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Chapter 335: Lead the snake out of the hole

This concludes the topic of counterfeit goods in King's Landing.

sky, the main **** asked Lin Qian: "Miss, when do you plan to disclose your identity, do you want to keep it hidden like this?"

"I don't understand, why can't I tell Yinuo Qingcheng about the relationship between you and sky?"

"If you let Yinuo Qingcheng know your true identity and status, he will definitely treat you with admiration."


As the Lord God finished speaking, Lin Qian curled her lips and said, "Well, it will be profitable. I want to stay quietly next to Brother Zhang Yi and let him treat me with the most sincere heart, not because of me. Identities, and special treatment!"

"All right……"

The main **** did not continue to persuade.

At this time, Lin Qian said: "By the way, I need you to do me a favor!"

"Miss, please give me any orders." Regarding Lin Qian's attitude, Sky and the Lord God, as the fourth person on the Moonlight City Sky Ranking, have always been respectful.

"Brother Zhang Yi is currently doing that legendary dragon hiding mission, right?"

Lin Qian said: "I want you to be a great brother Zhang Yi. After that, the difficulty of this task becomes higher and higher. The number of people in their dragon race is too small. I am afraid it will be difficult to cope with the latter task and the ultimate boss. , The dragon king who beat hundreds of people in the three big teams with one move yesterday."

"The ultimate boss of his mission is a Dragon King?"

Hearing what Lin Qian said, the Lord God was a bit shocked.

"And it should still be a dragon emperor of not low grade."

After a pause, Lin Qian went on to say: "When Brother Zhang Yi starts the mission, I will tell you. Then you will say that you heard the previous announcement of the full server and only wanted to help him with the mission, but Don’t say I asked you to do this!"

The Lord God nodded: "I know Miss."


Night fell.

In Moonlight City, it began to lively again.

This evening, scattered in the streets and alleys, many players are discussing the same topic:

"What's going on these past two days, did the people of King's Landing smoke? Kill people in the wild?"

"You were also attacked? The brothers of our dynasty have been killed by them for dozens!"

"The same is true of us, and we didn't provoke him, and attacked the people in our team inexplicably!"

"You are all attacked by King's Landing? Strange, then why are we not attacked? Is it that we are not worthy?..."

"Have you noticed that the targets of King's Landing are some of the more powerful senior teams in Moonlight City!"

"Really we are not worthy..."

"Their three big teams have been beaten into that **** by Yinuo Qingcheng, and they dare to kill people everywhere. They are simply seeking their own way of death!"

"Yes, brothers, let's join hands and destroy King's Landing! Kill them all at resurrection opportunities and let them disappear in the world of apocalypse forever!"

"If you can find them, let's talk about it, sister, they don't seem to be in the city, so I don't know where to hide, otherwise I would have taken someone over to find them for revenge!"

Countless players talked about the King’s Landing attack.

Zhang Yi and the scavenger, who had just finished eating and came out of the restaurant, just walked by the street, just listened to the conversations of those players, but did not participate in it.

At this time, Zhang Yi asked the scavengers: "Let you help me find Diewu, how did you find it?"

As soon as the voice fell, the scavenger frowned.

"Boss, I tried my best..."

"What are you doing, haven't you been following me for the experience today?"

"Uh, boss, you can't say that~"

The scavenger said embarrassingly: "I have mobilized the power of all the brothers in the scavenger group to help me pay attention to Die Wu when they are in the wild or in the city, but today, they did not find Die Wu this person!"

"Because she hides the ID?" Zhang Yi asked.

The scavenger shook his head: "Brother, you underestimate the power of my scavenger group brothers."

"As long as this person really exists and is in the Moonlight City area, my brothers can find her out. It's useless to hide the ID."

The scavenger then said in amazement, "But according to what my brothers said, it seems that there is no such person as Diewu in Moonlight City!"

"There is such a thing?" Zhang Yi couldn't help frowning.

After a pause, as if thinking of something, Zhang Yi then said to the scavengers: "Since the brothers in your group are so powerful, is there any way they can find out who is behind the pretending to be King's Landing?"

"I have asked them to check this for me."

The scavenger said: "But it is said that they are very secretive, I am afraid it is difficult to find, brother, you can give me a few more days, my group of brothers can definitely find the counterfeit!"

"Can't wait."

Zhang Yi said solemnly: "I need to know who they are now."

Without waiting for the scavengers to speak, Zhang Yi continued: "It's okay, I can find them."

Hearing, the scavengers were dubious: "What way?"

"Draw the snake out of the hole."

"Aren't they the ones who like to take the lead?" Zhang Yi said, "Then we will give them the opportunity to start."

Startled for a while, the scavenger suddenly woke up: "I know, brother, I'll make arrangements right away!"

Zhang Yi hurriedly stopped the scavengers: "The only chance is this time. If you don't succeed this time, you will be stunned. Don't mess up with me."

"You just need to arrange some people for me and be responsible for leading them out."

"There should be no more than twenty people at most. In addition, make sure that everyone in charge of this operation has a chance to resurrect, just in case."

The scavenger nodded: "Let them go out alone, and then the rest of us follow quietly to lead out the gang of counterfeit goods from King's Landing, so we can take advantage of them!"

"You messed up like this."

Zhang Yi said, "Will they come out after such a big movement?"

"Don't move, I'll just follow it alone."

"you alone?"

The scavenger said worriedly: "It is said that the counterfeit goods are not simple, the scale of the hundred people group, and all of them have reached the level of 50 three-level strength, and the combat effectiveness is super!"

"So far, all the teams that have been attacked by them range from hundreds to dozens of them. Not once was the entire army wiped out, and those who were attacked were all senior players from some big families in Moonlight City!"

"In the camp last night, thousands of people in the three major teams were not your opponents. Most of the reason was that they didn't have three turns."

The scavengers really understand the situation better.

Then he said to Zhang Yi: "The gap between the players before and after the third round is too big. The strength of this group of counterfeiters is far from that of the people of the third big team, brother, I feel like you can't handle it alone!"

"It really doesn't work, just me and Qianqian will follow you, and the others are on standby."

The scavengers worked hard.

But in exchange for Zhang Yixin’s vow: “It’s okay, I’m fine by myself. You can arrange it as I said and act now.”

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