
On the field.

King's Landing players have not yet realized what happened.

I saw a black shadow, like a bolt of lightning, passing through the crowd with lightning speed!

Did not catch the other side's figure.

For the first time, I saw several King's Landing players around, amid a scream, their heads jumped up to four or five thousand points of super high damage!

Even if all of the King's Landing players on the scene reached the level of Rank 50, Rank 3, they couldn't resist such a heavy blow.

A 50-level three-level master archer class professional player, normal energy and blood is 12 thousand.

And the other party chose to attack the mage shooter with fragile vitality.

Two or three times, you can lose a crispy skin in a second.

As a result, almost the instant that the dark shadow appeared, accompanied by a scream, several white lights lit up around him.

"Damn! Who!"

King's Landing Invincible and the rest of the people around them were shocked.

After the opponent killed a few people in a row, they suddenly disappeared.


"Yinuo Qingcheng is here?"

The crowd was agitated.

Then someone shouted: "It's not Yinuo Qingcheng! This tm is clearly an assassin, Yinuo Qingcheng is a mage!"

No trace of the enemy could be seen around.

The warrior King's Landing Invincible clasped the long sword tightly, looked around like a torch, and shouted: "He is invisible, and the Beastmaster will investigate for me! Force him out!"

Reconnaissance is simply a stealth technique aimed at assassins.

After the player turns on the reconnaissance, any concealment skills used by enemies within 50 meters in diameter can be invalidated.

It can also be regarded as a privilege of the profession of Beast Master.

For the seven major professions of the Apocalypse, only the Beastmaster can learn reconnaissance skills through skill books after level 30.

It was this reconnaissance technique that allowed the profession of Beastmaster to improve its status in the mid-term.

Otherwise, the assassin's invisibility technique would have no solution at all.

Fortunately, among the hundreds of King's Landing players on the field, there are several Rank 2 Beastmasters with more than 40 levels.

Their existence seems to be to deal with special circumstances.

So, under the order of King's Landing Invincible.

The three beastmaster players scattered around, simultaneously activated the reconnaissance technique.

At the next moment, the shadow that sneaked into the darkness and was within the effective detection range of the Beastmaster's reconnaissance technique was forced to appear.

In sight, only a female assassin with a red ID on her head in a black tight-fitting suit appeared in the eyes of everyone.

The first thing that catches everyone’s eyes is the dazzling red ID on the head of the assassin woman——

Level 51 Rank 3 Assassin·Diewu!

Just this ID is enough to shock the surrounding King's Landing players, and even the dozen dragon players who are surrounded.

Among them, the most shocked person is King's Landing Invincible.

Because after the stealth technique was detected, the position where Die Wu appeared was just in front of King's Invincible body, just a few positions.

"Depend on!"

"Die Wu!"

Only three words came out from the mouth of King Lin Wudi.

There was no time to continue.

Die Wu shockedly rushed to the front of King's Landing.

Without a word, with a blood-colored dagger in his hand, he used a set of super-highly explosive three-shot combos on King's Landing Invincible——

-9888 Crit!

-9436 Crit!


The damage that was already staggering, coupled with the enhancement of the crit, made the total vitality of more than 18,000 points in the 50th level three-revolution state. The fighter who thinks that he is fleshy and has no friends is invincible, and his head is full of grids. The health bar is emptied within 1 second.

Looking in front of him dumbfounded, under the cover of a black mask, Die Wu only revealed a pair of clear and beautiful eyes full of murderousness.

King's Landing Invincible opened his mouth, just about to say something.

But before he could say it, he fell to his knees with a "puff".

Next second.

The "wow" turned into a beam of white light and flew away.

This scene stunned the rest of King's Landing players around.

Die Wu has long been popular in Moonlight City with its ID.

It's just that before that, no one had seen Die Wu's deity.

For this group of counterfeit King’s players, they didn’t even think that Die Wu would be the first encounter in this way.

And in the impression, they seem to have never offended Die Wu.

Die Wu's actions are incredible.

Only one is possible.

"She is from the Dragon Race!"

With a soft drink from the crowd.

The players of King's Landing reacted immediately.

While feeling shocked, a wave of hatred dispersed from the crowd.

"Unexpectedly, this Die Wu is really a woman! Wow~"

"Day! What time are you thinking about!"

"Dare to assist the Dragon Race against our enemy? We are looking for death!"

"Brothers, kill her!"

The voice just fell.

In the four weeks, players from King's Landing launched an offensive against Die Wu.

On the other hand, Die Wu, even if she was alone in the King's Landing Group of Hundreds, she was still in danger.

Standing calmly and calmly in place, holding a blood blade in his hand, staring at the King's Landing players from the surrounding area like a torch.

at the same time.

Being in the darkness, Zhang Yi, who was just about to start, saw the sudden Die Wu, and immediately stopped his actions.

Zhang Yi was also very surprised when he first saw Die Wu.

This is where the scavengers mobilized all the mass forces of the scavenger group to search Moonlight City, but they did not find anyone.

Unexpectedly, we met again like this.

And she is actually facing the enemy King, rescuing the dragon people!

The last time he appeared, he snatched a lord monster from Zhang Yi, the Undead Fighting Dragon, and took away the dragon crystal.

Therefore, Zhang Yi still has a hatred of Die Wu.

But at this moment, seeing Die Wu again, I don't know why, the hatred in my heart suddenly disappeared.

At least it can be seen by what she is doing now.

Looking at the bigger picture, Die Wu's camp is not an enemy.

Therefore, Zhang Yi did not act rashly for the time being, standing in the dark, watching the changes.

Continue to look at the field.

The battle has begun.

Whoosh whoosh!

Countless sharp arrows and magic balls, concentrated on Diwu from all directions and bombarded them.

Just as the enemy's magician archer's attack was about to arrive, the butterfly danced.


The body disappeared in place like a phantom.

Avoid all attacks at the same time.

With the body of lightning, the momentum of breaking the bamboo, pierced and killed in the crowd back and forth.

In the surrounding area, those King's Landing players who were touched by Die Wu jumped up to three or four thousand points of damage one by one!

The skill that Die Wu is using is exactly the assassin's ultimate move: Thousand Shadows Kill!

What I have to say is that the damage of this Die Wu is really high!

And the speed is so fast that it can almost reach twice that of normal assassin players at the same level!

Coupled with the speed bonus brought by the release of Thousand Shadows, the players of King's Landing were unable to capture Die Wu's figure at all.

Under repeated killings.

Accompanied by the screams one after another.

In an instant, there were several white lights on the court!

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