Hear the two full-server announcements triggered by Yi Nuo Qingcheng in a row.

The mythical slap on the table shocked the fairy sword beside him.

"That waste, actually got the legendary dragon hidden mission!"

With that said, the myth is a bit weird: "Where did he find this mission?"

"Then you need to talk about it?" Xian Jian said while eating the buns: "80% of the explosions were caused by the corpse emperor or the nine-headed bird, and the magic scroll triggered it."

King's Landing didn't care how Zhang Yi got this task.

What he noticed is that such a big welfare has actually fallen into the hands of that human waste!

"That waste luck is really good!"

"If he waits for him to complete this task and get the reward of the task, the gap will widen with us!"

Hearing, the myth thought thoughtfully: "If you can't get it, then it's ruined, bah! If you don't get it, then it's ruined. Let's think of a way to destroy that waste task, how about?"

"Wow, Brother Shinhwa, you are really a talent!"

Xianjian couldn't help sighing.

As he patted Shinhwa on the shoulder, he said, "So, do you have any good ideas?"


"Then you say a shit!"

After speaking, the three fell silent for a while.

For a long time, King Landing said: "We can't sit still and wait for death."

"You two eat quickly, and when we're done, we will go out and hurry up to do the task and level up! Quickly raise your strength!"

It's not just them who feel envy, jealousy and hatred.

at the same time.

In a hotel in Moonlight City, Da Fei and Xiao Yueyue, who were embracing and sleeping together, were awakened by two sudden announcements of the full server.

Da Fei suddenly sat up from the bed.

Looking at Xiao Yueyue next to him: "Yueyue, have you heard the announcement?"

"heard it."

Xiao Yueyue also woke up in an instant, and was a little shocked: "I really didn't expect that the Human Race Beastmaster was so strong!"

"Yeah!" Da Fei clutched his head with regrets on his face: "He actually defeated Team Three and won two 5-star BOSS! And now, they are all recognized as the first person in Moonlight City!"

"I knew this before, we shouldn't have betrayed him at the beginning! Even if we shot ourselves in the foot with a rock, we broke up with him!"

"If we were the same as before, we would have joined them [Dragon Clan] like Huangzi now, and there is such a top-level **** overshadowing..."

Xiao Yueyue was even more entangled: "But what use is there now to say this..."

After hesitating, Da Fei suddenly found inspiration, and said to Xiao Yueyue: "Yueyue, Huangzi was so good to you before, like licking a dog every day to please you, stick to you, you go and talk to Huangzi, explain and explain, let We get back together!"

"Is this...really okay?" Xiao Yueyue frowned: "We did that to him before..."

Da Fei is full of confidence: "Yueyue, it's okay, I know Huangzi's temperament, he can't let go of you so quickly!"

"We will catch him for not letting you go, and win his trust again!"

Dafei's words gave Xiao Yueyue some confidence: "Well, he has liked me for so many years, and he will definitely not just give up on me like this."

"Look back and find a chance, I'll go find Huangzi!"

As if he had already obtained Huangzi’s forgiveness, Dafei had already begun to think about the following things: "Looking back and waiting to return to Huangzi again, the two of us can no longer be together in such openness..."

Xiao Yueyue was silent, and groaned: "Until then, I'm still yours."

Dafei smiled: "Let me hurt you so much!"

After that, Da Fei turned over and pressed Xiao Yueyue under him...

the other side.

On the way to the ancient ruins, Zhang Yi opened the team interface and took a look.

Team missions will be refreshed at 10 times a day, but the number of times each mission can be received will be limited according to the team level.

In the end, it is ensured that when the team is full, everyone can receive a task.

Therefore, for a level 2 team with a maximum number of 500 people, the 10 team missions refreshed every day will be received 50 times each.

Team missions are divided into 5 stars, and the system is refreshed randomly every day. If the star rating is too low, team elites, deputy captains or captains can spend a certain amount of team funds for star upgrades.

The higher the star rating, the more team experience and personal contributions will be gained after completion.

Now, the 10 team missions have been upgraded to the highest 5 stars by Heroes Immortal and World War II.

And only the last chance to receive one of the missions is left...

Get the task immediately:

[Destroy monsters] (5-star team mission):

Description: Please kill 500 monsters whose level is not lower than your own level within today.

Basic rewards: team experience +5, personal contribution +250.

In addition, the remaining nightmare survival mission this week requires Zhang Yi to accumulate 10 million output within this week.

So far, the progress of this task has reached one-fifth.

It can be combined with team missions and carried out together.

After receiving the team's mission, Zhang Yi gave the King of Glory again, and Han Yarou and the others replied with the message.

After a few brief conversations by the way, I learned.

The human race Huoyun City where the King of the World and the Storm family live, the system announced that a 5-star big BOSS will be refreshed, and the first kill of the BOSS will drop the team building order!

It's similar to the corpse emperor in Moonlight City.

The King of Glory is full of confidence, saying that he will definitely get the team building order, and then form the first team of Fire Cloud City!

Anyway, Zhang Yi didn't know where the confidence of the King of Glory, who was currently only level 42, came from.

Han Yarou and the uncle are still playing King of Slime.

According to Han Yarou, through all-night efforts last night, the current BOSS blood volume is still a quarter.

At this rate, you should be able to win the BOSS tomorrow night.

At that time, the uncles and the others will also be able to form the first team in Extreme Ice City!

Seeing that their respective progress was pretty good, Zhang Yi was relieved.

Soon, came to the ancient ruins.

This is a map with a level of up to 55!

So currently, no player has dared to come here to level up.

There was no one in the surrounding area.

Zhang Yi stepped into the ruins alone.

Looking around, in the endless ancient battlefield, you can see all kinds of building remains after the war, as well as the skeletons of humans, beasts, and alien species.

Because according to the map: the ancient ruins, a chaotic battle between the three major races broke out a few months ago.

So here, it is actually a mass grave.

The cold wind hit, it was very desolate.

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