"Ding~Congratulations on killing the Lv50 Dark Ruler·Doomsday Corpse King. Because you took the final blow, you will get 100% full reward: experience value +13500000, foreign race reputation +7200! Additional rewards based on contribution: experience Value +1560000, gold coins +156!"

"Ding~Congratulations on killing the Lv50 Tracer·Hell Nine-headed Bird. Because you took the final blow, you will get 100% full reward: experience value +13500000, foreign race reputation +7200!"

Accompanied by two melodious system prompts, it fell from my ears.

Before this BOSS battle started, Zhang Yi, who had turned off the experience stacking function, had several consecutive golden lights on his head—

"Ding~ Congratulations on your upgrade, the current level is 46..."

"Ding~ Congratulations on your upgrade..."


"Ding~ Congratulations on your level up, the current level is 50! The current level has reached the highest level, you cannot continue to level up, you need to complete three turns before you can break through the level upper limit!"

The sum of the last blow rewards of the two BOSSs, a total of more than 28 million experience, impressively made Zhang Yi rise to 5 levels in a row!


Not only Zhang Yi.

In all directions, all the players in the dungeon have been upgraded, and the minimum is more than 2 consecutive levels!

And, all players who participated in this BOSS battle received 50% of the reward for participating in the battle.

At the same time, floating in the air, several city-wide announcements sounded in succession—

"Ding ~ Moonlight City players please note: the ultimate dark dungeon boss [Dark Ruler · Doomsday Corpse King] has died, all players participating in this BOSS battle, the system will carry out normal reward settlement, and the additional settlement will be based on contribution award!"

"Ding~The ultimate boss of Hidden Map Town Magic Tower [Traceer·Hell Nine-Headed Bird] has died..."

"Ding~Congratulations to the player [Yinuo Qingcheng] for completing the Moonlight City [National Extreme Upgrade Challenge] and won the first prize: gold coins x1000! Orange skill book x1! 5-star treasure chest x1! (Note: Since multiple players completed the challenge simultaneously, The system has calculated the ranking based on the player’s exceeding the challenge level quota

"Ding~Congratulations to the player [**] for completing the challenge..."

"Ding~Congratulations to the player [Yiqi Juechen] for completing the Moonlight City [National Extreme Upgrade Challenge] and won the third prize: gold coins x1000! Orange skill book x1! 5-star treasure chest x1!"


Good guys!

Hearing the prompt from the system, everyone discovered that the old man Yiqi Juechen also participated in this BOSS battle!

However, he should have withdrawn from the dungeon immediately after getting the assist, and did not participate in the subsequent chaos between the players.

Otherwise, there is no reason why no one will see him later.

And Zhang Yi's words.

The Beastmaster’s challenge level is 45.

Although the dragon blood knight is only level 42, the national challenge is to calculate the average level of the beast master and the beast.

On average, Zhang Yi and the Dragon Blood Knight have reached level 46!

As the announcements spread across the city, the players in Moonlight City exploded one after another.

In the chat channel of the main city, countless messages are rushing out of the news—

"Damn! Two bosses actually hang up at the same time? How did you do it so cleverly?"

"Wow! Which big boss took the boss?"

"I think it should be Yinuo Qingcheng, who has received the full reward for the last blow of the BOSS, otherwise he, a beast master, would not be the first person in Moonlight City to complete the upgrade challenge!"

"Oh my God, two level 50 5-star BOSS! I don't know what good stuff came out, who will the team building order go to? If only I was by the BOSS now!"

In the chat channel of the main city, the players of Moonlight City are in full swing.

And inside the underground city.

Accompanied by a heart-piercing wailing of "Ou Ou".

The huge body of the nine-headed bird of **** suddenly fell from the sky.

At the same time, the Doomsday Corpse Emperor also let out an unwilling roar, and then fell to his knees with a "puff".

With the lightsaber station, even the dead doomsday corpse emperor still stands tall.

The corpse of the nine-headed bird fell beside the Doomsday Corpse Emperor.

In the next moment, beside the corpses of two 5-star BOSS, countless golden trophies fell down!

At this moment, it seems that time has stopped.

There was silence in the dungeon.

in all directions.

King's Landing, Temple, Celestial Pavilion, League of Legends and Fight to Stop War, and Sky players.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the loot piled up beside the two BOSS corpses!


A shout was heard from the surrounding crowd—

"Brothers, go! Grab the spoils, grab the team building order!"

As soon as the voice fell, everyone flew towards the BOSS's corpse!

However, Zhang Yi naturally couldn't let any one of them, even if it was the spoils of BOSS.

While the effect of [Darkness Coming] was still there, Zhang Yi, who was closest to the BOSS, flashed directly and moved to the side of the BOSS's body.

At the same time, several senior assassin players from King's Landing and Temple rushed over with their acceleration skills.

They all came for the spoils.

Therefore, Zhang Yi waved the staff without hesitation.

Boom boom boom!

A chain of lightning locks the three assassins who preferentially approach the loot, exploding from their heads each with a critical strike of about 5000 points of damage.

Ever since I used Streamer to extinguish, I felt that the group attack skill of Chain Lightning, which has a damage coefficient of only 95%, is simply too tasteless!

Compared with the streamer with a factor of 200%, both the attack range and the damage are completely out of the same level.

A chain of lightning went down and maimed the three assassins.

Zhang Yi then relied on the attack speed bonus brought by more than 800 agility, threw out three consecutive normal attacks with super fast hand speed, and hurriedly killed the three people before they reached out to pick up the loot!

Around, more people rushed toward the BOSS like a tide!

As Zhang Yi approached the trophy, he constantly waved his staff, blasting and killing the players of Team Three who were trying to **** the trophy!

And their attack fell on Zhang Yi, and with the 90% damage reduction effect of the darkness coming, all of them could only cause more than one hundred, or even dozens of points of damage to Zhang Yi!

Under Zhang Yibo's high damage, the surrounding players, one after another, fell dead on the way close to the loot.

After a while, Zhang Yi successfully approached the past.

Quickly reached out to grab the mountain of spoils in front of him.

I could only hear, and there were a series of pleasant reminders, ringing from Zhang Yi's ears—

"Ding~Congratulations on getting the equipment [Doom Aurora Sword] x1!"

"Ding~ Congratulations on getting gold coins x1026!"

"Ding~Congratulations on getting [Summon of Darkness] (magic scroll) x1!"

"Ding~Congratulations on getting the equipment [Eye of Hell] x!"

"Ding~ Congratulations on obtaining the [Team Building Order] x1!"


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