The players of King's Landing were shocked one after another.

"She hurts so much!"

"Nonsense, didn't you see that in the top ten of the equipment list, did her equipment account for three? Weapon rings are all ranked equipment, can this damage be high?"

"But it's okay. She is not Yinuo Qingcheng. Can she be able to beat so many of us alone? Brothers, let's go together, kill her, and explode her equipment!"

"Are you alone? There are people from the dragon clan..."

"The people of the Dragon Race are a fart! They are all second-rank garbage, don't put it in your eyes, give priority to Die Wu, kill!"

Stop talking.

In all directions, the players of King's Landing began to accumulate their abilities.

It seems to be intentional, to divert the enemy's attack, so as to achieve the effect of protecting the dozen dragon players.

Players who saw King's Landing are beginning to accumulate their big moves.

Die Wu immediately drove his acceleration skills to get out of the crowd.

next moment.


Whoosh whoosh!

The magician's icy world.

Archer's extreme ice and arrow rain.

Dozens of master archers' ults cover the audience, blooming in Die Wu's body!

It is shocking.

Just when these large-scale attacks were about to fall on Die Wu.

Die Wu, who just evacuated the effective detection range of the Beastmaster's reconnaissance technique, escaped into the ground, causing all the enemy's attacks to fail.

"Escape technique!"

Seeing Die Wu suddenly disappeared, the players of King's Landing were shocked.

What shocked them was that in addition to the invisibility technique, Die Wu had even the Escape Technique!

In the world of Apocalypse, the skill Escape technique that belongs to the assassin profession is not inferior to the invisibility technique. Similar to this kind of concealment effect, it is the best skill that is difficult to learn.

Just when the surrounding players of King's Landing were shocked.

The next moment, Die Wu, who had escaped into the ground, suddenly appeared from behind the crowd.

The figure flashed quickly like a ghost, and with a few screams, three more King's Landing players were instantly stunned.

And the three of them are the beast masters who possess reconnaissance skills and are more threatening to Die Wu!

After the three beast masters of King's Landing were lost in seconds, Die Wu escaped a second time and disappeared again.

This time, even Zhang Yi, who was watching the battle in the darkness not far away, was a little surprised.

Visually, Die Wu's escape technique is at least an orange quality.

This Die Wu's strength is really amazing. It is worthy of triggering the full-server announcement many times in a row, and the current ranking of Moonlight City's combat power list is second only to Zhang Yi's top master!

The players of King's Landing panicked.

At this time, the dozen or so players of the Dragon Race also started to fight back in a group.

Under Diawu's explosive output and extreme speed displacement, the players of King's Landing didn't even have a chance to lock Diawu, let alone hurt her.

On the field, white light followed one after another.

In the bursts of screams, the players of King's Landing were successively beaten by seconds.

Those who survived are immersed in endless fear.

It was as if what they were facing now was a demon.

"Why is she so fast! It's not the speed that a normal assassin can have!"

"It doesn't matter if the speed is fast, it's all when she is agile, and her damage is so high!"

"Damn! Why is there such a pervert in Moonlight City, and the second Yinuo Qingcheng was born?"

The battle lasted not long.

The casualties of King's Landing have exceeded one-fifth.

The Three-Ranked Hundred-member Group actually couldn't help Die Wu alone!

At this time, Zhang Yi in the dark finally moved.

After all, he is not here to watch the show tonight.

On the field, Dia Wu was still in the crowd, and the players of King's Land began to change their tactics against Dia Wu.

Facing Die Wu whose strength is comparable to Yinuo Qingcheng.

Junlin Kuangzhan commanded the surrounding crowd: "Warrior knight defense! Master archer, use group attack skills such as arrow rain enchantment to cover the audience, use range-type skills to limit her movement!"

"As long as she slows down, she will definitely die!"

Under the command of King's Landing Kuangzhan.

The players around King's Landing have not had time to start their actions.

at this time.

Suddenly there was a scream in front of him.

Junlin Kuangzhan was so scared that he quickly looked up.

In the line of sight, he was stunned to see that several white lights were on at the same time among the crowd of King's Landing ahead.

Immediately afterwards, a stream of "wow" falling from the sky hit the ground, and a strong light wave bloomed towards the surroundings, shaking all dozens of King's Land players around.

Several archers and magicians with residual blood were killed by the super high damage caused by the streamer!

At the same time, a beastmaster man dressed in a black robe, holding a silver light staff, stepped on the white light to face him.

"Yinuo Qingcheng!"

The players of King's Landing recognized the identity of the black-clothed beastmaster man, and they were all dumbfounded.

Everyone's first reaction was to go backwards even more.

"Why is Yinuo Qingcheng here? When we just came out with them, we obviously didn't see Yinuo Qingcheng!"

Although these counterfeit goods are not the real Kings, but they are not the only deeds of "Yinuo Qingcheng", almost no one in Moonlight City knows.

At this time, under the command of Junlin Kuangzhan, Junlin's players adopted the tactics of range skill coverage, and finally succeeded in decelerating the butterfly dance that pierced and killed the crowd like lightning!

Focus on Die Wu first.

Jun Lin Kuangzhan sneered coldly: "Don't worry about Yinuo Qingcheng, kill Die Wu, let her know the fate of being with the dragon clan!"

"go to hell!"


Jun Lin Kuangzhan raised the sword and rushed towards Die Wu himself.

At this moment, Zhang Yi suddenly flashed, moving from seven or eighty meters away, to an effective range of less than 50 meters from Junlin Kuangzhe, and then quickly swung his staff.


A purple fireball technique completed the cast, and a hot fireball gathered at the top of the storm wand, and bombarded it towards King's Landing.

Zhang Yi's hand speed was so fast that the surrounding King's Landing players didn't even have a chance to react.

Jun Lin Kuangzhan, whose attention was all focused on Die Wu, didn't even realize that he had been locked by Zhang Yi.

Not yet close to Die Wu, the hot fireball has flown over.


A distance of more than forty meters, accurately bombarded the back of King's Landing Kuangzhan, who was moving at high speed.

Immediately, he brought a huge amount of damage on his head that shocked the audience——


An ordinary rank 50 fighter with rank 3 can reach approximately 17.8 health and defend around 13,000.

Zhang Yi's fireball skill went on, and without a critical strike, he directly knocked out half of the blood of King's Landing Fight!

[World Destroyer] The 20% damage bonus brought by the additional skill [Destroy], and the 19% damage bonus on the equipment list.

The damage done by Zhang Yi's attack power of 4250 points is not at all that King's Landing Kuangzhan can resist such a small warrior who is not top-notch equipment.

For the first time, he fought against the rumored Moonlight City's No. 1 god, Yinuo Qingcheng, and instantly let Junlin Kuangzhan understand why even the thousands of players from the Temple of Junlin and the Third Battle Team of Xiange were not the opponents of this guy.

This injury is simply too abnormal!

Junlin Kuangzhan should be fortunate that Zhang Yi, who has more than 1,000 agility points, didn't hit a critical strike just now, otherwise he would be directly killed by a single blow.

However, it was too late to be relieved.

As the fireball hit King's Landing Kuangzhan, a violent dragon scream fell from the sky.

Everyone raised their heads one after another, only to see a fire dragon in the air tearing through the sky, and in a roaring sound, a group of hot flames spewed out to the ground...

Hell Dragon Flame!


Over a thousand degrees of dragon flame instantly engulfed King's Landing Crazy Battle, and all King's Landing players within a radius of 100 meters.

All in one color, bringing a super high white real damage on everyone's head——


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