Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 278: Doomsday corpse king vs **** nine-headed bird

Zhang Yi and the three people riding on the backs of Nine Headed Birds were shocked.

Watching the Doomsday Corpse Emperor ate the bird egg.

This is not the most excessive.

The most overwhelming thing is that after eating the bird egg, the Doomsday Corpse King opened its mouth with a foul-smelling blood basin, hiccups, and hiccups!

Ho Ho Ho!

The nine-headed bird of **** was like crazy in an instant, launching a crazy attack on the doomsday corpse king who had eaten its lifeblood.

Boom boom boom boom!

A wave of death light bombarded the Doomsday Corpse Emperor, all of which were blocked by the Doom Corpse Emperor's Aurora Shield.

There are also a few aurora that bombard the corpse emperor, killing a large group of players of King's Landing and Temple in his surroundings!

The Doomsday Corpse Emperor turned and roared, and the powerful shock wave overturned the nine-headed bird, causing the three of Zhang Yi and the scavenger Lin Qian to fall from the back of the nine-headed bird.

With a sound of "fuck", the scavenger and Lin Qian fell to the ground from a height of tens of meters, each directly dropping half of their blood.

Zhang Yi flashed and landed smoothly, unscathed.

How dare the three of them stay with the two bosses, and hurriedly fled to the surroundings.

Even Zhang Yi has no way to deal with the two bosses now.

Because the duration of the [Darkness Coming] scroll is only 30 seconds, you must wait until the BOSS is left with blood before you can use it.

Just when the three of them flee in reverse.

Those nearby King's Landing players who were approaching to kill the BOSS recognized Zhang Yi.

"Yinuo Qingcheng!"

"It's that Human Beast Master! Brothers, kill him!"

Accompanied by a shout from the crowd.

In the next moment, countless King's Landing players in front of him rushed towards Zhang Yi.

Looking at those King's Landing players who were blocking his way, Zhang Yi's eyes were full of murderous anger.

"court death."

As soon as the voice fell, he lifted the storm wand.

Just wait for the group of King's Landing players to gradually enter the effective range.

Zhang Yi cast a spell quickly.

There is no time to attack.

Boom boom boom!

The dead light that was refracted by the doomsday corpse emperor was blocked by the light shield one by one, and it happened to shoot down to the position in front of Zhang Yi.

The King's Landing players who were inexplicably attacked by the nine-headed bird's death light were blasted into white light one by one.

"Oh my god……"

The scavengers who walked side by side with Zhang Yi looked back at the two BOSS who were fighting, and couldn't help but sigh, "Really fierce!"

In all directions, King's Landing, Temple, and Fairy Pavilion.

The players of Team Three continued to besiege BOSS and Zhang Yi.

Facing the thousands of troops and horses of the Three Great Teams.

The scavenger said desperately: "It's over, we ran all the way, are we here to give the head away?"

As soon as the voice fell, Zhang Yi said, "Can you stop me if you're just a mere King's Landing?"

"Brother..." The scavenger said bitterly: "When is the time, are you still pretending to be forced!"

Zhang Yi could only lift up the storm wand again, causing purple energy to creak above the wand.

The next moment, only wait for the second batch of King's Landing Temple and the fairy pavilion players to start the journey.


A storm of undead descended from the sky, instantly engulfing dozens of warriors, knights and assassin players from the Three Great Teams in a large area in front of them.

Relying on Zhang Yi's more than 2,300 offensive power, plus a 15% damage bonus on the equipment list, and a 35% skill damage increase in the dark suit.

On the heads of those players who are enveloped by the undead storm, they bring 800-1000 points of damage!

Among them, there are countless super-high critical strike damages of about 2000 points!

On average, for every three damages, there are two critical strikes.

Following the undead storm.

Storm wand, silver shining.

The target is the second in command of King's Landing in front of the undead storm, the 48-level warrior of King's Landing.

Streamer off!


A silver streamer fell from the sky, and at the same time that the king was in the middle of the eight wilderness, a silver light wave bloomed towards the surrounding.

Instantly swallow all hostile players within a 50-meter radius of King's Landing Bahuang.

A huge amount of damage that shocked the audience jumped from the heads of the players who were touched by the streamer——

-11258 Crit!


-8924 Crit!

-8822 Crit!



With more than 13,000 crit damage, King's Landing Bahuang, whose first blood bar was emptied, knelt to the ground.

In the next moment, take King's Landing and Eight Desolations as the center of the circle.

Within a radius of 50 meters, dozens of white lights lit up!

More than half of the people were killed directly!

Then, summon the dragon blood knight.

A [Dragon Blood Fury] engulfed the audience, with more than 7,000 damage, harvesting dozens of players who had just been maimed by Zhang Yi with a streamer.

Hundreds of players in a large area were wiped out in such a blink of an eye.

Only the equipment and dark keys piled up on the ground are left.

Seeing this scene, let alone the players of Team Three.

Even the scavengers and Lin Qian standing beside Zhang Yi were stunned.

With the first batch of teammates being slapped, even the scum is not left.

In the rear, the players of the Three Great Team were so frightened that they did not dare to come closer.

I was shocked to witness the myth that the other party only used two skills and combined with a group skill of Warcraft to lose a group of hundreds of people on his side.

"What kind of damage is this! This mage has such a high crit rate? Quanmin's added mage??"

Xianjian was also full of astonishment: "What kind of skill he just used has such a wide range, and the group skill actually has such a high damage!"

Then, the two of them looked at King's Landing World at the same time: "So, the previous rumors about him killing your King's Landing Thousand Corps alone are true!"

"Wipe! This is definitely going to hang up, I want to report him!"

In the eyes of the players of Team Three, this human beast master Yi Nuo Qingcheng is simply a demon.

For Zhang Yi.

The whole body equipment is enhanced at full level, including two 4-star **** outfits with super talents full of stars!

At this stage, Zhang Yi, who has reached the extreme in terms of data, combined with the orange skill streamer with a damage coefficient of up to 200%, no one can resist his damage.

It's fine for WoW metamorphosis.

As the master, a beast master with the lowest growth in all attributes in the world of apocalypse, his own strength is actually so strong.

This guy has no solution!

The players of Team Three stopped 50 meters away from Zhang Yi, looking at me and I looking at you, staring at each other.

At this time, someone shouted: "So many of us are afraid of him? What's more, there is now a system of shelter, afraid of a fart!"

"Brothers, burst him!"

As soon as the voice fell, the players of Team Three continued to rush over.

As for the players of King's Landing Temple and Immortal Pavilion, after such a long time of slaughter, all of them have become red names.

In other words.

Next, no matter how Zhang Yi fights, he won't get the guilt value.

As a result, Zhang Yi, who was holding the wand of the storm, had more murderous intent in his eyes.

When preparing to continue the attack.

On the left and right, two large groups of players suddenly came out from the crowd of the three big teams.

"Boss, here we are!"

Accompanied by a shout.

Looking around, I found that it was the League of Legends and the people who stopped the war with war!

The two chess pieces that Zhang Yi buried in the city are finally going to come in handy.

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