"You want a team building order."

As Zhang Yi's voice just fell.

The main **** was stunned, it seemed that he did not expect that the other party actually guessed what he was thinking!

So he nodded and said, "Can you think about it? What price do you offer..."

Obviously, the Lord God did not have much confidence, and he did not think that Zhang Yi would sell him the first team building order of Moonlight City.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yi said, "Yes."

On the contrary, the main **** couldn't believe it: "Are you really willing to sell me the team building order?"

"After all, without your desperate protection, I couldn't have returned to the city safely before."

"But you won the boss!"

The main **** said: "Seize the BOSS from the three major teams in King's Landing. At least you can do it by your ability!"

After thinking about it, the other party may also be for money.

So, too much nonsense is stopped, and the main **** goes straight to the subject: "Brother, what price? You can open it!"

The main **** has been mentally prepared long ago.

As long as the price is within the range he can afford, he will buy the first team building order of Moonlight City at all costs, even if his family is bankrupt!

Just when the main **** thought that Zhang Yi wanted to make a big offer from the lion's mouth.

I only heard Zhang Yi say: "I gave it to you."

Not only the main god.

Even the scavengers and heroes beside Zhang Yi were stunned.

Zhan Tianxia was dubious: "Boss, are you kidding me?"

"Boss, this is Moonlight City's first team building order!"

Hearing Zhang Yi said that he wanted to send out the team building order, the hero immortal said quickly: "And it was the brothers who saved it desperately, really... do you want to give it to someone else?"

Both the League of Legends and the Battle to End the War are both real and unknown, and the heroes are immortal and the world of war. They definitely don't want Zhang Yi to sell this team building order to others.

What's more, Zhang Yi actually said that he would give it to sky for free!

However, Zhang Yi seemed to have made up his mind.

Said to the main god: "I have a condition. I will create the team according to your requirements, and then transfer it to you."

Regarding Zhang Yi's last sentence, the main **** has not yet reacted: "What did you just say? Are you going to give me the team building order?"

Only when the main **** was still immersed in a while of surprise.

Zhang Yi has crushed a scroll of City Return in his hand: "I am waiting for you at the team ambassador."

After speaking, white light flashed, and Zhang Yi had disappeared in the dungeon.

Back to Moonlight City.

Following the map, Zhang Yi came to the embassy in the city.

Stepping into the embassy, ​​I saw the team ambassador Lian!

After a while, Sky, the main god, and a few core members of Sky hurried over.

"Is it sky?" Zhang Yi asked, turning to look at Sky and the Lord God.

The main **** nodded: "Well, all capitals."


After speaking, trigger a dialogue with Lian.

"Dear team ambassador, I want to create a team."


Lying on a recliner in the hall, Lian, who was about to fall asleep, woke up.

Looking up and down Zhang Yi: "Young man, it is not that easy to create a team. First of all, do you have a team building order?"

"Yes." Zhang Yi took out the team building order.

The team ambassador looked shocked: "I finally waited for the first destined person!"

"In this perilous world of Apocalypse, a strong team can bring you tremendous security."

"Young man, have you decided to create a team!"

The voice of the team ambassador just fell.

A system reminder passed to Zhang Yi's ears——

"Ding ~ Do you consume 1 [Team Building Order] and 10,000 points of foreign prestige to create a team?"

Although Zhang Yi created the team to trigger the first team building achievement and gain a lot of prestige from it.

However, Zhang Yi also knew that compared with the achievement award, the 10,000 prestige points needed to build a team were simply insignificant.

Zhang Yi created the team, and then transferred the team to sky, instead of directly giving them the team building order, is to get the achievement award.

In addition, 14400 points of foreign prestige awarded by two BOSSs, various achievements triggered during the period of coming to Moonlight City, and mission awards.

Zhang Yi's foreign prestige has reached more than 45,000 points!

Therefore, Zhang Yi did not hesitate to create a team.

"Ding~Congratulations on becoming the first player to create a team in Moonlight City. The system will announce a citywide announcement soon. Please choose to hide/disclose your ID?"


next moment.

Citywide announcement: "Ding~Congratulations to the player [Yinuo Qingcheng] for creating a team [SKY], triggering the achievement [First team], and getting rewards: experience value +5000000, foreign prestige +24000!"

Good guys!

Zhang Yi thought that the prestige that the achievement award can get is definitely more than the cost of creating a team.

But I didn't expect to have so many bonuses with the 20% prestige increase of Human Race!

Excluding the 10,000 prestige points consumed, Zhang Yi also netted 14,000 prestige points!

In addition, the experience of 5 million prostitutes is not too cool!

With this city-wide announcement spread.

In Moonlight City, countless players were agitated.

"Good fellow, has Yinuo Qingcheng used a team worth tens of thousands of gold coins to make himself use?"

"But why is the name of the team called sky? What is the relationship between him and the people of Sky?"

"I think it was Sky's people who bought the team building order, and for this achievement award, Yinuo Qingcheng used his identity to create a team for Sky!"

There are smart players who have already thought of the answer.

However, they would never have imagined in their dreams that Zhang Yi did not sell the team building order to Sky, but gave it to them for free.

The embassy is here.

After creating the team, Zhang Yi first handed Sky and the Lord God into the team.

Then, the position of the captain was transferred to the main god.

Finally got the first team of Moonlight City!

For the Lord God, what is happening now is like a dream!

Excited, the main **** looked at Zhang Yi: "You stay in my team!"

"Your strength is very strong, and the team was created by you. I will give you the position of deputy captain, but in the future, in Sky, our position will be the same. You are also the captain of Sky."


Lin Qian, who had just returned from the side, looked envious.

"Brother Zhang Yi, Sky's deputy captain! What are you still hesitating?"

The Lord God confidently believes that Zhang Yi will definitely stay in Sky.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yi smiled: "Thanks, but I have my own plans."

After speaking, Zhang Yi withdrew from the team.

It can be seen that Zhang Yi's attitude is firm, and the Lord God did not force it.

After getting the team, several people from Sky bid farewell to Zhang Yi and left the embassy.

They left when they saw the main god.

The scavenger sighed: "My brother, did you just send out the first invaluable team in Moonlight City?"

"They didn't even say thank you!"

Zhang Yi smiled, and said disapprovingly: "This is called a paid investment."

"Forget it, you have already sent the team out anyway, it's useless to say anything~"

The scavenger sighed, somewhat puzzled.

"But brother, Sky is considered a well-known team in Moonlight City. Now that the team is officially established, it will be ready to ascend next."

"He gave you the position of deputy captain, why don't you go?"

"I said, I have my own plans."

In the voice.

At this moment, Zhang Yi suddenly received a system message:

"Ding~You got a gift from the player [sky, the main god]: gold coins x50000!"

Zhang Yi was taken aback.

Immediately afterwards, another private message was received.

I opened the message list and found that it was Sky and the Lord God who sent it:

"Compare my heart to my heart, I don't like what I owe to others, Yi Nuo Qingcheng, you brother, I have settled it!"

Seeing this news, Zhang Yi smiled happily.

It seems that he did not misunderstand the wrong person.

According to the scavengers, the sky of the previous life was a harmonious family with a high reputation and persuade people by virtue!

Closing the news, Zhang Yi walked to the team ambassador Lian again.

After a while, another announcement spread across the city——

"Ding~Congratulations to the player [Yinuo Qingcheng] for creating a team [Dragon], triggering the achievement [Second Team], and getting rewards: experience value +3000000, foreign race reputation +18000!"

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