Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 300: Legendary dragon family hidden mission!

Legendary hidden mission!

Although before using this legendary scroll, Zhang Yi guessed that it was very likely to get a legendary mission.

But it really triggered this legendary hidden mission, and couldn't help but feel extremely shocked.

And this time, it was the full server announcement that was triggered!

From this life to the present, the full-server announcements triggered by Zhang Yi include the first kill of the Skeleton King and the trial of the epic hidden mission of the Demon Tower.

This is already the third full-server announcement!

If you don't pretend to be forced, you'll be old.

Therefore, the ID Zhang Yi was hidden in the first two times, and this time, he chose to make it public.

At the next moment, the announcement spread from the air shocked Zhang Yi again.

Full server announcement: "Ding~Congratulations to the player [Yinuo Qingcheng] for receiving the legendary dragon hidden mission [Dragon Hunter], completing the achievement [Legend Mission], and getting reward level +1, gold coins +800, prestige +8000!"

Full server announcement: "Ding~Congratulations to the player [Yinuo Qingcheng] for receiving the legendary dragon hidden mission [Dragon Hunter], completing the achievement [Dragon Descendant], and getting reward level +1, gold coins +800, prestige +8000!"


Two consecutive golden lights fell on the top of the head.

Zhang Yi was promoted to level 2 in a row, reaching level 52.

Two full-server announcements were actually triggered at the same time!

And this 16,000, plus the 20% bonus of the human race, can accumulate 19,200 foreign race prestige rewards, it's not too cool!

This is something Zhang Yi didn't expect.

And with these two full-server announcements spread to every corner of the world of Apocalypse.

Numerous players from the three major races and major cities exploded one after another.

Only because the system has closed cross-server chat, players from all major regions and major cities of various races can only express their feelings in the main city chat channel.

Seventh District, Human Race, Floating Cloud City:

"Damn! The hidden mission of the Dragon Race! It's still legendary? It's so awesome!"

"Legendary hidden mission! I don't even know what the hidden mission looks like now~"

Fifteenth District, Mozu, Phantom City:

"Trigger two full server announcements at once, it's too abnormal, I haven't even triggered a regional announcement until now (fading

Thirty-second region, foreign race, Star City:

"Oh my God! Who is Yinuo Qingcheng? The announcement didn't say which district or city it was. Is it the boss of our Star City? Worship the boss, the boss is awesome, and the boss should share this task... "

at the same time.

On Zhang Yi's side, it was "Ding Dong Ding Dong" and received countless messages at once.

There are private news, team news, and main city news:

King of Glory: "Damn! Is that you, Brother Chenggang? Or did I get it wrong? (panic

Han Yarou: "Gouzi, did I hear your name just now, did you trigger two full server announcements? (in a daze

Han Yarou: "The dog is too powerful! (Applause) (Applause

sky, Lord God: "Brother, you..."

I haven't had time to reply to these messages.

News from the team kept ringing.

[Long Xing Tianxia]: "What's the situation with the boss? Where did you get the Dragon Clan hidden mission, or is it legendary?"

Seeing this ID, Zhang Yi was taken aback.

Then, in the team chat, Aite gave this "Dragon Walks the World": "Who are you?"

[Long Xing Tian Xia]: "Uh, I fight the world, we have unified the team names, just start with a dragon. Before asking the boss for your opinion, you didn’t say anything, just as your default, we replaced it. ~"

[Dragon Clan Immortal]: "Boss, you are preparing to make a fortune in silence! But this task must be difficult. Let the brothers come together to help you with the task!"

It seems that this dragon clan is immortal, but the hero is immortal.

Look at these news in the team channel.

Zhang Yi opened the task list and briefly looked at it.

Then he said in the team chat: "This task cannot be shared, I can't take you to share the final task reward."

As soon as the voice fell, everyone in the team came out to speak.

[Dragon Fight in the Wild]: "What is the captain saying? We are not aiming for rewards. As long as the captain can win this task in the end, you will be rewarded!"

[Long Xiao Jiutian]: "Yes, as long as the captain is in need, my brothers will definitely help!"

[Dragon Clan is immortal]: "Good guy, aren't you talking nonsense? Is it possible that you count on the boss to take down the legendary hidden mission alone?"

[Dragon Race Immortal]: "Boss, where to meet you, say, we will go over now and help you do the task together!"

Look at these news.

I am pleased.

Zhang Yi said, "I don't need it for the time being. This task is divided into stages. I should be able to complete the first few stages. When I need your help later, I will call you."

"It's good if you continue to do your thing, and seize the time to rise to level 50 and complete the third revolution."

The chat channel in the main city of Moonlight City also exploded.

Others don't know.

But the players in Moonlight City all knew that "Yinuo Qingcheng" was the beast master of their human race in Moonlight City.

Just as the players of Moonlight City were discussing the legendary dragon hunter's hidden mission in the chat channel of the main city.

Zhang Yi ignored it and continued to check the task interface in front of him:

[Dragon Hunter] (Dragon Legendary Hidden Task):

Difficulty factor: 12260

Description: The Dragon Race is a mysterious and powerful race in the world of Apocalypse.

But the dragons are not a peaceful race.

The dragons are divided into two camps: the bright dragons and the dark dragons. The powerful Dragon King between the two camps has been fighting for the control of the entire dragon clan, and has been in constant civil wars. At the same time, in order to strengthen themselves, the Dark Dragon Race also constantly attacked the three racial territories and snatched resources.

At the beginning of its establishment, Moonlight City was attacked by the Frost Dragon King Balut of the Dark Dragon Clan, and suffered heavy losses.

After attacking Moonlight City and plundering a large amount of resources in Moonlight City, the Ice Dragon King Balut escaped. But the heinous crimes it committed could never be wiped out in the hearts of alien civilians in Moonlight City.

As a member of Moonlight City, please follow the mission instructions to find the Frost Dragon King Balut and kill him to recover justice for Moonlight City!

Remaining time: 10 days

Note: The current mission is in the first stage: Pursuing the Dragon's Breath.

Searching for Dragon’s Breath: The traces of the Ice Dragon King Balut are difficult to find. Currently known information: It has been to [Ancient Ruins]. Please follow the map to guide the player to the [Ancient Ruins] to find the cold remaining in the ancient ruins. The breath of the Ice Dragon King Balut, after finding the breath of the dragon, the second phase of the mission will be activated.

Good guy, the difficulty factor of this task is actually twice as high as that of the Demon Tower Trial!

The epic-level demon tower trial, rewarded a set of level 50 4-star dark suit.

This legendary dragon hunter, after completion, is afraid that he will not be rewarded with a full 5-star suit!

It is even possible to get a god-level reward for joining the dragon camp!

No matter how bad, is it okay to have a hidden dragon career?

Thinking of this, Zhang Yi couldn't help feeling a little excited.

Without further ado, open the map, find the place [Ancient Ruins], and rush over according to the map's guidance.

In a restaurant in Moonlight City.

The people of King's Landing and Shinhwa who were eating breakfast were jealous when they heard the announcement of the full server just now.

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