Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 294: Hidden Race: Ghost Race

For Zhang Yi, who has several tens of thousands of gold coins on the axis, 1,000 gold coins are like a drop in the bucket.

I have never seen so many gold coin heroes in my life. Immortal and Zhan Tianxia two people can not help but their eyes shine, and they are moved in a mess.

"Boss, why are you so good!"

"My father is not so good to me!"

Just forget the scavengers and Lin Qian, because you can see that the relationship between them and Zhang Yi is unusual.

It is only natural that Zhang Yi is kind to them.

The heroes are immortal and Zhan Tianxia two people unexpectedly, with their identities, how can He De, can be so valued by Zhang Yi, even 4-star equipment can be sent!

Plus 1000 gold coins!

You know, more than a week ago, they were still Zhang Yi's mortal enemies!

He even mingled with the people of King's Landing and targeted Zhang Yi.

Thinking about it now, I'm terrified.

If it weren't for joining Zhang Yi's subordinate, at this moment, their League of Legends and the end of the battle would not be the same as the Three Big Team, they would be shit.

Not to mention that I can still receive such a favor now.

As everyone knows, in Zhang Yi's eyes, the heroes are immortal and Zhan Tianxia have long been regarded as scavengers and Lin Qian and the others.

This idea came about when the hero immortal used his body in the dungeon to block a lethal attack for himself.

In the first battle of the underground city, Zhang Yi's greatest gain was not the two bosses.

It's the League of Legends and the end of the war with war.

The loyalty of the people of these two families, as well as the heroes Immortal and Zhan Tianxia, ​​surpassed Zhang Yi's imagination.

In this apocalyptic world that is no longer just a game, they are willing to use their lives to protect the boss of Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi has no reason to be petty to them.

Even though the two of them are average.

Of course, it is not selfish, and there are better 5-star equipment that will not be given to them, and 4-star equipment will be used to send them.

It's just because Zhang Yi's plan is to take the [Aurora Sword of Doom] and [Eye of Hell] to the uncle and Han Yarou.

These two pieces of equipment are almost tailor-made for the uncle and Han Yarou.

In contrast, the uncle and Han Yarou, who are currently in the development stage, need these two gods even more to help them stabilize their heels in the ice city.

The heroes are immortal and Zhan Tianxia two people still can't believe it.

Therefore, Zhang Yi said: "Although I won the BOSS in the end, you all have contributed to the BOSS battle, so everyone has a share of the spoils."

The two were moved in a mess, and said with tears and noses:

"Long live the boss!"

At this time, Zhang Yi, the unstoppable heroic team, said: "Boss, don't worry, not only now, I swear that I will never be different from you in the future!"

"Life is a dragon clan person, death is a dragon clan soul!"

Zhan Tianxia also stretched out three fingers: "Me too!"

"Well, with your words, that's enough."

He gladly accepted Zhang Yi's gift.

Several people changed the subject while eating barbecue.

Lin Qian suddenly said in a melancholy: "You said, this world will always be like this?"

"We will always be trapped in this game world, can't we get out?"

"This world is so dark..."

The heroes are immortal and several people sighed.

"Yes, for the benefit, all people have changed, and even being alive is a luxury."

"But according to the current situation, we should not be able to get out."

The voice just fell.

Zhang Yi suddenly said something.

"In fact, there is a way that should be able to break through the shackles of the world of Apocalypse."

Is there really a way to leave the world of apocalypse and return to the real world? !

As Zhang Yi's voice just fell.

Several people around turned their eyes to Zhang Yi.

Full of incredible.

Lin Qian hurriedly asked: "Brother Zhang Yi, is there any way you can let us leave Tianqi?"

The heroes are immortal and the world are all looking at Zhang Yi with longing eyes and looking forward to Zhang Yi's answer.

Obviously, it has been three weeks since Tianqi opened the service to the present.

The various experiences and encounters in the world of Apocalypse have made the desire of people in this world to leave here become more and more intense.

At this time, Zhang Yi asked a few people back: "Have you heard of [Ghost]?"

"What is the ghost?"

Zhan Tianxia looked dumbfounded: "Is it another new camp?"


Zhang Yi said: "In addition to the Human Race, Demon Race, Alien Race, and Dragon Race, there is actually a hidden race in the Apocalypse World that can stand alongside the Dragon Race."

"That's the ghost race."

"Can the strength be side by side with the dragons?!"

The hero is immortal and stunned: "Apocalypse actually still has this race? Why have I never heard of it?"

Scavengers and Lin Qian fought against the three of the world, holding the same doubts, looking at Zhang Yi.

This race is indeed very mysterious and alternative, to what extent is it mysterious.

At least the dragons, the official Apocalypse has also issued various announcements and statements, so that players can know that the existence of this race in the Apocalypse world is just a distant existence for ordinary players.

As for the ghost tribe, the Apocalypse official did not have any introduction or announcement.

It can be said that at present, no one in the world knows the existence of this race except for the internal personnel who have participated in the design of the game of Apocalypse.

In the previous life, players really knew this race when the ghosts invaded the world of the apocalypse.

Ghost race, human race, alien race, demons and even dragon race, the natural enemies of all players and NPCs in the world of Apocalypse!

Because every time they invade the world of apocalypse, they will obliterate all creatures in this world.

As the name suggests, they are demons from hell, incarnations of dead spirits.

According to the memory of the previous life, what Zhang Yi knows is.

The ghost race will formally invade the world of apocalypse ten years after the opening of the world of apocalypse.

It is said that by that time, Apocalypse is about to usher in its second end.

If you can't defeat the ghost race, ten years later, it will be the end of all players.

Someone in the previous life also said that if the ghost clan invaded ten years later, the player could defeat the ghost clan, he would be able to break the shackles of the world of apocalypse!

Of course, this is a speculation, and there is no definite basis.

However, it brought hope to future players.

Everyone is eager to wait for the defeat of the ghost clan to usher in world peace, and everyone can leave the world of the apocalypse and return to reality.

So later, players from various countries, major clan forces and clan forces began to prepare for the ghost race.

Zhang Yi of the previous life tried to hunt down the nine dragon kings of the dragon clan with Mu Chen, exploded the scroll of dragon blood, and tried to join the dragon clan's camp, in order to one day be able to use the power of the dragon clan to fight against the ghost clan.

Because the ghost race is too powerful.

Before the official army invaded the world of apocalypse.

The ghost tribe will carry out a wave of small-scale invasions on the world of the apocalypse in the seven and a half days of each year.

Therefore, the players will officially come into contact with the ghost clan in July and a half of next year.

I remember the first time in the last life in July and a half, when the ghosts invaded the Apocalypse.

The players in the major cities know nothing and are defenseless.

The three major races and more than a dozen three-level main cities fell overnight, and countless players died tragically under the invasion of ghosts.

Just a wave of small-scale invasions can cause such severe damage to players.

It is conceivable that when the Ghost Race formally invaded the world of Apocalypse ten years later.

All players are about to usher in a huge disaster.

It is a pity that Zhang Yi from his previous life died in the eighth year.

It's still two years away.

Haven't waited until the day when the ghost tribe officially invaded.

This is also one of the reasons why Zhang Yi has developed his own power everywhere in this life.

From the king of the world, the storm family. Go to the uncle who is about to set up a team and create a force. And his own dragons.

Zhang Yi's goal is to expand his power to the whole world of Apocalypse.

Just to have enough power to fight against the ghost race after ten years in this life!

Knowing that it is impossible for Lin Qian and the others to know the existence of the ghost clan so far in this life, Zhang Yi also asked them if they had heard of the ghost clan, in order not to appear abrupt.

Just wait for Zhang Yi to briefly introduce his understanding of the ghost clan.

The scavengers cast unimaginable glances one after another.

"Brother, how do you know so much?"

Zhang Yi pretended to disagree: "Official announcement, haven't you read it?"

"Does the announcement say this? I don't know why..."

Lin Qian looked forward to it: "After defeating the ghost clan, can we really leave the world of the apocalypse?"

"It is not 100% certain, but at least, this can be regarded as a hope."

"It's better than nothing hopeless."

Zhan Tianxia heard a burst of enthusiasm.

He said: "Fuck, are the ghosts so fierce? Suddenly, I have a little expectation. Is the probability of killing the monsters of the ghosts and exploding the best equipment much higher than that of ordinary monsters?"

The hero looked at Zhan Tianxia with an unbelievable look: "You are really a talent! The brain circuit is novel."

Lin Qian continued to sigh, resting her chin with her hands, and sighed softly, "But it will be ten years later!"

"What if we don't live to that time and we hang up, what should we do?"

"Bah, baah! What are you talking about?"

The scavenger quickly interrupted Lin Qian's words: "We are now [Dragons] people! How could we die so easily!"

"We must be able to live to the day when the ghosts invade the world of the apocalypse. By that time, our dragons are estimated to have grown into the world's largest god-level team!"

"Then our Dragon Clan brothers joined forces to destroy the Ghost Clan!"

"Yeah." Zhang Yi said, "So next, everyone will work together to develop our [Dragons]."

"Okay!" Zhan Tianxia slapped the table excitedly: "Indestructible, let's wait until we finish our dinner and go out to practice overnight!"

"Practice your sister!"

The hero looked at Zhan Tianxia with disdain: "I have only a dozen points of fatigue left, and I will belch if I don't sleep."

Zhang Yi also went on to say: "Don't worry about it. Before the Ghost Clan invades, we have plenty of time to prepare."

"You will rest early for a while. Tomorrow you are going to work with everyone in the team to review the team's missions and raise the team's level first."

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