Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 295: Goddess of luck bless you

After eating supper, several people went to the same hotel one after another, and then opened their own rooms to rest.

In order to save money, the heroes are immortal, they all open three-star or four-star rooms.

Only Zhang Yi opened a five-star room without hesitation.

At level 50, the consumption of a five-star room has reached 5 gold coins per hour.

Sleeping down for one night is worth the benefit of a player's day.

This is not something that the immortal heroes and scavengers can afford.

After taking a shower and lying on the bed, Zhang Yi began to plan for the next step.

In the beginning, the purpose of coming to Alien Moonlight City was mainly to collect alien prestige and use it to upgrade dragon bloodlines.

And now, it has been nearly half a month since I came to Moonlight City.

Through this period of hard work, Zhang Yi has collected 67,500 points of foreign prestige!

Human prestige is relatively less, 27,400 points, which is enough to upgrade the dragon bloodline in the early stage.

Now, the only thing left is the reputation of the Mozu!

So Zhang Yi's next plan, of course, is to go to the main city of the Demon Race.

But before that, there are still some things that need to be dealt with.

The first thing is to destroy the Three Great Teams to avoid future troubles.

The deadline was three days, because Zhang Yi had already spoken in the chat area of ​​the main city before.

Within three days, let the King's Landing Temple and the Fairy Pavilion, the Three Great Team, completely disappear in the world of the apocalypse.

After all, it is impossible for the Dragon Clan people to follow Zhang Yi to the main city of the Demon Clan.

They can't afford the cost of interracial.

Zhang Yi didn't want to see, after he left, a fire broke out in his hometown.

What's more, before leaving Moonlight City, use the [Dragon Race Hidden Quest Scroll].

With the help of members of the dragon clan, to assist yourself in this task.

Otherwise, once Zhang Yi goes to the main city of the demon clan, it will be a brand new beginning once Zhang Yi is alone.

The unfamiliar place and the unfamiliar environment are not conducive to the execution of that dragon hidden mission.

And the reward for the hidden mission of the dragon will certainly be of great help to Zhang Yi's next journey of the demon.

After all, it was a legendary magic scroll!

Perhaps luck, after completing this hidden dragon mission, Zhang Yi has obtained the qualification to officially join the dragon camp!

That would be so cool.

The second thing is to strengthen the dragon clan.

The team has just been established, and Zhang Yi's departure at this time leads to [Dragons] without a leader, which will be very detrimental to the team's future development.

Therefore, Zhang Yi is preparing, before leaving Moonlight City, together with the people in the team, hand in hand to raise the level of the dragon to at least level 4.

The maximum number of level 4 teams is 2000.

After the dragon clan reaches level 4 and then fills up the people, after the Moonlight City stabilizes, Zhang Yi can go to the demon clan with peace of mind.

Because according to the news released by the system: the crowd competition will start in one month.

And one month was enough time for Zhang Yi to get a lot of prestige from the demon clan in the main city of the demon clan before returning to the moonlight city.

At that time, Zhang Yi will need members of the dragon clan to face the battle with him.

Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the fighting power of the dragons.

There is one more thing.

That is, before going to the main city of Demon Race, Zhang Yi had to go back to Extreme Ice City first.

Because I had promised Han Yarou before, I would go to Extreme Ice City after finishing all the things in Moonlight City.

Although under Zhang Yi's long-distance guidance, the strength of the uncle has developed very fast compared to the previous life.

However, it is still in the development stage and has not yet taken shape.

During this period, once being targeted by someone from [Unparalleled Under Heaven], it would be very dangerous for both the uncle and Han Yarou.

After being targeted by World Warriors, the uncle's early efforts were all in vain.

Zhang Yi was a little worried.

At the same time, it happens to be able to bring the two divine costumes [Aurora Sword of Doom] and [Eye of Hell] to the uncle and Han Yarou.

In addition, Zhang Yi has one more thing to complete on the side of Extreme Ice City.

After making the next plan, Zhang Yi fell asleep at ease.

late at night.

Darkness enveloped the world of apocalypse.


The area near Jibingcheng.

In the place of exile on the level 50 map, the uncle and Han Yarou are still using the card map to fight against the level 50 4-star BOSS, the King of Slime!

The uncle and Han Yarou, stuck in the two grooves on the bunker, kept attacking the King of Slime outside.

Five hours have passed so far.

The blood bar on the top of the Slime King's head is 90%!

It is true that the 48-level second-ranking warrior uncle who is in the top-level 40-level 3-star dark suit, and the priest Han Yarou, who is in the same top-level dark suit, has no low damage.

But in the face of this 50-level 4-star big BOSS, the output of the two of them seemed too weak.

After all, BOSS is used to push together with crowded tactics.

Uncle and Han Yarou are fighting each other!

If proceeded at this speed, it would take at least two full days to take down the King of Slime.

This speed is much faster than Zhang Yi, who spent three days solo killing the King of Slime in his previous life.

Single kill the BOSS in a non-injured state, and it is still a rare 4-star BOSS at this stage. This is what many players dream of.

Therefore, the uncle and Han Yarou are not exhausted.

Before I knew it, it was midnight.

Only when the uncle was still using the long sword to continuously consume the King of Slime, Han Yarou suddenly stopped attacking.

Although she was in two different grooves, Han Yarou could not be seen from the perspective of the uncle.

However, when Han Yarou stopped attacking, she naturally attracted the uncle's attention.

"what happened to you?"

Han Yarou put away the staff, and said: "Uncle, I'm tired, I want to rest for a while."


The uncle said without hesitation: "Then you rest, I will resist."

"Well, I'll change you to rest later."

After that, Han Yarou, who was relieved of the fighting stance, did not rest.

Instead, he took out a magic scroll from his bag and crushed it in a slot that was long enough to lie on his back.

As a green note above her head began to count, Han Yarou folded her hands and closed her eyes and began to pray.

At the same time, a system reminder came to my ears——

"Ding~You have turned on [Luck Prayer], and the goddess of luck will protect you..."

Wan Lai was all silent.

Darkness swallows the earth...

Early the next morning.

Zhang Yi, who was sleeping, was suddenly awakened by a loud system prompt message——

Citywide announcement: "Ding~Congratulations to the player [Butterfly Dance] for completing Rank 3 and becoming the first Rank 3 player in Moonlight City, achieving the achievement [Professional Master], and getting rewards: experience value +2000000, gold coins +300, reputation +3000 !"

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