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Chapter 274: Tame the nine-headed bird

Seeing that there was a bird's egg in his hand, Nine-Headed Bird didn't dare to do anything to himself except for roaring and screaming. The scavengers were relieved.

It turns out that just now, Zhang Yi told the scavengers and Lin Qian to steal something, it was this bird egg!

And Zhang Yi is responsible for leading the nine-headed bird away and creating opportunities for the scavengers.

Looking back, looking at Zhang Yi, who just got up from the ground.

The scavenger wondered: "Brother, how did you know that it laid its eggs there?"

"You can find out by observing carefully." Zhang Yi responded casually.

This is not the case.

The reason why Zhang Yi knew that the nine-headed bird had hatched its eggs was from the memory in his mind.

The source of memory is the scavengers of the previous life.

I remember that in the previous life, the scavengers once said to Zhang Yi when they mentioned the topic of the Devil's Tower.

The ultimate guardian boss of the Demon Suppression Tower is in the incubation stage in the early period after the refresh.

Of course, he didn't know this until later.

In the seven towers of the town magic tower, in the battlefield of the magic domain, the nine-headed birds of **** hatched a batch of bird eggs.

And just now, it can be clearly seen that the nine-headed bird is in that "basin", hatching its babies.

The reason why I remember so clearly.

It's because the scavengers said that at that time, they received the [Tower of Demon Town Trial] hidden mission player in Moonlight City, and they died midway before reaching the Seven Towers, using all the chances of resurrection, the kind of real death.

As a result, the mission failed, and no one can lift the seal of the Demon Suppression Tower.

For half a month, the nine-headed bird was not killed by the player. Later, a group of all-boss-level flame birds were hatched in the tower. Their strength soared, and they directly forcibly broke through the seal of the Demon Suppression Tower.

After breaking through the seal, the Hell Nine Birds led the group of flame birds and launched an attack on Moonlight City!

Zhang Yi naturally remembered the rare incident of a monster invading the player’s safe zone.

So Zhang Yi thought that perhaps he could use the bird eggs to threaten the nine-headed bird and achieve the effect of manipulating it!

Facts have proved: This method really works!

Relying on bird eggs in the hands of scavengers.

Zhang Yi approached the nine-headed bird.

Under the deterrence of that bird's egg, the nine-headed bird couldn't help but step back!

It was seen that Zhang Yi continued to approach Nine Birds.

Lin Qian behind was surprised: "Brother Zhang Yi, what are you doing?"

As soon as the voice fell, Zhang Yi suddenly flashed and disappeared in place.

In a blink of an eye, it appeared on the back of the nine-headed bird!

This scene stunned the scavengers and Lin Qian.

"Damn! Brother, you don't want to..."

Before the scavengers had finished speaking, Nine-headed Bird began to resist, trying to throw Zhang Yi off himself.

Until the scavenger raised the bird's egg above his head, it looked like it was about to drop it.

The goods settled down immediately.

Zhang Yi couldn't help but reached out and touched the furry back of the nine-headed bird: "Hey, as long as you do me a favor, your baby will naturally not be in danger."


The tamed nine-headed bird has a different call.

In the world of apocalypse, monsters are divided into normalization and intelligence.

In addition to having a high IQ, intelligent monsters can speak human words.

Similar to the dungeon ultimate boss Doomsday Corpse King, it is an intelligent monster.

The ordinary monsters, although they can't speak, they are human, have certain emotions, and can understand the player's words.

This nine-headed bird is normalized.

As long as it has a little IQ, it will not be a 50-level 5-star boss, but it can also be threatened by a player because of a bird's egg.

So, under Zhang Yi's order, Nine-Headed Bird got down, causing the scavenger and Lin Qian to climb on its back!

For the scavengers and Lin Qian, it was almost like a dream.

They were actually riding on a 5-star boss!

When the scavengers were stunned.

Zhang Yi reminded: "This egg must be preserved, the egg is there, no one is there."

The scavenger looked at the egg in his arms and couldn't help but swallowed deeply.

"It's such a big one, I don't know how it tastes like..."

Then, under Zhang Yi's order, the nine-headed bird carried the three people and soared from the ground.

at the same time.

Outside the town magic tower.

Many players who couldn't get into the Demon Squad Tower stayed here for a long time, and still had nothing to do, they left one after another.

Thinking about it, the dungeons in the past may still get a share of the Doomsday Corpse King.

And just when the players are preparing to evacuate the town magic tower.

A system prompt suddenly sounded--

Citywide announcement: "Ding~Players, please note that the seal of the Devil’s Tower has been lifted by the players! Tracer·Hell Nine Birds have regained their freedom! Players, please be prepared to deal with the Hell Nine Birds!"

As the system announcement spread.

The first thing that boils down is the group of players who are the closest to the town's magic tower and haven't gone far.

"The seal is lifted? Who did it, so awesome?!"

"It doesn't matter who did it, what's important is that the boss will come out soon!"

"Brothers, go back and prepare to meet the boss!!"

In the voice.

Those players who haven't gone far, one after another roundabout towards the Demon Suppression Tower.

At this moment, it was accompanied by a long cry of "Roar".

A huge red nine-headed firebird flew out of the town magic tower!

At this moment, the players scattered around the town magic tower boiled again.

"My mother... is another level 50 5-star boss!"

"Why do I feel so excited!"

"Brothers go! Kill the boss!"

I don't know who shouted.

In all directions, countless passers-by players are battling their swords and attacking the nine-headed bird that has just emerged from the town's magic tower!

Because they can fly, the warrior assassins and knights of the melee system are helpless to the nine-headed bird.

Currently only the mage shooter can pose a threat to it.

As a result, magicians, archers, and beastmaster players everywhere on the land, copied the guys, and shot the nine-headed birds that were crushing from low in the sky!

Whoosh whoosh!

Boom boom boom!

A sharp arrow and magic ball bombarded the body of the nine-headed bird, just bringing two or three hundred points on top of its head, unbreakable mandatory damage!

The next moment, the nine-headed bird launched a counterattack.


At the same time, flames were spit out from the nine mouths, and they swept towards the place where they flew under him, devouring countless players on the land!

With a huge amount of damage as high as 7000-10000 points, more than a dozen players on the field were directly killed in seconds.

The white light from the sky illuminates the relics of war.

Immediately afterwards, the nine-headed bird did not continue to stay here, but inflamed its wings and flew into the sky.

Then, flew away towards the distance.

With the boss out of the effective attack range.

On land, the scattered players who could only watch the boss fly away, sighed.

"Who of you just saw, are there a few people sitting on that guy's back?"

"Dazzled, how could it be possible! But it hurts really high, if it wasn't for the professional blood of the Lao Tzu fighter, he was almost killed by a single blow just now!"

"Where is it going?"

"Look at the direction it is moving now, it seems to be leading to the underground city..."

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