Inside the embassy.

Zhang Yi, who just created the team, immediately opened the team interface and took a look——


Team level: Level 1

Team size: 1/200 (expanded with upgrade)

Team Declaration: Welcome to join the Dragon Race...

Team funds: 0 (can be used to open team dungeons and refresh team missions)

Captain: Yinuo Qingcheng

Deputy Captain: None (The current level is at most 1 deputy captain, and the 5th level team will open the second deputy captain position)

Team Elite: None (The current level is up to 2 elites, and the third level team opens the third elite position)

Team exclusive buff: All attributes of all team members are increased by 1%. When killing monsters do missions, experience and money gains are increased by 1% (Captain, deputy captain, and elites gain attribute improvement effects double. When 2 or more players are in the same team, experience and money gains are doubled)

Team experience: 0/2000 (execute team missions and team dungeons, as well as members donate money every day, you can get team experience)

Team mission: Click to expand...

Team dungeon: Level 3 open...

Team Mall...

Although it is not the first time to contact the team panel, it is the first time that Zhang Yi has opened this familiar panel as the captain!

Zhang Yi in his previous life didn't know how many teams he had been in.

But the biggest official is just a team elite.

Therefore, Zhang Yi gave priority to the heroes around him, Undestructed War World, and sent them a team invitation.

I saw a piece of team news, refreshed in the team announcement.

"Ding~Welcome players [Heroes Immortal] (Male, Level 48 Second Rank Warrior) to join [Dragons]!"

"Ding~Welcome players [Zhan Tianxia] (male, level 48 second rank fighter) to join [Dragons]!"


Zhan Tianxia, ​​who heard the news of the team's welcome, was very excited: "This name is good! I was so excited to hear that I thought I had joined the dragon camp!"

Hearing, Zhang Yi smiled faintly: "Follow me, and I will bring you to join the dragon camp."

The hero is immortal and laughs: "Okay, I'll follow the boss in the future!"

"Now it's time to call the captain."

Zhang Yi said, "Don't be short-term bosses all day long, it makes me look like a gangster and society."

"Good boss!" The hero is immortal and Zhan Tianxia said in unison.

As a result, Zhang Yi promoted the heroes immortal and Zhan Tianxia into the elite of the team.

This move moved the two of them to tears.

The scavenger has a sad face: "Brother, what about mine..."

Lin Qian also followed a pitiful look: "Brother Zhang Yi, I also want to..."

"There are currently only two elite positions."

Zhang Yi said: "Wait for the team to be level 3 and open the third elite position. It depends on how you two perform."

At this time, the scavenger smiled: "If the elite position is gone, the deputy captain is actually okay~"

Zhang Yi is also very straightforward: "You can't, you are too weak."

"Wow, brother, you are so shocking..."

Lin Qian couldn't help but secretly laugh.

In fact, Zhang Yi has long been selected for the position of deputy captain...

Scavengers are definitely not good. He is the deputy captain and can't hold the team.

And the heroes are immortal and the world, the two of them, one is the captain of the League of Legends, and the other is the leader of the battle.

The two of them must be given a position, otherwise it will be difficult to convince the public.

After a pause, Zhang Yi confessed to both heroes and Zhan Tianxia: "The matter of recruiting for the team will be left to you two."

"First, select people from your two teams, fill up the team, and wait until everyone is ready, and then listen to my arrangements in the team."


He said yes.

The hero is immortal suddenly said to Zhang Yi: "By the way, the boss, over the dungeon, all the things exploded by the three big teams, we have already scored five to five points with the people of Sky."

"How to deal with those things?"

Zhang Yi thought for a while, and said, "30% of the gold coins were confiscated and put into the team. The rest, you two will be divided. Together with the equipment, we will strengthen everyone."

"The people of your two families will all be the core members of my dragon clan in the future. Make sure to let everyone increase their strength quickly."

"Okay, thank you boss!"

Each of the two agreed, and in accordance with Zhang Yi's instructions, they went down to accept them.

Zhang Yi is also familiar with some of the team's activity rules, so there is no need to check the team's operation guide.

There are three ways to upgrade a clan: donation, clan mission, and clan dungeon.

Team missions are refreshed at 0 AM every day, and will automatically end at 12 AM. If they are not completed within a day, it is considered a failure.

Moreover, the team's mission cannot be completed so quickly.

And the time now is already half past eleven.

Obviously, it is no longer possible to carry out team missions today.

The clan dungeon requires the clan level to reach level 3 to open it.

Therefore, within today, the team can only be upgraded through donations.

Donate words.

10 gold coins can increase 1 point of team experience, and 10 points of team contribution.

Each member can contribute up to 100 gold coins per day, and in this way, the team can only gain up to 2000 experience points per day.

Open the team interface.

Just when Zhang Yi was about to contribute gold coins, suddenly, a series of team announcements were refreshed——

"Ding~Welcome players [Hero Seen] (Male, Level 48 Second Rank Assassin) to join [Dragons]!"

"Ding~Welcome players [War Invincible] (Male, Rank 48 Second Rank Warrior) to join [Dragon Clan]!"

"Ding~Welcome players..."

In the blink of an eye, the number of teams has reached the 200 limit!

As a result, the team chat channel suddenly became lively.

[Undefeated Hero] (Male, ordinary member, Rank 48 second-turn assassin): "Unexpectedly, I would have the opportunity to be the first person to have a team in Moonlight City! Joining the team also has all attribute bonuses and experience gold coin bonuses. , This is too cool! Yinuo Qingcheng boss is awesome! (color

[War madness] (male, ordinary member, rank 47 fighter): "Our team does not have an icon. Since the name is the dragon clan, who will make a dragon icon come back? Want to be mighty and handsome!"

[Zhan Xinghe] (Male, ordinary member, level 48 second-tier pastor): "Brothers donate and brush up, let's work together to raise the level of the team! In the future, we Dragons, we must become the first team in Moonlight City!"

[Heroes are immortal] (Male, team elite, level 48 second-tier fighter): "Brothers, don’t bear the money. Everyone fills me up, and all 200 people fill up. It’s just right to upgrade the team to level 2. !"

Then, in the team announcement, countless pieces of news were frantically refreshed——

"Ding ~ team member [Zhan Xinghe] donated 100 gold coins, team experience +10! Personal contribution +100!"

"Ding~Team members [The True Colors of Heroes] donated 100 gold coins, team experience +10! Personal contribution +100!"


[Yinuo Qingcheng] (Male, Captain, Level 50 Second Rank Beastmaster): "Are you guys so bold? The shots are so generous!"

[War Madness]: "Hahana must, since the captain has established this home for the brothers, then the brothers must work together to protect this home together!"

For Zhang Yi, who has more than 50,000 gold coins, 100 gold coins are insignificant.

But for others, 100 gold coins may be half of them, or even all their assets!

And these people who have already joined the Dragon Clan, each donated 100 gold coins directly, don't hesitate!

So Zhang Yi also donated 100 gold coins to go in.

At this moment, a melodious reminder sounded--

"Ding~Congratulations to your team [Dragon Race] for being promoted to a level 2 team. The increase: the maximum number of team members is increased to 500, all members of the team are increased by 2%, and the experience and money gains are increased by 2%! The next upgrade requires experience 5000 points!"

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