With the god-level talent [Tenfold Anti-Injury], Yiqi Juechen's popularity in Moonlight City has only increased.

At this stage when the teams are pursuing rapid development, naturally each team is focusing on the lone wolf that has not joined any forces yet.

If any team can recruit Yiqi Juechen, the effect is no less than half of Zhang Yi's seat.

At that time, there will naturally be countless players coming here, vying to join this team, and join the ranks of the great **** Yiqi Juechen!

Just because one Yiqi Juechen can change the fate of a team.

Therefore, for those team bosses in the city, it is worthwhile to spend 100,000 gold coins to hire Yiqi Juechen.

It's just because Yiqi Juechen doesn't eat hard and soft, and also offends many people by doing commission tasks for others.

Therefore, it will be sooner or later to be killed by those enemies.

According to the historical progress of the previous life, Yiqi Juechen's death period should be the night after tomorrow.

According to the scavengers, he was lured to a wild map with special restrictions by a team in the name of helping with commission tasks, and besieged to death.

Zhang Yi's plan is to use this opportunity the night after tomorrow, together with the foreshadowing made before, to achieve the purpose of changing the fate of Yiqi Juechen in this world and allowing him to join the dragon clan.

As for the position of Deputy Captain of the Dragon Clan, Zhang Yi was also left for Yiqi Juechen.

With his own fame, coupled with the great **** of Tianbang Yiqi Juechen sits on the ground.

The dragons, becoming the first team in Moonlight City, are just around the corner.

While eating breakfast.

The topic changed again.

Lin Qian asked, "Brother Zhang Yi, how do you plan to continue the hidden dragon mission? You don't want to do it alone, do you?"

"Next, I need your help."


The two of the Dragon Clan Immortal and the Dragon Xing Tianxia said excitedly: "It means that I also have the opportunity to contact the legendary Dragon Clan hidden mission?"

After a pause, Long Xing Tianxia asked, "The boss, when are you going to start? Now? I can't wait!"

Zhang Yi glanced at the 49 level marks on the heads of several people, and then said: "The enemy in the third phase of the mission is very strong, and your current strength is not enough."

"At least all members of the Dragon Race must reach level 50 and rank three."

In fact, with the strength of a level 50 player with three ranks, it is difficult to fight dragon monsters around level 60.

There is no way.

Zhang Yi alone would definitely not be able to pass the next task.

Taking a step back, even if Zhang Yi has passed the tasks of the previous stages, he must have the support of his teammates to face the ultimate boss of [Dragon Hunter], the Ice Dragon King Balut.

At this moment, Zhang Yi opened the team interface and took a look.

A gratifying discovery.

Through the joint efforts of all members of the Dragon Race yesterday, with the team's mission completion rate as high as 95%, plus some small donations, the current team level has reached 55% of level 2.

Within one day today, you can reach level 3.

For the level 3 team, the maximum capacity has reached 1000!

At present, the total number of dragons is only 700.

There are 300 more places!

Since becoming famous in the first battle last night, now in Moonlight City, the reputation of [Dragon Race] is even higher than that of [SKY] with 3,000 people!

If given the opportunity, in contrast, players are more willing to join the dragon clan.

So next, it's not difficult for the team to recruit people.

Therefore, Zhang Yi confessed to the two Dragon Clan Immortal and Longxing Tianxia: "After the team is upgraded to level 3, recruit people in the city as soon as possible to fill up the team."

"In addition to the 700 people in your previous League of Legends and the War to Stop the War, there are also 300 people. We must strictly control them, and don't let the **** of the three major teams come in."

"Don't worry, I will personally check this with the world!" The Dragon Clan patted his chest and said to Zhang Yi with vows.

As he said, the Dragon Clan showed a smirk: "Boss, do you have any other requirements? For example, there is no girl in our team now. I mean, can it be..."

As soon as the voice fell, Zhang Yi hadn't spoken yet, and Lin Qian on the side "slapped" the table and stood up: "What do you mean? Just treat me like a buddy, right?"


The immortal dragon discovered that there was still Lin Qian in the team!

He quickly changed his words: "You are a little fairy, how can an ordinary girl compare to the little fairy! You are different..."

"It's almost the same, huh!"

Zhang Yi said helplessly: "As long as there is a standard, the person who joins the team must have level 50 and three ranks, and there is no limit to men and women."

"Ah, this is a bit difficult. Now there are not many Rank 3 players in Moonlight City..."

"you're so dumb!"

Take the words of the dragon clan immortal.

Long Xing Tianxia said: "At this speed, our team won't be able to reach level 3 until night."

"Don't underestimate the development speed of our Moonlight City players. Although not many people have reached Rank 3, by the end of the night, there will be too many people!"

"Okay, let's take care of this tonight, don't worry about the boss!"

I have to say that with the two right-hand men, the Dragon Clan Immortal and Long Xing Tianxia, ​​Zhang Yi is indeed a lot easier.

There are many things without having to do it yourself.

After breakfast, everyone began to get busy.

The top priority is to upgrade the team.

Therefore, a group of Dragon Clan members each received a 5-star team mission and left Moonlight City.

Today's plan is to upgrade to level 54 and equip him with the [Keel Necklace].

It's not just members of the dragon clan.

Facing the third stage of the [Dragon Hunter] mission, and the ultimate boss [Ice Dragon King Barut] who can feel the imminent arrival, Zhang Yi must also be fully prepared.

In terms of injury and survival, there is no need to question.

Zhang Yi's biggest shortcoming now is his severe lack of energy.

In daily battles, the energy bar hits the bottom without two hits every time.

This is undoubtedly the deadliest for the mage who relies on skills to eat.

Only equipped with a keel necklace can Zhang Yi at this stage be perfect.

I don't plan to act alone anymore. Today I plan to act with the scavengers.

Prevent their core members of the Dragon Race from being attacked by a group of players posing as King’s Landing.

Therefore, Zhang Yi and Lin Qian scavengers also led a 5-star team mission with [the cumulative use of 5000 normal attacks].

When ready to go out of town.

Suddenly a system prompt sounded in my ear:

"Ding~ Congratulations on your successful bid for [Skill Conversion] (Rare Magic Scroll) at the price of 2000 gold coins! This item has been sent to your backpack, please check it!"

Opening the backpack, I saw a scroll lying quietly inside.

He took out the scroll and immediately used it on the Dragon Blood Knight.

Transferred the [Blood Kill] of the [Blood Spear] to the [Dark Spear].

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