In the garrison camp, the fighting continued.

From the time of entering the camp, within a few minutes, the loss of the three major teams has exceeded 10%.

One after another, four to five hundred people have been hung in the hands of the Black Dragon Warrior!

Almost every second, someone is killed in battle.

These black dragon fighters are not only huge in number, but also too powerful.

The people in Team Three were stunned by this gang of wild monsters, and they had no temper at all.

On the field.

After receiving a message from a teammate outside the camp, King's Landing immediately sent a message back to the opponent:

"Don't fight him, find a way to hold him, don't let him run away, just wait for us to get out!"

The message has just been sent.

Absolutely, outside the camp, hundreds of white lights illuminating the sky at the same time, instantly illuminating the entire night.

This magnificent scene stunned all the players of the three major teams in the camp.

The myth of the unknown reason, astonished: "What happened outside?"

Immortal Sword looked at King's Landing, with an incredible expression on his face: "This is the Hundred People Group you left outside? The whole army is wiped out? Who did it?!"

Jun Lin Tianxia himself couldn't help being stunned for a while.

At this moment, a private message was received.

When I opened the message list, I could only hear a familiar voice, which came via voice: "I'm here."

Hearing this voice, King Landing World suddenly felt an inexplicable panic in his heart.

Immediately after sending a message to the outsiders who had just died, they used the opportunity to resurrect in the city to resurrect the king’s ministers: "You all died?"

Under King's Landlord: "Hmm..."

"How many of them beat you like this shit?"

Under King's Landlord: "Just one promise and one..."

"Yinuo Qingcheng killed all of your Hundred Groups by one person, and it was still a moment of effort?"

This result made King's Landing completely shocked, but at the same time he felt extremely angry.

"Really, you are looking for death, do you really think you are invincible?"

With that said, King's Landing yelled out: "Brothers, wait for the map to restrict the past, and kill outside!"

"Yinuo Qingcheng is outside, and he has only one person! The firepower is concentrated, and immediately after he goes out, don't give him a chance to cast spells!"

The Hundred-member Group is not an opponent, then the Thousand-member Group.

If a thousand-member group is not enough, then come five!

As a result, the players of the Three Great Teams rushed towards the light curtain leading to the outside of the camp.

However, only when the first batch of faster assassin players turn on the sprint mode and are only thirty or forty meters away from the light curtain.

Whoosh whoosh!

At the other end of the light curtain, countless sharp arrows flew suddenly and without warning, and fell into the crowd.

The sudden attack caused the group of unsuspecting assassin players to rush forward with their heads stuffed, one by one was shot into a hedgehog.

Two or three thousand points of damage one after another, densely jumped from the top of everyone's head.

In an instant, a dozen white lights lit up in a scream.

The first dozen assassin players in Team Three were shot directly by random arrows!

The people who followed, in a panic of consternation, only noticed that on the other end of the light curtain, a large group of archers gathered at the other end of the light curtain!

"Didn't it mean that there is only Yinuo Qingcheng outside?"

Seeing the group of archer players stationed in front of the light curtain outside the camp, who did not know which force, Xian Jian was shocked and said: "Are they from the Dragon Clan following?"

The myth is an angry shout, questioning the king over the world: "You tm have a bunch of undercover agents under your hands!"

"First, I said that Yinuo Qingcheng was here and brought us in, and that he was the only one here, and the rest of the Dragon Clan were all in Moonlight City?"

"This tm, we are step by step to make a promise! You must have traitors in your team!"

King's Landing didn't know what was going on.

It was as if Yinuo Qingcheng deliberately lured them here, and then set up an ambush outside.

Is there really an undercover under his team?

Only now, it doesn't make any sense to entangle this issue.

Seeing that there are not many enemies outside the light curtain, King's Landing World immediately issued an order: "Suppress the mage archer with firepower, kill me! Dare to stop us and destroy them directly!"

Stop talking.

Hundreds of magicians and archer players from the rear, quickly entered the attack range, and launched an attack at the same time.

Whoosh whoosh!

Boom boom boom!

Countless sharp arrows and magic **** blasted toward the enemy outside the light curtain.

Just when they thought that this round of overwhelming attacks was enough to kill those archers who did not live or die outside.

It was surprisingly discovered that all their attacks were cut off by the light curtain!

"What kind of ghost map! People from the outside can attack the inside, but the attacks from the inside can't get outside?"

While talking.

Outside the light curtain, the second round of arrows rain has already struck.

Countless sharp arrows fell into the crowd, killing more than a dozen mages and archers in a second!

King's Landing was shocked.

Just then, the ten-minute map confinement time had passed.

King's Landing is about to continue giving orders.

The myth on the side can’t bear it: “You tm don’t command blindly there! If this continues, we will be wiped out. Shut up, you’re a big deal! Let me come!”

"Okay, you are better than you!" King's Landing was so angry that he was so angry, but there was nothing to say. He was really messed up, and he didn't know how to command.

So Shinhwa shouted: "Brothers listen to me this time!"

"The mage archer retreat, don't let them hit. The warrior knight rushed to me, rushed out first, there are not many people outside of them, the firepower is limited, as long as they go out, none of them can survive!"

"Set up the formation, the knight on top, press forward!"

Under the orders of myth.

Dozens of knight players in the Three Great Team immediately put their shields in front in a row, and they pressed in toward the exit of the camp when the [Bronze Wall and Iron Bone] and [Deterrence] were fully opened.

Outside the camp.

Thirty archers were placed in two rows, drawing their bows and releasing arrows at the fastest speed.

Countless sharp arrows passed through the light curtain and fell among the crowds of the three big teams in the camp.

And these archer players are the dragons!

Zhang Yi had selected the 30 most fierce shooters in the team to immortalize the dragon. Long before the third team came to the defensive camp, Zhang Yi had let these people come to ambush in advance.

And at this moment, everyone has turned on all pk, and their bodies are full of red light, and they are already ready to kill the Quartet.

Inside the camp.

After the first round of arrows dropped more than a dozen assassins from the Three Great Wars, the rear formation was opened.

When the second round of arrow rain struck, most of the sharp arrows were blocked by the knight.

Thirty dragon archer players' fire-focused shooting is enough to kill the mage archer players in a large range in seconds.

But the threat posed to the Cavaliers of the Three Great Team is very small.

Seeing that he commanded properly, Myth couldn't help laughing.

"You see, I should have listened to me a long time ago. Their firepower is too weak to break through our raid lineup!"

"Continue to press in. When we go out, the garbage outside, labor and management will rub them on the ground! Let you shoot labor and management!"


Just when a large number of warriors and knight players of the Three Great Wars launched a charge outside the camp under the rain of arrows.

A knight in dark armor, holding a spear and a shield, walked into the camp through the light curtain.

The three big teams, countless players who are approaching the light curtain, have been discouraged.

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