Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 307: Hope it's not you

Die Wu!

The black-clothed assassin's ID that was checked by the god-level exploration technique made Zhang Yi shocked.

At the same time, a battle reminder spread from the air:

"Ding~You participated in the killing of level 55 lord monsters [First-Order Dragon King·Dark Undead Fighting Dragon], gaining 64% of the battle experience value of 1.6440,000 points, and gaining 1200 points of foreign prestige!"

With the undead war dragon was killed.

Zhang Yi's gaze was cast on Die Wu, the black assassin who was sneaking into the darkness.

I have thought about it many times before, and maybe I have a chance to come across this in the future, which triggered several full-server announcements. The rankings are ranked second only to Zhang Yi's Moonlight City, Die Wu.

It’s just that Zhang Yi didn’t expect Die Wu to encounter this way!

At the same time feeling incredible.

Zhang Yi's eyes were filled with murderous anger.

Openly robbing the blame, this is simply an insult to Zhang Yi, the number one person on the Moonlight City Sky Ranking!

Who can tolerate this provocation? Zhang Yi can't stand it anyway!

Apart from anything else, he immediately pursued in the direction Die Wu absconded.

However, with only Zhang Yi as a mage, no one can run an assassin.

Even with more than 1,000 points of agility, Zhang Yi could not catch up with the Die Wu who ran faster than the rabbit.

I can only watch her disappear into the darkness.

While feeling angry, all kinds of doubts followed.

How did Die Wu come here?

And she obviously came here prepared, not just passing by here, as if she knew that a dragon king had been refreshed here.

Could it be that she had been eyeing Zhang Yi early in the morning?

Even the other party knew Zhang Yi's strength very well.

Even as a top-level assassin with high explosiveness, she can't beat Zhang Yi, who is protected by the 5-star [Dark Ruler].

The result that Zhang Yi couldn't be seconded was to be counter-killed.

With Zhang Yi's damage, her crispy little assassin was only needed for a fireball.

So she dared not confront Zhang Yi head-on.

You can only choose to sneak attack and run immediately after grabbing the monster.


Zhang Yi just saw that Die Wu didn't pick up all the spoils exploded by the Undead Fighting Dragon. She seemed to only take one or two of them, and most of the things should still be there.

Among them, it contains the dragon's breath, which is especially important for Zhang Yi!

Seeing to catch up is not catching up.

So, giving up chasing Dia Wu, Zhang Yi came to the dead body of the Undead Dragon.

Pick up the spoils on the ground one by one.

I could only hear, and a series of system prompts came down from my ears.

"Ding~ Congratulations on picking up gold coins x342!"

"Ding~Congratulations on picking up the equipment [Kelly Shield] x1"

"Ding~Congratulations on picking up the equipment [Keel Necklace] x1!"

"Ding~Congratulations on getting [Dragon's Breath]..."

About how many things a lord monster can explode, Zhang Yi, who had no idea how many lord monsters had been killed in his previous life, knew very well.

Therefore, what makes Zhang Yi feel incredible is that almost all the trophies are there!

Die Wu, didn't take anything?

Then why did she try so hard to grab Zhang Yi's blame? Is it just for the last blow to have more experience and prestige rewards? ?

Surprised, Zhang Yi discovered that it was not that there was nothing missing.

There is indeed one thing missing...

Long Jing!

In the world of apocalypse, dragons and dragon kings above level 40 will inevitably explode dragon crystals.

Dragon Crystal is an extremely precious token of the dragon clan.

It is said that as long as the player collects a certain amount of dragon crystals, they can exchange them for a valuable treasure related to the dragon family.

It may include a complete dragon blood scroll, a hidden career scroll of the dragon family, and even direct exchange through the dragon crystal to obtain the qualification to join the dragon camp!

Only then did Zhang Yi understand that it turned out that Die Wu came for Long Jing!

For the sake of a little benefit, even dignified Moonlight City Sky Ranking players can do this kind of thing.

It's really shocking.

Fortunately, this is only a first-order dragon emperor.

The first-order dragon crystal that the first-order dragon emperor exploded the most, the degree of rarity is not too high.

For Zhang Yi, who had hunted down nine seventh-order dragon kings of the Dark Dragon in his previous life and exploded nine seventh-order dragon crystals, it was not worth mentioning.

The others do not matter.

As long as the dragon's breath is not robbed, it's fine.

Because dragon's breath has no effect on players who have not received the [Dragon Hunter] mission.

Ever since, as Zhang Yi touched the silver-gray gas on the ground, the gas disappeared immediately.

Immediately afterwards, a system prompt sounded——

"Ding~Congratulations on completing the first phase of the [Dragon Hunter] mission: Pursuing the Dragon's Breath!"

"[Dragon Hunter] The second phase of the mission has been opened: cut off support! Please follow the mission instructions to carry out the mission. After completing the second phase of the mission, you can start the next phase!"

After picking up all the things exploded by the undead war dragon.

Seeing that the tasks of the first stage have been completed, Zhang Yi opened the task interface and checked the tasks of the second stage:

[Cut off support] (Dragon Hunter·The second stage mission):

Description: Through the dragon's breath remaining in the ancient ruins by the Frost Dragon King Balut, I have traced it: After leaving the ancient ruins, the place where Balut passed by during the second stop while escaping back to the dragon clan was [Defensive Camp ]. Please follow the map guidance to the [Defensive Camp] and continue to pursue the trail of Barut!

Opening the map, I saw that a new small red dot appeared on the map.

The place marked by the little red dot is called [Defensive Camp], and according to the description on the map, it is a 57-level wild area.

Unconsciously, it was already five thirty in the afternoon.

Zhang Yi checked the supplies in the bag and checked his own status.

It was discovered that potions, fatigue, hunger, etc. could still support two or three hours of battle.

I never thought that the first phase of the mission could be completed within today, so before killing the death spirit and fighting the dragon, Zhang Yi was going to return to the city before he got the dragon's breath.

But now, Zhang Yi has changed his mind again.

The action against the three major teams is placed tonight.

But now it's still early and it's still dark, Zhang Yi planned to go to the second stage mission location first, and take a look at the defensive camp.

To complete the second phase of the task within today, it is estimated that it will be useless.

Therefore, Zhang Yi's purpose is only to investigate some of the conditions in the defense capital first, and step on a spot in advance for the official entry into the defense camp tomorrow.

Before leaving the ancient ruins, Zhang Yi took a meaningful look at the direction where Die Wu had just disappeared, and suddenly frowned.

and many more……

Zhang Yi seemed to think of something afterwards.

Although the night was dark and the wind was high, I didn't see what Die Wu looked like.

But what is certain is that she is a woman.

And why does her figure seem familiar...

There was a speculation in Zhang Yi's mind.

Then he shook his head again.

"It shouldn't be you..."

"I hope it's not you."

After speaking, Zhang Yi just followed the map guidance, left the ancient ruins, and rushed to the defensive camp.

The defensive camp is far away from Moonlight City.

Even if it starts from the ancient ruins located between the garrison camp and Moonlight City, it is estimated that it will take half an hour to arrive.

So, on the way to the defensive camp, Zhang Yi opened his backpack and counted the spoils that had just been exploded by the undead war dragon:

Keel shield, level 53 4-star knight shield.

Dragon bone necklace, 54-level 4-star mage, priest necklace.

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