Good guys!

The two pieces of equipment exploded by this undead war dragon are actually 4 stars!

The dragon monsters who have been given the title of Dragon King are really awesome.

Look at the keel shield first.

Even in the unidentified state, the additional damage reduction is much higher than the Demon Shield currently equipped by the Dragon Blood Knight.

And also added an offensive active skill: Bone Shock!

First, an active skill directly doubles the value of this shield.

However, for the Dragon Blood Knight, this active skill is useless.

Only relying on the talent [Dragon Blood Body] played a counter-injury, I don't know how many times the damage is higher than this bone shock.

In contrast, the healing power of Demon Shield is better.

Therefore, the Dragon Bone Shield was directly abolished.

No matter how high it is to avoid injury, there is no demon shield's [Demon Blood] and [Demon Body] dual rejuvenation.

However, at this stage, if you sell it at an auction house, relying on the two characteristics of 4-star quality and active skill shield strike, the value of this shield is at least 3000 gold coins!

As for whether it is sold, it should be used by the people in the team, and then make plans later.

After all, it is an equipment that can only be used at level 53. When the dragon knight brothers rise to level 53, the 4-star equipment is already worthless.

Therefore, Zhang Yi's gaze shifted to the other silver-gray keel necklace, which seemed to be made of keel bones——

【Keel Necklace】:

Quality: 4 stars

Level: 54

Energy value: +1020

Additional attributes: intelligence +45, intelligence +45, stamina +45, stamina +45

Additional skills: Bone bite (passive, after equipped with the dragon bone necklace, the attack of the wearer can penetrate into the bone marrow of the enemy, and the basic attack or skill hits the enemy, will bring the wearer 30 points of energy recovery. Note: group skill recovery effect Halved)

Description: The necklace made from the dragon bones of the ancient dragon king is endowed with the powerful power of the dragon family, so that the person equipped with the dragon bone necklace can obtain the protection of the dragon king...


This necklace, for Zhang Yi, who currently wears a level 40 3-star dark necklace on his neck, is simply a magical outfit!

With more and more high-level skills mastered, Zhang Yi also felt the lack of energy value more and more in the recent battles.

In fact, Zhang Yi's current energy value of more than 3,100 is not low.

At level 50, the cost of a purple fireball spell is only more than 130 points.

The most expensive ones are the high-quality group skills such as the streamer extinguishment, the undead storm and the fire prairie fire.

The energy consumption of three to four hundred for a skill, Zhang Yi's more than 3,000 energy is not enough.

The passive [Bone Bite] attached to the Dragon Bone Necklace can just relieve Zhang Yi's urgent need.

In the unidentified state, it cannot be equipped.

Zhang Yi put the keel necklace into the bag.

In addition to these two pieces of equipment.

The undead war dragon also exploded an assassin's blue skill book, and some strengthening stones, as well as low-level energy spars and forged gems.

In contrast, these things behind are some local goods.

The most valuable is the two pieces of keel equipment.

Finished dealing with the spoils.

I remembered the super strong blood recovery and anti-injury shown by the Dragon Blood Knight when dealing with the undead war dragon.

Zhang Yi opened the status bar of the Dragon Blood Knight and took a look.

I was surprised to find that under the bonus of the semi-finished dark suit, the dragon blood knight's current blood volume had reached more than 35,000!

No wonder the blood return is so fierce!

You know, the seven dark suits that the Dragon Blood Knight now wears, only the armor and helmet are strengthened to the full level.

And only the enhancement level is full, and the super talents are all at 1 star.

The rest are only a few levels of enhancements or even tablets, and they don't even have the qualifications to turn on the super talent.

When I go back to the city, I will build some strengthening stones to strengthen all the dark suits to the full level, and then upgrade all the super talents to full stars. The strength of the dragon blood knight can be raised to another level!

The blood volume can at least soar to 40,000.

Because the equipment that increases health attributes, although only clothes and hats.

But other equipment also adds a lot of physical secondary attributes.

The secondary attributes will also increase as the enhancement level increases.

Before I felt that the Dragon Blood Knight owed the fire, now Zhang Yi is completely satisfied.

So, turn off the status bar, speed up the pace, and continue to rush to the defensive camp.

Sure enough, it took half an hour.

When we arrived at the defensive camp, it was already six o'clock in the evening.

As night fell, darkness began to consume the earth.

Looking around, I found that this was a military base sitting on the outskirts.

Surrounded by city walls tens of meters high in all directions, Zhang Yi, who was outside the camp, could not see the situation inside.

It's just that I can clearly feel that there is a powerful atmosphere hidden in this camp!

And this almost fully enclosed garrison camp, with only one entrance and exit around it.

That entrance is directly opposite Zhang Yi.

It was a translucent light curtain that seemed to be sealed with some kind of magic.

According to the map introduction:

The defensive camp was originally a military base established by a foreign race to train the military's combat effectiveness.

But a few months ago, after the Frost Dragon King Balut invaded Moonlight City, in the process of fleeing the Dragon Clan, he passed through here and occupied this military base with the mighty power of the Dragon King.

Tens of thousands of alien warriors in the base were slaughtered by Balut and the magic dragon [Wukana].

Later, under the urging of Balut, Wukana used the powerful magic of the Dark Dragon, combined with the blood of the black dragon in the Dragon King Balut, to "resurrect" the dead alien warriors in the form of puppets.

The alien warrior infused with the blood of the black dragon in his body evolved into a black dragon warrior after being "resurrected", became a servant of the dark dragon tribe, and became a dark force of the dragon tribe under Barut and Wukana.

Under Balut's order, these black dragon fighters recharged in the defensive camp for emergencies.

For [Dragon Hunter], the second phase of the task is to kill the black dragon warriors in the defensive camp, and find Karna the Dragon Witch, and ask Barut's whereabouts from Karna Witch.

After understanding this information about the defensive camp, Zhang Yi walked forward.

Approaching the defensive camp, you can clearly feel that that powerful breath is getting heavier and heavier.

Soon, arrived at the entrance.

Standing in front of the light curtain, Zhang Yi lifted the storm wand and was about to step in.

Suddenly heard a system prompt sounded----

"Ding~ Attention players: After entering the garrison camp, it will take ten minutes before you can get out, and you cannot use the scroll of city return in the garrison camp. This map is a high-risk map, and the threat to your death exceeds 360%. Please choose carefully whether Enter!"

The system prompt had just fallen, and Zhang Yi entered the camp without hesitation.

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