Money can push the ghosts.

This sentence can really be used everywhere.

200 people, 100 gold coins per person.

Accumulate 20,000 gold coins, just to raise the team to level 2!

With the expansion of the upper limit of the number of tier 2 teams to 500, the heroes are immortal and the world of war, and they are responsible for continuing to pull people from the League of Legends and the battle to fill the team.

In the blink of an eye, the number of members of the Dragon Clan reached the upper limit of 500!

And so far, there are more than 200 people who have not yet joined the Dragon Clan in League of Legends and Fight with War!

Through the donation of gold coins today, the team experience gained has reached the upper limit.

Only through tomorrow's team mission.

Because always using donations to gain experience is not an option.

Although this is the fastest, it consumes too much.

It doesn't matter if all the donated money is converted into team funds.

Anyway, the team funds behind are also used to open the team dungeon.

However, through donation, only 30% of it can be converted into the team's funds in the end.

It is equivalent to donating 100 gold coins, and only 30 gold coins can be converted into team funds.

There are still 70 gold coins, which is completely bleak.

Only direct investment can convert 100% of the money invested by members into team funds.

Direct investment can also get team contributions, but you can't get team experience.

With the establishment of [Dragon Race].

League of Legends and Fighting to End the Battle, the players who have just joined the team are all excited, chatting non-stop on the team channel.

[Zhan You Sister]: "Brothers, let's change the ID prefix too! Let's change to a mighty, domineering and handsome one. Walking on the road makes one see at a glance that we are the kind of Dragon Clan!"

[Hero save beauty]: "How about Dragon God? Use the word Dragon God as a prefix, and add two words freely afterwards! (Squinting smile

[War of Natural Enemies]: "The elementary school is full of anger! (panic

[Hero save the United States]: "emmm, think about it, this thing is too brain-intensive, and I can just change it when you think of it well..."

Ever since, a group of people talked in full swing around the topic of ID prefixes in the team channel.

There are many different kinds of prefixes.

But none of them satisfied everyone.

Just when everyone in the team was chatting happily.

In the embassy, ​​Zhang Yi, who had just created the team, finally had time to do what he wanted.

The Doomsday Corpse King and Hell Nine-Headed Bird, these two 50-level 5-star BOSS, all the things that burst out were in Zhang Yi's bag.

But up to now, Zhang Yi hasn't had time to check the spoils.

It is conceivable that apart from the two team building orders, and the epic magic scroll [Call of Darkness] used by Zhang Yi.

Everything else exploded by the corpse emperor and the nine-headed bird must be invaluable!

After all, these are two 5-star BOSS, and the corpse emperor among them has also undergone mutation in the process.

The value of the mutant boss is higher.

So, with a feeling of expectation, Zhang Yi opened his backpack.

The harvest was a bit unexpected...

Doomsday Aurora Sword, level 50 5-star warrior weapon.

Eye of Hell, a 50-star 5-star priest ring.

Dark ruler, level 50 5-star wizard clothes.

Orange knight skill book, dark aid protection.

One 5-star treasure chest.

The rare item of Warcraft contract.

Epic magic scroll [Hell's Flame].

6000 gold coins!

There are 3 5-star equipments, and they also contain rare weapons and ring parts!

It is conceivable that the Doomsday Aurora Sword and the Ruler of Darkness were both exploded by the Doomsday Corpse King.

The Eye of Hell was dropped by a nine-headed bird.

This is the difference between the mutant BOSS and the ordinary BOSS. The drop rate of the mutant BOSS is directly doubled!

In addition to these very rare equipment and props, there are also several 4-star equipment, purple skill books, countless high-level strengthening stones and the like.

These are all top grades at the moment, after all, there are not many 4-star equipment in Moonlight City.

It's just that compared to the things listed, their attractiveness is not so great.

Seeing these trophies, Zhang Yi couldn't help being a little excited.

This time, it was really posted!

You know, so far, looking at the entire Moonlight City, the only 5-star equipment is the [World Destroyer] in Zhang Yi's hands!

Now it has increased to 4 in an instant, and all of these 4 are in the hands of Zhang Yi!

And this is just something exploded by two BOSS.

Now, the Epic Hidden Quest [Trial of the Devil's Tower] has been completed.

When Zhang Yi submits this task, there will be a bumper harvest.

Plus an orange skill book rewarded by the full name upgrade challenge, and a 5-star treasure chest.

This time it really took off...

Almost all the most valuable things in Moonlight City have gathered on Zhang Yi!

Surprised, Zhang Yi began to deal with these things.

Neither the Doomsday Aurora Sword nor the Eye of Hell can be used by Zhang Yi, so put them aside.

Priority was given to the dark black robe: above the ruler of darkness——

[Dark Ruler] (Mage clothes):

Quality: 5 stars

Level: 50

Health: +2680

Additional skills: ruler authority (the equipped person will gain ruler authority: reduce all damage taken by 15%, note: the effect of this skill is doubled at night)

Additional attributes: stamina +50, stamina +50, stamina +50, agility +50

Durability: 22/22

Professional requirements: magician, beastmaster, priest

Description: A battle robe endowed with the power of darkness. It is said that the equipped person can gain the power to rule the darkness and enjoy the authority of the ruler. It can greatly protect the equipped person and greatly reduce the damage suffered by the equipped person...


Good guy, in the unidentified state, the attributes of this piece of clothing are already so defying!

Contrast can create a gap.

The 3-star dark robe that Zhang Yi is now equipped with has only 700 basic health points!

And the attributes of the dark ruler are almost four times that of the dark robe!

This is in an unidentified state.

If it's identified, it's worth it?

It is worthy of a 5-star equipment!

Then, Zhang Yi shifted his gaze from the dark ruler to the epic magic scroll.

Although most of the magic scrolls are for one-time use, the gains that high-grade magic scrolls can bring to players are really immeasurable.

The same epic [Call of Darkness] is a good proof.

The Dark Summon directly assisted Zhang Yi in defeating the Three Great Teams!

With a hint of anticipation, he looked at [Hell's Flame].

[Hell's Flame] (Epic Magic Scroll):

Description: After use, nine hot flames will be summoned within a 200-meter radius of the user’s body, which will continue to burn enemies within the range, causing 20% ​​physical/magic per second to the enemy (depending on the user’s occupation) ) Damage for 30 seconds. And in the process, all enemies in the sea of ​​fire reduce their movement speed by 50%.

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