Five thousand level 57 black dragon fighters, against five thousand second-tier players who are less than level 50.

Which is strong and weak is clear at a glance.

Under the violent attack of the black dragon warriors, the players of the three major teams were not killed one by one, but one team after another was destroyed!

Of course, the Black Dragon Warrior also died in battle.

The only thing that makes people unimaginable is that they seem to have failed one, and they immediately refreshed one.

Refresh and death are directly proportional.

It seems that the number of black dragon fighters on the field is always maintained at a certain amount.

Looking at the white light surrounding him one after another, even Junlin Tianxia, ​​who hadn't put these black dragon warriors in his eyes before, felt a panic.

"Aren't these monsters a bit higher in level, why are they so fierce!"

After that, a younger king's assassin next to him quickly said: "Captain, this is a dragon monster!"

"And there are too many of them!"

On the side, he was casting spells to attack the black dragon warriors of the archer in the air. While taking the medicine, he said to King Landing, "This map is a bit weird!"

"Did you find it too?"

Before the battle, the myth of being shot half a pipe of blood by the black dragon warrior, ran back crawling.

"These black dragon warriors are too many, and the dead one will be refreshed immediately. It's endless, how to fight!"

Junlin Tianxia gritted his teeth: "Has Yinuo Qingcheng found it?"

"No, I have searched the entire camp, and I haven't seen Yinuo Qingcheng!"

Hearingly, the myth seems to be aware of something: "Is it a trap?"

King's Landing also had to start worrying about this issue.

Around, the number of people killed is still increasing sharply.

King's Landing World commanded: "Retreat!"

"Can't get out!"

Someone in the back array shouted: "The map is restricted. You must wait ten minutes after you come in before you can go out!"

At this moment.

King's Landing received a message from the King's Landing player who was guarding outside the camp:

"Captain, Yinuo Qingcheng is outside, we were attacked by him!"

"What! He's outside?"

"Which dog b told me he was here?"

Seeing this news, King's Landing was shocked.

It was also at this time that he finally realized a problem: "Fuck, this is really a trap!"

In the defensive camp, the Three Great Wars and the Black Dragon Warriors were in full swing.

Outside the camp, the group of King's Landing players guarding the exit were stunned when they heard the fighting movement from the camp and the successive white lights that could be seen by looking up.

"I'm going, are the monsters in this camp so fierce? By now, there should be hundreds of people!"

"My God, fortunately I didn't go in, it's terrible..."

"Brothers, we must guard the exit, don't let that Yi Nuo Qingcheng run away!"


When everyone was talking about it.

After that, there was a cry of exclamation—

"Yinuo Qingcheng is here!"

This effect is no different from that of a wolf.

In the end, the shout of a King's Landing Mage player was only a sneer from others.

"Don't make trouble, Yinuo Qingcheng is clearly there, where can he come from?"

"Hahaha, you kid, I'm afraid that you have a phobia, right? I'm afraid of that Yinuo Qingcheng, I'm afraid that there will be hallucinations!"

That being said.

Everyone still couldn't help but glanced back.

Until he saw the rear, there was really a red human logo on his head, holding a silver staff in the black robe of the beastmaster man, walking slowly towards this side.

The inadvertent smiles on the faces of the people of King's Landing stiffened instantly.

"One... One promise!"

"How can it be!"

The King's Landing Hundreds Group guarding outside the camp included the [Under the King's Landing Minister] who followed Zhang Yi before and saw Zhang Yi enter the camp with his own eyes.

When I saw that the beastmaster approaching from behind was really Yinuo Qingcheng.

The King's Landlord was shocked: "When did he come out? tm...has wings?"

As soon as the voice fell, an archer next to him said in horror: "How came out is not important, what is important is that he is coming soon!"

"How to do!"

""Jun Lin Chen looked at the shivering group of teammates around him, and couldn't help cursing: "A bunch of rivals, there are so many of us, is it necessary to be afraid of him?"

Hearing, the archer beside him said: "Aren't you afraid?"

"I'm not afraid!"

"Then why are your legs shaking?"


Before Zhang Yi entered the attack range.

In the crowd, someone said: "Brothers, let's run!"

"We only have a hundred people, how can we make a promise!"

I have to say that this sentence is very essence.

As a result, the Assassin's King's Landlord drew his sword with a "wow".

He ran to the top of the crowd and yelled: "Don't persuade me, brothers, come with me, kill a promise..."


Jun Linchen hadn't finished speaking yet.

Zhang Yi, who was fifty meters away, suddenly flashed into the attack range, almost in a state of lightning speed. He cast an aurora spell, summoning an aurora from the sky, and brought an aurora on top of his head. The huge amount of damage that shocked the audience—

-17520 Crit!

With a "puff", the 48-level second-ranking assassin Junlinchen, who had a full blood bar on his head, was directly emptied by a single blow, fell to his knees, and instantly turned into a beam of white light, disappearing in front of the other people in Junlin.

Suddenly, the court fell into a dead silence.

Everyone in King's Landing was stunned to watch a fireball spell hitting more than 17,000 devil damages. With all pk modes and equipment special effects turned on, Zhang Yi was covered in golden light and red light.

Until the next second.

There was another shout from the crowd.



As soon as the voice fell, even if he faced Zhang Yi alone, he did not dare to compete with him.

After seeing the king's servants with their own eyes, the rest of the people fled in all directions.

However, Zhang Yi did not intend to give them a chance to escape.

In his gaze, killing intent grew.

"Today, none of you want to escape."

After that, lock the crowd of King's Landing that is spreading ahead, and target an archer in the center.

Storm wand, silver light blooms.

Quickly finish casting the spell, summon a silver streamer from the air, hit the archer at the same time, and roll out a powerful silver light wave toward the surroundings!

Streamer off—


The streamer with an impact range of 50 meters in radius instantly engulfed all surrounding King's Landing players within the attack range.

After changing hands, another storm of undead was released.

Above their heads, bursts of super-high damage—


-4386 Crit!


-18040 Crit!

-17960 Crit!


In the audience, hundreds of white lights lit up at the same time, illuminating the night.

In King’s Landing’s Hundred-Man Group, only one pastor was destroyed in a flash.

And that pastor was deliberately selected by Zhang Yi as the target of protection.

Only use two skills to directly kill a group of hundred people in King's Landing.

Seeing the hundreds of teammates around him disappear in the blink of an eye, the only priest left was already sitting on the ground in fright, trembling all over.

Until Zhang Yi came to him, forcing him to open the dialog with King Over the World.

Taking advantage of the identity of Pastor Junlin, Zhang Yi sent a voice message to Junlin Tianxia: "I'm here."

Stop talking.


A freezing technique, with 15368 points of critical damage, bombarded and killed the remaining King's Landing priest player.

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