
At first, I didn't know what Zhang Yi ran to the team ambassador to do again.

Until they heard this sudden announcement of the whole city, the scavengers who were in the embassy, ​​the heroes and the people in the world, were stunned for a while.

Excitedly ran to Zhang Yi's side.

The scavenger said with great excitement: "Brother, what's the situation with you?!"

Lin Qian reacted: "Brother Zhang Yi, Doomsday Corpse King, and the nine-headed bird, both bosses have exploded the team building order?"

"Right." Zhang Yi nodded, smiling but not smiling: "Otherwise, the only team in the world of Apocalypse, would I send it out so easily?"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Just now because Zhang Yi gave the team out for free, I felt disappointed for a while. Even the scavengers who thought Zhang Yi had been kicked by a donkey were immediately very excited: "Brother, I now admire you again!"

At the same time, Lin Qian smiled and said, "Let’s just say, how could Brother Zhang Yi hand over the team that we all traded in for their lives to others? It turns out that Brother Zhang Yi had already prepared a second hand. !"


The scavenger said with regret: "However, although there are two team orders, one is given away, we also have this one."

"Brother, the team order you just gave to the sky person for free is too generous!"

"Do you know that the big men of the various battle teams in Moonlight City have privately coaxed the first team building order in your hand to a price?"

The scavenger said excitedly: "Someone has already offered 30,000 gold coins!"

"Oh My God!"

Hearing what the scavenger said, the heroes on the side and Zhan Tianxia were stunned.

30,000 gold coins, what is this concept?

It makes people dare not even think about it.

However, just when the scavengers felt sorry for them, Zhang Yixiemei smiled.

Open the backpack and turn on the show off mode.

Several people poked their heads and looked at the backpack interface shared by Zhang Yi.

When she saw the money column and several numbers behind it, Lin Qian was stunned: "One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand... my god!"

"Brother Zhang Yi, you have 50,000 gold coins!"

After the trio of heroes from the Immortal War World and Scavengers, they all said "Fucking" in unison.

The hero is unquenchable and said: "Boss, where do you get so much money?"

Zhang Yi put away his backpack.

Said: "It's sold, a piece of revenue from the team building order."

Several people stayed for a while.

Because the news of the gift was received, only Zhang Yi could hear it. No one else knew that the Lord God just gifted Zhang Yi 50,000 gold coins!

After a meeting.

The scavengers were the first to react: "So, you did give the team to sky for free just now, but they may feel that their conscience is overwhelming, and then they gave you 50,000 gold coins?!"

"Yes, from the Lord God."

Zhang Yi's answer surprised and delighted several people.

Zhan Tianxia exclaimed: "Sky... really gods and people! I didn't expect them to be so good! I really thought they wanted you to be the boss of a prostitute!"

Indeed, even Zhang Yi did not expect that the Lord God would eventually buy the team from his own hands at a price of 20,000 gold coins higher than the market price!

Zhang Yi's original plan was really to give the team to them.

Because of the two team building orders in his hand, it was given to Zhang Yi Capital.

Furthermore, before that, Sky's people had helped Zhang Yi several times, and this favor has not yet been returned.

And this time, they desperately protected themselves and returned to the city. Whatever they said, they couldn't just let them die in vain.

Even if they died in order to protect themselves, most of them still have a chance to resurrect.

In addition, King's Landing, who was in the same name as Sky in the previous life and ranked in the top three of the Moonlight City team, has already been defeated.

Without the rival of King's Landing, Sky is bound to become the number one family in Moonlight City in the future!

Therefore, it is inevitable to have a good relationship with such a strong sky.

With the addition of the Hall of Fame, Zhang Yi has already made a good relationship.

In Moonlight City, Zhang Yi has no enemies.

No matter what you do next, it will be unimpeded.

Not only made sky, but also got 50,000 gold coins.

This harvest was somewhat unexpected, and it also surprised Zhang Yi.

50,000 gold coins!

Zhang Yi couldn't hold back this temptation either, 50,000 gold coins can be used to do too many things now!

Try to calm down your excited emotions.

The corner of Zhang Yi's mouth raised, and asked several scavengers: "How about the name of this team?"

"Dragons, mighty, domineering and handsome!" The scavengers gave thumbs up with both hands, and there was uncontrollable joy on his cheeks.

Zhang Yi smiled deliberately: "So know why I dismissed the post of Deputy Captain Sky?"

"Compared with sending people under the fence, I prefer to create a team of my own and feel like being the captain by myself."

Both the heroes are immortal and the world is an unparalleled surprise: "Boss, awesome!"

At the same time, the Moonlight City chat area burst again.

"Fuck! Yi Nuo Qingcheng is about to take off! He created two teams in a row!"

"Does the boss team want someone? Bring your own pots and pans, eat, drink, live, and solve by yourself. The level of 49 second-turn archer is online. Don't drag oil bottles. Start with me!"

Then, several friends sent congratulations...

[Hall of Fame, Cher]: "Congratulations, Zhang Yi, I finally have my own team! Come on, and I wish the Dragon Clan will become the number one team in Moonlight City in the future! (Struggle

[Sky, the main god]: "Good guy, you actually have two team building orders? Congratulations, but then, we SKY will not let you dragons, which is strong and weak, wait and see. Hahaha!"

The news of Zhang Yi's two teams created a sensation among players in the city.

Naturally, they also included King's Landing, who had just been killed back to Moonlight City.

Moonlight City, Resurrection Spring.

In King’s Landing, the Temple and the Fairy Pavilion, countless players from the Three Great Teams gathered here, as if they had contracted the Resurrection Spring.

The passersby players who had just died accidentally in the wild and were resurrected from the resurrection spring were so scared that they trembled one by one.

In this battle, the three major teams suffered heavy losses, and they were not ordinary heavy losses.

Among them, more than 80% of them had gray names or red names before they died.

Those who died during the [System Asylum] period, whose death loss was greatly reduced, are not counted.

The remaining more than 3,000 people were killed by Zhang Yi and the Dark Carrion Corps and Sky together after the system shelter disappeared.

Almost everyone in this group dropped 2-3 levels!

The most excessive thing is that the king is over the world.

He had killed too many people before, and before he died, his ID had already turned purple.

Even after killing two BOSS, 2000 guilt points have been eliminated, and King's Landing still has a purple name before his death.

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