For the 5-star team task received today, the requirement is that the number of basic attacks within today exceeds 5000 times.

This task is very unfavorable for the slow-moving mage.

However, Zhang Yi, who has more than 1,000 points of agility, played the attack speed of an archer as a beast master.

As a result, Zhang Yi was the first in the team to complete this task when they received the same team task simultaneously with the scavenger Lin Qian and they had the same starting point.

And when Zhang Yi's mission was completed at two o'clock in the afternoon, the four of them had the highest progress, only three quarters...

"I'll go to the boss, you are a ghost! You said this attack speed was played by a wizard, who believes..."

Knowing that Zhang Yi has completed the mission of the team, Long Xing Tianxia sighed while still doing his meager efforts to kill Bai Jiu in front of him.

Zhang Yi glanced at the two Dragon Clan Immortal and Longxing Tianxia: "You two, hurry up, you can't do it even if it's dark."

"I blame me for the slow attack speed of the soldiers~"

Since the team was built.

Through these two days of hard work, Zhang Yi's accumulated contribution has reached more than 200 points.

However, the level 2 mall opened by the level 2 team does not have any good things to exchange.

The team must be at least level 5, and the things in the store are more valuable.

Skill books, high-level magic scrolls, high star treasure chests, etc., have everything.

So, they continued to take the scavengers to hunt the white eagles.

It wasn't until about five o'clock in the afternoon that the Dragon Clan was at the bottom, and all five of them finally completed the team's mission!

According to the team task interface, there are currently 500 team tasks, of which 300 have been completed, and there are 200 more. The display progress is almost over.

After all the tasks are completed, the team can be steadily upgraded to level 3.


There is another important achievement for Zhang Yi.

With the rich experience gained from the level 60 strange white eagle, in one day, both the Dragon Clan Immortal and the Dragon Xing Tianxia both rose to level 50.

However, Zhang Yi went from level 52 to level 53.

It's a step closer to the goal of level 54 equipped with the Dragonbone Necklace.

After leaving [Baijiu Coast] and returning to the city using the city-returning scroll, several people parted ways.

The Dragon Clan Immortal and Longxing Tianxia went to the Mentor's Hall, and went to the instructor to receive the Rank 3 mission.

Zhang Yi and Lin Qian, the scavenger, had dinner in a restaurant.

While eating dinner, Zhang Yi's mood turned back to Yiqi Juechen.

According to the historical progress of the previous life, the night after tomorrow will be the day of the fall of Yiqi Juechen.

Only two days left.

It's time to recruit Yiqi Juechen into the Dragon Race.

Looking at the scavengers who were whipping up the noodles, Zhang Yi said, "Huangzi, do me a favor."

"Huh?" The scavenger raised his head while chattering about the noodles, looking at Zhang Yi suspiciously.

"There is an arduous task, entrusted to you."

"What task?"

In the voice.

Only when Zhang Yi told the scavengers what had already formed in his mind, the scavengers who heard what Zhang Yi had confessed were shocked.

"Brother, are you kidding me?"

"I was serious."

The scavenger was taken aback, his face full of inconceivability: "But...why do you want to do this?"

"Of course it is to recruit Yiqi Juechen."

Hearing, the scavengers were even more surprised: "With this method, wouldn't you just push Yiqi Juechen farther and farther? How could it be possible that he would agree to join the dragon clan..."


Zhang Yixin vowed: "As long as you do what I say, I can guarantee that Yiqi Juechen can join us voluntarily."

"All right……"

The scavenger was dubious, and then asked, "Brother, when are you going to start, tonight?"



Just as Zhang Yi and the scavengers were still discussing the countermeasures for recruiting Yiqi Juechen.

Lin Qian, who was indifferent to this, suddenly exclaimed: "Brother Zhang Yi, something has happened!"

I saw Lin Qian staring at the team chat interface in front of him, and said nervously: "A lot of people in our team have been attacked by King's Landing!"



The scavengers hurriedly opened the team chat, and really saw that there were a lot of chat records that were sent out in the afternoon, but they were ignored by them:

[Dragon Whisperer]: "Brothers, did you run into the people of King's Landing in the wild today? We were attacked by them again! (Anger

[Dragon Fantasy]: "It's up to us, just as we are preparing to speak in the team. We were killed by the people from King's Landing just now, and all 15 people were killed by them!"

[Long Ying]: "They are deceiving too much!"

Looking at the dazzling news in the team channel, the scavengers couldn't help but become angry.

"Brother, according to incomplete statistics, King's Landing has killed more than fifty brothers of our Dragon Clan today!"

Lin Qian said: "When we got people outside, it was too scattered."

"There is no way for the team's mission. If everyone gathers together, it will seriously slow down the progress. It is impossible to complete all the missions in one day!"

Listen to what the two said.

Zhang Yi quietly ate the noodles without speaking.

"Naturally, it's a good thing that those counterfeiters did!"

Lin Qian was also a little angry: "We have to think of a way to get out the black hands behind the scenes! Otherwise, if this continues, our losses will be immeasurable!"

The scavenger fell silent and looked at Zhang Yi: "Brother, is there any way?"

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yi was still talking about noodles casually: "Let’s eat first."

After dinner.

On the excuse of going to the auction house to see the equipment and saying goodbye to Zhang Yi's scavengers, Lin Qian secretly used private messages to find Sky and the Lord God.

sky, has always been Lin Qian's dark force in Moonlight City.

And the current development is getting better and better.

With the arrival of King, the three battle teams of the Temple and the Fairy Pavilion were suppressed by Zhang Yi, and he received a team building order from Zhang Yi, and established the first team in Moonlight City, sky, which is already moving towards the first team in Moonlight City.

As the fourth place in Moonlight City's combat power list, Sky and Lord God have reached level 51.

After meeting with Lin Qian in a corner of the city.

The Lord God asked: "Miss, is there anything urgent for me?"

Lin Qian frowned and asked, "Do you know who is the group of people who pretended to be King's Landing and attacked many players in Moonlight City in the past two days?"

"I am also investigating this matter."

The Lord God sighed and said: "Since I was attacked yesterday and killed more than a dozen brothers in a sneak attack, today I let everyone in the team act collectively, and it is considered that I have not encountered their sneak attack again."

"These people are too courageous, even my brother Zhang Yi's people dare to move!"

Lin Qian said angrily: "I want you to help me find out who these people are as soon as possible, and then get rid of them!"

sky, the main **** bowed his head and agreed: "Yes, miss."

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