"Someone deliberately planted King's Landing?"

As Zhang Yi's voice just fell.

The dragons who sat at the same table did not destroy them, and they were amazed.

"Boss, how did you know?"

"Not only for King's Landing, none of their three major teams currently have a Rank 3 player. And he just said that the attackers are all level 50 Rank 3 players. It is impossible for King Landing to have such strength."

Zhang Yi said afterwards, "Plus, the Battle of the Underground City cut them so badly. It stands to reason that it is indeed impossible for them to dare to provoke the many forces in Moonlight City after that."

"They're just looking for a dead end by doing this."

Listen to Zhang Yi's analysis.

Everyone felt that this was indeed the case!

Lin Qian wondered: "Who is the attacker? Why did they change their ID to that of King's Landing, and then pretend to be someone from King's Landing?"

"It is estimated that there is a deep hatred with King's Landing!"

Long Xing Tianxia said: "So I want to use this method to kill people with the help of a knife, so that those of us who have been attacked can help them eradicate King's Landing!"

In the voice.

The Dragon Clan said suspiciously: "Who do you think will be the man behind the scenes?"

"It must be a strong top family."

The scavenger said: "Now in Moonlight City, there are not many players who have completed Rank 3."

"And they, even the team that sent the attack, all reached level 50, Rank 3 strength, do you think, which team in Moonlight City has such strength at this stage?"

Everyone fell into silence for a while.

After a while, the Dragon Clan immortal suddenly said, "Is it Sky? It seems that Sky should be the biggest force in Moonlight City! They are very strong, with at least three points in the entire team of more than 2,000 people. One of the people has completed three turns!"


As the Dragon Clan’s unquenchable voice just fell, Lin Qian was the first to object: "Sky can't do this kind of thing!"

Hearing, several people looked at Lin Qian one after another: "Why are you so sure that it's not them?"


As if realizing that she had reacted too quickly just now, and exposed something, Lin Qian quickly added: "Sky's people have always had a good character, and they have helped us several times before! How could they do this kind of thing? ?"

Lin Qian naturally believes in Sky, because no one knows Sky better than her.

sky is actually a force under Lin Qian.

After receiving Lin Qian's words, Zhang Yi also said, "It's not sky, that's for sure."

It should be said that apart from Lin Qian, the person who knows Sky best is Zhang Yi.

There is no problem with Sky's character, what's more, they were also attacked by the gang of people who pretended to be King's Landing.

Hearing what Zhang Yi said, the others no longer doubted Sky.

The scavenger analyzed: "In Moonlight City, in addition to the sky and the Hall of Fame, the more powerful teams also include the royal family, the palace of the emperor, and the gang of madmen."

"There are a lot of third-ranked people in these companies."

Except for Sky and the Hall of Fame, the last few, to Zhang Yi, are all unfamiliar names.

In the previous life, I had never heard of these teams from the scavengers. Obviously, in the previous life, they did not do much, and it was not worth mentioning among the scavengers.

It seems invisibly, the history of Moonlight City in this lifetime has been changed by Zhang Yi.

Because according to the historical progress of the previous life, King's Landing did not attack other team players everywhere.

In Moonlight City, driven by Zhang Yi, with the gradual fall of the Three Great Teams, there seems to be another inconspicuous force. In the dark, stepping on the Three Great Teams, it slowly rises...

For Zhang Yi, this is not a good thing.

Those who pretend to be King’s Landing can only target others, they dare to target the Dragon Race!

This is openly provoking Zhang Yi.

It is conceivable that once this force is officially formed, it will definitely become a new enemy of the Dragon Race!

And this enemy will be very powerful!

Just when Zhang Yi thought about it.

The scavenger suddenly said: "Don't worry, brother, leave this to me, I will find a way to find out who this counterfeit is!"

"Even the people of our Dragon Race dare to attack. When I find out which power it is, we have to uproot them from Moonlight City!"

Zhang Yi did not speak.

As if thinking of something, he suddenly changed the subject and confessed to the scavenger: "By the way, you can do me a favor."

"What's busy?"

Just as the scavenger's voice just fell.

Zhang Yi said, "Find someone for me."

"Looking for someone!" The scavenger patted his chest and smiled: "I can't guarantee the others, but I'm the best at finding someone!"

"Brother who do you want to find, as long as it is within the scope of Moonlight City, there is nothing I can't find!"

After speaking, Zhang Yi blurted out an ID: "Die Wu."

Suddenly, several people sitting at the same table stayed.

"Die...Die Wu?"

The Dragon Clan was a little surprised: "Isn't that the second in the Moonlight City Sky Ranking and the mysterious player who has never shown up?"

"Boss, what are you looking for her for?" Dragon Clan immortal suddenly woke up: "I see, boss, you want to bring her to come, right!"

"The second great **** in the sky list, if she can really draw her into our dragon clan, that's incredible!"

Long Xing Tianxia is also a little excited: "Moreover, 80% of the people are still a girl, and I am a little looking forward to it. I really want to see what Die Wu looks like!"

Just as the two were chattering around "Butterfly Dance", Zhang Yi saw a murderous scavenger in his eyes, startled for a moment, and said, "Brother, don't you want to... kill her, right?"

Without explaining, Zhang Yi said: "You help me find her. If you have news, tell me immediately."


The scavenger didn't ask too much, nodded and said: "No problem, leave this to me."

After a pause, as if thinking of something, the scavenger then asked, "By the way, what's the situation with Yiqi Juechen?"

"Didn't you want to win him over? Why haven't there been any movements these days?"

"Yiqi Juechen is still very popular now! Many senior teams in Moonlight City have hired him at a high price. It is said that his current worth is over 100,000!"

"100,000 what?" The dragon clan said unfailingly: "Copper coins?"

"You think too much, it's 100,000 gold coins."

"Damn! I mean, if someone spends 100,000 gold coins, can't I invite Yiqi Juechen?"

"Yeah." The scavenger said: "This Yiqi Juechen is like a non-cannibalistic firework. No matter which team invites, he will not agree to it. In addition, he is now helping others with commission tasks, starting with 1,000 gold coins. !"

"Oh my God!" Long Xing Tianxia said in shock: "It's so terrifying, if he can join our dragon clan, it would be even more powerful!"

"But other people can't invite it for 100,000 gold coins, so what can we do to get a good ride?"

After speaking, several people looked at Zhang Yi one after another.

Because Zhang Yi had said before that he had a way to win Yiqi Juechen.

At this time, Zhang Yi asked a question that made a few people confused: "What day is it today? I'm talking about the lunar calendar."

"August 13th..." The scavenger replied with a dazed expression.

Zhang Yi meditated and said, "Then don't worry, there are still two days."

"What do you mean?" Several people from the Dragon Clan immortal said in unison.

Zhang Yi's thoughts remain on the few words that scavengers once said to him in his previous life.

"Brother, it's fifteen unknowingly, the moon is so round tonight, do you see it!"

"Speaking of a full moon night, hey, it suddenly reminded me that our moonlight city sky ranking **** Yiqi Juechen died last month on the full moon night. Today is his month's worship day. What a pity... "

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