no idea what was happening outside.

Players on each level stood in front of the light curtain, watching the beating of numbers on the light curtain.

As long as the number displayed on the light curtain is less than 10,000, there will be countless players immediately rushing to enter.

The heroes are immortal and fight the world, and the players who led the League of Legends and the battle to stop the battle have finally reached the fourth floor!

Together with countless players around, guarding in front of the light curtain, it was simply suffering.

At this moment, Zhan Tianxia seemed to have discovered something.

Looking at a display screen in front of him, his expression suddenly became rigorous.

"There seems to be a mess outside the city..."

Hearing, the hero immortal came over and found that Zhan Tianxia was watching the live broadcast.

Following the live broadcast interface in front of Zhantian, you can see that outside the dungeon, countless players are engaged in a melee.

"I'll go..." The hero is unquenchable and said: "They won't be unable to get in, so let's fight and kill people outside to kill time... Fortunately, we are peaceful here!"


Zhan Tianxia said: "It seems that the people from the Temple of King's Landing and the Fairy Pavilion are taking the lead."

"They are collecting the Dark Key by killing people to clean up the dungeon mission."

Surprised, the hero looked at the live broadcast interface and made a round of inspections.

"Where are they? I don't seem to see a few people from King's Landing here, they are all scattered people."

"Their main force has come in!" Zhan Tianxia said: "All the tasks on the first to fifth floors of the underground city have been cleaned up, and they have already reached the first floor."

"Just kidding!"

The hero is immortal and surprised: "We can directly pass the dungeon so soon? We went from the first floor to the fifth floor, and it took three or four days!"

"So, killing talents is the fastest way to obtain the Dark Key. It seems that they deliberately didn't come to fight the dungeon before, and they were already prepared for today!"

In the sound of words, the two of them were ashamed.

"We have to get into the fifth floor and withdraw as soon as we get an assist, and wait for the boss to come!"

As he said, the surrounding crowd suddenly agitated.

Obviously, the people on the fifth floor have died again, and there is a vacancy in the number of people.

Looking around, I saw that the number on the front light curtain instantly jumped from 10000 to 9872.

Good guys.

In the blink of an eye, more than a hundred people on the fifth floor died at once!

How terrifying is this doomsday corpse king!

Don't neglect, taking advantage of the vacancy on the fifth floor, the heroes are immortal and the world and the others, like a bus, hurriedly squeezed toward the light curtain leading to the fifth floor.

This is the town magic tower.

After Sky's group was destroyed, Zhang Yi was alone, approaching the Hell Nine-Headed Bird in front of him.

It can be seen that the nine-headed **** bird is living in the recessed "basin", and no one is found approaching.

Zhang Yi suddenly felt his heartbeat speed up.

Because with his strength, if he fights against the nine-headed bird, once he is touched, he will only be killed by a spike.

However, he had to try his own risk.

Until the effective attack range was within 50 meters, Zhang Yi did not dare to take one step closer.

Quietly lifted the staff and began to cast the spell.


A fireball bombarded it and landed on the nine-headed bird, causing a tiny amount of damage on the top of its head——


Although this damage is already high compared to other players.

next moment.

With a roar, the attacked Nine-headed bird immediately raised his head and found Zhang Yi here.

Spread its wings and soar from the ground, the nine-headed bird immediately flew towards Zhang Yi!

The goal of attracting nine-headed birds has been achieved, and Zhang Yi immediately turned around and ran.


The nine-headed bird leaping in the low air chased after it.

Fortunately, Zhang Yi, who has a 4-star enhanced level 25 [Dark Boots], with the blessing of up to 820 agility attributes, his current speed is no less than a high-end assassin of the same level!

With extraordinary speed, while s-shaped walking to dodge the fire attack of the nine-headed bird, it continues to lead it far away.

Just as the nine-headed bird was led away by Zhang Yi, Lin Qian and the scavenger quietly moved towards the basin where it had lived before, approaching the past...

Even if Zhang Yi's speed is fast enough.

After all, those who run on the ground are no better than those who fly in the sky.

After a while, he was overtaken by the nine-headed bird.


Several consecutive blue dead lights bombarded him, and Zhang Yi quickly used the flash, angrily avoiding the attack.

Instead, he used the [Magic Shield], and when he could no longer dodge, he abruptly resisted the nine-headed bird's ultrasonic attack.


Zhang Yi was overthrown by the sound wave, and the purple magic shield with 3000 points of shield value was instantly broken.

And the blood bar on the top of the head has dropped by an additional one-third!

The damage of this nine-headed bird is really too high!

Up to this moment, Zhang Yi had not summoned the dragon blood knight.

Because his purpose is not to really do something with this nine-headed bird.

There is no need to summon the dragon blood knight to die.


There was a loud noise.

The Hell Nine-headed Bird sat down in front of Zhang Yi, poked his nine heads, and stared at Zhang Yi with nine pairs of sharp red eyes.

Immediately afterwards, he opened his mouth in the blood basin, aimed at Zhang Yi, and began to accumulate energy.

Zhang Yi, who had no way to escape, didn't feel much panic.

Because through the gap between the legs of the Hell Nine-headed Bird, Zhang Yi saw the scavengers coming here, and Lin Qian.

Just when the nine-headed bird had completed its charge, it was about to use its nine heads to spray death light at Zhang Yi.

Lin Qian and the scavengers suddenly came over.

Blocked in front of Zhang Yi with his body.

Seeing the two people using their bodies to protect themselves, at this moment, Zhang Yi felt an inexplicable...sourness.

Looking at the scavenger who just turned his **** on his side, he said, "Huangzi, are you farting!"


The scavenger turned to look at Zhang Yi and smiled awkwardly: "It can only be understood..."

And at this time.

Seeing the two humans guarding Zhang Yi.

The nine-headed bird of **** suddenly agitated like crazy, and kept stirring its wings.

Ho Ho Ho Ho!

He roared deterrently at the scavengers, but the Hell Nine Birds dared not attack him.

Because at this moment, in the arms of the scavengers, he is holding a huge...bird egg!

Obviously, the nine-headed bird was threatened by the bird's egg.

Because this egg was hatched from it, and it is the lifeblood of the nine-headed bird!

Facing a level 50 5-star at such close range, **** nine-headed bird boss who can tear himself to pieces easily, it would be impossible if he was not afraid.

From Zhang Yi's perspective, you can see that the scavenger's legs are shaking.

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