Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 290: Let you disappear in three days

This death caused the entire body of King's Landing to explode, and his level dropped from level 48 to level 35.

13 levels dropped!

It's basically a waste.

And the temple and the captain of the fairy pavilion, the two people of myth and the fairy sword, are not much better.

Both of them have now fallen to level 40, and their equipment has also been exposed, and only a pair of big pants are left in each.

The loss of the team this time, at least the three major teams, the previous week's efforts were all in vain.

It's just because they had never imagined that King's Landing World would end in a big defeat!

In their opinion, the combination of their three big teams, with more than 5,000 people in total, will definitely be able to break through the dungeon and secure the ultimate boss Doomsday Corpse King.

Otherwise, they would not take the risk and kill crazily one by one under the red name.

And also can take this opportunity to harvest a wave of dark keys, destroy the audacity of those scattered players in Moonlight City, and pave the way for conquering them in the future.

Facts have proved that if there weren't that Human Race Beastmaster Yi Nuo Qingcheng, their plan could indeed proceed as they expected.

After all, later, even the Hall of Fame and Sky were not the opponents of their three big teams.

The two BOSS were originally in the bag.

In fact, according to the historical progress of the previous life, the ultimate boss of the dungeon, the Doomsday Corpse King, was indeed taken by the people of King's Landing.

According to the scavenger's last life.

After King's Landing took the Corpse Emperor and broke the team building order, he established the first team in Moonlight City, and his strength soared instantly.

Sky and the Hall of Fame were suppressed by them for a long time, and only later did they slowly catch up.

The reason that caused the three major teams to fall to this point was all because of Yinuo Qingcheng!

"Fuck, fuck!"

At the thought of this, King's Landing World became annoyed: "If it weren't for that waste and promise, we would be the one who won the BOSS today!"

"It actually exploded two team building orders!"

After taking over the words of King's Landing, the myth is also gritted teeth.

"Yeah, Sun! A little bit, two 50-level 5-star BOSS! This time we have to lose, it's too big!"

"Unexpectedly, the two BOSS actually exploded the team building order. The two team building orders alone are worth seven or eighty thousand gold coins!"

Mythology said unwillingly: "There are other things, there must be 5-star equipment in it, all of which belonged to us!"

Immortal Sword was also furious: "Don't mention any trophies. Not only did we not get anything this time, we were also destroyed by the regiment!"

"This time we are dead, our level and strength have plummeted!"

The more I think about the myth that I get more angry, I can’t help but open the chat interface of the main city of Moonlight City and swipe the screen crazy in it——

[Mythology] (Male, Level 40 Second Rank Assassin): "Are you a waste of a promise, you wait for Lao Tzu, if today's grudge is not reported to you, Lao Tzu will not be a man!"

[Myth]: "How about a team built? It's not a trash team with only a few hundred people, waiting to be cut by our temple!"

Immediately afterwards, the two people, Immortal Sword and King's Landing, who were dazzled by hatred, followed in the chat area, recklessly insulting and mocking:

[Jun’s Landing in the World] (Male, level 35 second-turn archer): "Trash, isn’t it just a magic scroll that summons a carrion? I don’t believe you still have a scroll!"

[Xian Jian] (Male, Level 40 Second Rank Magician): "Moreover, our three major teams are not all in the final battle. If we gather all of us, with you rubbish, we can be better than our three major teams. Five thousand elites?"

The voice just fell.

Immediately there was a rebuttal...

[Heroes are immortal] (Male, Rank 2 fighter of level 48): "Just those rookie chickens of your three battle team, but also five thousand elites? Ah! Pooh! I can't help you! In addition to the crowds, what else do you have? ( despise

[Zhan Tianxia] (Male, Rank 48 second-ranking fighter): "Oh, what's the matter with this level of several big bosses? Why is there a level 35? King of the world, you **** (squinting smile) (squinting smile) "

In the chat area, all the people who spoke were big bosses who were closely related to the matter.

Looking at the millions of casual players in Moonlight City, no one dared to speak at this time.

Countless players are diving to watch the show, they dare not offend the three major teams.

Although Team Three was beaten horribly today, in this world with a chance of resurrection, it is hard to guarantee that they will not make a comeback someday.

On the other side of Yinuo Qingcheng, he didn't even dare to offend him.

The current Yinuo Qingcheng, in the eyes of Moonlight City players, is simply a demon worth one thousand.

At this moment, as the central figure in this quarrel, Zhang Yi has not yet appeared.

Sky and the people in the Hall of Fame came forward.

[Sky, main god] (male, level 49 second-tier fighter, SKY/captain): "Who dares to move Yi Nuo Qingcheng, try it!"

[Hall of Fame, Cher] (Female, Grade 48 second-round archer): "Listen, Yinuo Qingcheng is my friend. If you want to move my friend, you have to ask me whether I agree with the Hall of Fame? You three The trauma that the team members caused to our Hall of Fame today, my sisters in the Hall of Fame, can all remember!"

[Myth]: "It's not that I said, everyone here is all rubbish, you sky Hall of Fame, in the eyes of our Three Great Teams, it's just a shit!"

Just when everyone is noisy.

In the chat area, an ID that excited countless divers finally appeared.

[Yinuo Qingcheng] (Male, Level 50 Second Rank Beastmaster, Dragon Clan/Captain): "Jun’s Landing, Temple, Xian Pavilion, you guys from the three major teams, listen to me."

[Yinuo Qingcheng]: "In three days, let you disappear into the world of Apocalypse, I said."

The appearance of Zhang Yi directly exploded a large group of melon-eaters who were watching the show silently...

"Wow, the Great God finally appeared, and the Great God speaks really domineering! The Great God begs me to add a friend and hug my thigh!"

"The little brother Yinuo Qingcheng is so amazing. As a beast master, his level is higher than ours and the strength is so strong. Can I join your team, little brother?"

However, when Zhang Yi really showed up, all the people in the Three Great Team didn't speak anymore.

Gradually, the chat area has entered a national chat mode...

Resurrection spring.

See the words released by Yinuo Qingcheng.

Just now, the arrogant and domineering King was over the world, the three of Mythology and the Fairy Sword fell into silence for a while.

Then, they started to complain to each other.

King's Landing World: "What do you two look like? Why are you as ugly as eating shit? Did you just say it? Did you cut him off! TM was scared by his words?"

"Our three big teams have joined forces. There are more than 5,000 people. His Polong clan has just been established. Only a few hundred people? Even if you add Sky and the Hall of Fame, there are not as many people as we are, we are afraid of a fart!"

Hearing, the fairy sword on the side said: "You are not afraid, why are your legs shaking?"

"I tm... I didn't see a pair of pants left on me? Labor and management are shivering coldly!"

All over, there is only the myth of red pants left, gritted his teeth and said: "When we grow up for a while, we will get the level up again, and then we will get revenge on them!"

"During this period of time, we have just figured out a way to issue a team building order. Let's quickly get the team up. Moonlight City must still be the world of our three major teams!"

"Yes, hahaha! We are the boss of Moonlight City!"

"Sister! Let's get a few pieces of equipment to wear first. Fortunately, I left a pair of pants for labor and management and didn't explode!"

"Apocalypse is really humane..."

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