With Zhang Yi's current level, it might not be easy to upgrade to level 54.

But because of time, Zhang Yi is not in a hurry.

Because even though he was up to level 54, he changed into a keel necklace.

If most of the dragon people have not completed the third round, Zhang Yi still has to wait for them. After completing the third round, they will perform the third stage task of [Dragon Hunter] together.

So act together with the scavengers and exchange feelings...

At present, with the exception of Lin Qian and Scavengers who have reached level 50 and rank three, the Dragon Clan Immortal and the Dragon Traveling World are both at level 49.

Both of them, within today, there should be no problem completing the third round.

Today Quan should take them to level up.

Therefore, the target was locked on the level 60 map, [White Eagle Coast].

This frightened the Dragon Clan Immortal and Longxing Tianxia, ​​who were only at level 49, and a level 11 difference from this map.

With Zhang Yi's personal strength, and with the Dragon Blood Knight, there is no problem with just brushing the level 60 map.

For the immortal dragons, they will get an extra 60% experience bonus if they go to level 11 to spawn monsters.

Coupled with the team experience bonus, and the basic experience of the level 60 monster itself.

[Baijiu Coast] is a place where they can ascend.

The destination of the third stage mission is also the level 60 [Dragon Valley].

You can familiarize them with them in advance, and learn about the strength of level 60 monsters.

On the way to 【White Eagle Coast】.

The Dragon Clan Immortal and the Dragon Traveling World, they also experienced the feeling of turning their heads 100% on the road.

Passers-by players in the surrounding area couldn't help but look at Zhang Yi more when they saw Zhang Yi, and then fell into a lot of discussions.

"This is our Moonlight City No. 1 Great God!"

"Yes, a little brother who looks very ordinary, he looks a little good at best, emmm... how can he be so strong?!"

"Hey, I really envy the few people around him. To be able to associate with such a great god, I also want to..."

"Don't dream, people seem to be with him when Yinuo Qingcheng hasn't been on fire yet, and even when the three major teams are all killed in the city."

"Yinuo Qingcheng didn't give up when he was the most lonely, so that he can have the status today and stand shoulder to shoulder with him."

There were a lot of discussions from passers-by players, which made the Dragon Clan Immortal few people proud.

At the same time, they were also fortunate that no matter what danger they encountered, they never gave up, or betrayed Zhang Yi, the boss.

At this time, the Dragon Clan looked at the scavengers and couldn't help sighing.

"I don't know how your ex-girlfriend and the good brother who gave you a cuckold feel now~"

"I guess the intestines are all regretful! How could they have thought that they used to be with them, but they were despised by the Human Race Beastmaster, and they would become the first person in Moonlight City on this day."

What the Dragon Clan said was Da Fei and Xiao Yueyue.

As the Dragon Clan's unquenchable voice just fell, the scavenger fell into silence for a while.

And there was clearly a touch of sadness on his face.

Upon seeing this, Lin Qian on the side was surprised: "Huangzi, you haven't put them down yet, have you?"

The scavenger nodded, and immediately shook his head: "Let it go, let it go..."

"Poor Huangzi...it's okay, they can't figure out where they are hiding now, crying! Let them regret it!"

It means that Cao Cao has arrived.

While talking.

I saw that the Dragon Clan pointed forward indefinitely, and said in surprise: "Damn! Look at those two scavenger brothers, are you the pair of dog men and women who betrayed you??"

Hearing, Zhang Yi and the others looked in the direction of the Dragon Clan's immortal fingers.

Sure enough, not far in front, there were two young players, a man and a woman, who were besieged by a group of players.

Of the two young men, the male was a 49th-level gray-armored knight, while the female was a priest of only 48th level.

The IDs on the heads of the two are called "Da Fei" and "Xiao Yueyue"!

It's literally, just when I talked about them, I actually met them!

Seeing Da Fei and Xiao Yueyue once again, the scavengers' first reaction made the whole person startled.

The two of them seem to be in trouble.

In sight, there were eight or nine players in the group of players who surrounded Da Fei and Xiao Yueyue.

All of those people have reached level 50, Rank 3 strength, and the IDs above their heads all have a common feature, that is, the word "Emperor" is the prefix.

This is astonishingly, the palace of the emperor, one of the first-line teams in Moonlight City!

Among the eight players in the Imperial Palace.

The first one, a 50-level three-turn middle-aged warrior man [Emperor/Return], waved his sword at Dafei Xiaoyueyue, and said in a cold voice: "Dare to move my brother in the Emperor Palace, and dare to **** our blame? You two, I'm looking for death!"

"Misunderstanding brother!"

Facing this group of senior players in the Imperial Palace.

Da Fei was so frightened that his legs were weak, and he quickly explained to the emperor/Return: "They all hid their IDs at the time, I really don't know, they are from your emperor palace!"

"Otherwise, I just borrowed my ten courage, how dare I do something with the people of your Emperor Palace, let alone the stranger who robbed you!"

It turned out that it was because last night, Da Fei and Xiao Yueyue were in the wild, and they encountered several players who were beating a lord monster.

At that time, the lord monster had been beaten into blood, and the players who surrounded it had also turned into residual blood.

So, Da Fei and Xiao Yueyue, who had a bad heart, and a few teammates who were training together, attacked and killed those players, and snatched the lord monster from their hands!

Until now, Da Fei knew that what he offended last night was actually from the top team in Moonlight City, the Emperor Palace!

The strength of the Imperial Palace ranks in the top ten among the thousands of teams in Moonlight City that have not yet been officially named. It is said that the total number of members has reached 2,000!

Quite strong!

Not only snatched a 50-odd lord monster from them, but also killed five members of their Emperor Palace.

If he had known that he was from the Palace of the Emperors, how could Da Fei dare to do anything with them.

However, at this moment, regret is no longer useful, and he has done things.

Therefore, no matter how Dafei explained, Emperor/Return would not listen at all.

"The few people who were with you last night were killed by me. Now, there are only two of you."


Da Fei unexpectedly knelt down towards the emperor/return without hesitation, and said in a trembling voice: "Brother forgive me, I have no chance of resurrection, please let me go, I swear, I swear I will never move again. You people in the Emperor Palace!"

"Get out of here!"

The emperor/returning kicked Dafei to the ground and lifted the long sword in his hand: "Dog man and woman, go to death!"

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