As the League of Legends and those who ended the war with war cut into the battlefield, with sky, they launched a counterattack against the three major teams.

The melee broke out again.

At the same time, the fight between the Doomsday Corpse King and Hell Nine-headed Bird, the two five-star BOSS is also inextricable.

The players around didn't even dare to approach the past.

The battle of the big brothers left these rookies beyond the reach.

Zhang Yi's side is already unmatched.

All the players of Team Three who tried to get close to Zhang Yi, without exception, were bombarded and killed in the middle of the road.

As for the long-range mage shooter player, the damage that can be done to Zhang Yi is also very low.

After all, the 4-star enhanced level 25 Dark Boots brings a high amount of defensive power bonus, which is not an ordinary player at this stage, and can move.


The passive skill of the Dark Boots, Dark Asylum, makes the opponents who hold the 3-star dark suit weapon and think they are very powerful, on the contrary, the damage to Zhang Yi is lower than the unbreakable compulsory damage!


I saw that a level 48 archer player in the temple who held a dark bow hit Zhang Yi's body with a proud [Armor Sunder Arrow], exploding a 156 points of damage on top of his head.

The temple archer couldn't help being shocked.

"This guy, the labor-management-enhanced 16-level 48-level 3-star dark bow, can't hit him with armor-piercing arrows?"

"Tm his defensive power is not going to heaven?"

Naturally, no one would have thought that Zhang Yi possessed a [Dark Asylum] passive that could reduce 40% damage from dark weapons.

The next moment, Zhang Yi was not polite.

The storm wand flicked lightly.

Fireball and Freeze fell on that temple archer player.

-8432 Crit!

-7754 crit!

Fireball is enough to kill the archer with a total HP of 8000 points in seconds.

The freezing technique in the back was given away for nothing.

Before the battle, the Dragon Blood Knights also slaughtered the Quartet.

With the strong talent of the Dragon Blood Body, the players of the Three Great Teams dare not touch the Dragon Blood Knight.

Because the players on the fourth floor dare not step into the fifth floor to die.

In the first few floors of the dungeon, the number of people has always been saturated, and the fighting has ceased.

Players outside the city can no longer flood into the dungeon.

Therefore, people on the fifth floor will die one less.

Regardless of King's Landing Temple or Sky, all the supporters were isolated outside the dungeon.

In this state, even after the League of Legends ended the battle with a battle, they also joined sky with an alliance. They were too disadvantaged in terms of numbers, but after all, they were not the opponents of the three major teams.


The fierce team battle lasted for more than an hour.

The League of Legends and the End of the War with War, and the players of Sky, only three or four hundred have been killed.

And the number of surviving teams in the King's Landing Temple and the Xian Pavilion three battle team, at least two to three thousand!

At the same time, the two big bosses at the rear have all fallen into residual blood.

As a nine-headed bird of the wizard system, the total blood volume was originally only half of the Doomsday Corpse Emperor.

In addition, the defensive power is not as good as the Doomsday Corpse King.

Therefore, in this battle, the consumption of the nine-headed bird is much higher than that of the Doomsday Corpse King.

From the initial 100:30, the blood volume ratio has now become 2:1.

That's right, the blood volume of the Doomsday Corpse King and Hell Nine Birds are only 2% and 1% left!

The mutation period has passed, and the big move has been finished.

Two BOSS, it's time for the mountains and rivers to end.

At this time, all the players who survived on the field cast their eyes on the two BOSSs.

Including Zhang Yi.

Now, it’s time to use the [Darkness Coming] scroll to take down these two bosses!

Therefore, Zhang Yi started a [streaming light off] to kill a large area of ​​King's Landing and the temple players blocking the road behind.

Then, holding the storm wand in his hand, he approached the boss.

Seeing that Zhang Yi was finally about to attack the BOSS.

Before the battle, the two heroes who were rare to live to the present, Immortal and Zhan Tianxia, ​​waved their swords and shouted:

"Brothers, cover the boss to take the boss, don't let these dog thieves get close to the boss!"

As soon as the voice fell, the League of Legends and the Battle to Stop the War, the few remaining more than two hundred players stepped up their offensive, using fierce artillery fire to block the three major players approaching in front.

Sky's people have followed Zhang Yi.

Obviously they are not willing to just give up the BOSS to anyone.

In the rear, Zhang Yi cooperated with the Dragonblood Knights, plus two BOSS's "divine assistance", and the onslaught of the sky player, easily destroying the hundreds of three major players surrounding the Doomsday Corpse Emperor and Nine Heads.

But soon, more people came from all directions.

Because there are too many people in the three big teams, almost the entire fifth floor of the dungeon is theirs.

Those who were stopped by the League of Legends and Stop the War with War were only part of it.

However, their target is not Zhang Yi, but BOSS!

The countless players of the Three Great Team went crazy and besieged the **** BOSS.

Boom boom boom boom!

A round of long-range shooting from the mage shooter instantly hit the blood of the Doomsday Corpse King and the Nine Birds to 1% and 0.4%!

Seeing that as long as another wave of fire, you can kill two BOSS.

At this moment, the situation suddenly changed in the air, and the entire dungeon fell into darkness in an instant!

Around, many players panic.

"Damn, what's going on, BOSS won't do any pre-death enhancement, right?"

"The BOSS only has a little blood, leave him alone, fight the BOSS!"

The players were talking about it at the same time.

In Zhang Yi's ear, a system prompt sounded——

"Ding~ You used the magic scroll [Darkness Fall], the damage of all players and monsters within one mile is reduced by 90%, and your damage to the Doomsday Corpse King is increased by 10 times for 30 seconds!"

Immediately afterwards.

Surrounding the BOSS, countless archers and magician players from the Three Great Wars continue to attack the Doomsday Corpse King and Nine Birds!

However, at this moment, their attacks fell on the BOSS, and they all caused 20 or 30 points of damage!

Compared with the two or three hundred mandatory damages that were previously unbreakable, it was directly reduced by 90%!

This made a round of fire-focused attacks that were originally enough to win two BOSSs at the same time, hitting the Doomsday Corpse Emperor and Nine Headed Birds without any pain or itching at all.

next moment.

Zhang Yi came flashingly.

Aiming at the doomsday corpse emperor who still had 0.7% blood left, the storm wand swiftly waved.




Boom boom boom!

Three consecutive single skills bombarded the body of the Doomsday Corpse King, exploding three huge amounts of damage above his head that shocked the audience——

-79842 crit!


-82158 Crit!

The blood bar on the head of the Doomsday Corpse Emperor was instantly emptied.

Immediately switch the target to the **** nine-headed bird in the low air.

One after another, the death storm focused fire on the nine-headed bird, and the remaining 0.2% of the blood bar on the nine-headed bird's head was also empty!

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