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Chapter 341: Mysterious player, black cloak

During the day in the city, King's Landing had already planned the next plan, and where to go.

Their three major teams have now become the public enemy of all players in Moonlight City, and it is impossible to stay in Moonlight City.

So I can only follow what King’s Landing said: first go outside the city to find a place to avoid the limelight, develop the wretchedness, and come back after a while.

Regarding this, King's Landing is naturally well prepared.

The necessary tents for survival in the wild have been prepared long ago.

There is no need to worry about the supply problem, everyone is full of potions.

Even if the potion is used up, you can send a few people to sneak into the city to buy it.

Too many people return to the city will naturally be targeted, a small number of people return, there is no problem.

And this trip of the Three Great Wars, it is the [City of the Watch] as the destination.

According to the map description.

The Watching City is an empty city without a monster in it, and it is a very safe place.

And the location is very remote, the surrounding area is all 30-40 level wild area maps.

At this stage, there is definitely no player who will go to such a low-level map as a jungler to practice.

Therefore, it is very suitable to use the watch city as a habitat, and no one will find it.

Therefore, it took more than twenty minutes to arrive at the Watching City located in a barren land.

Under the orders of the two of King's Landing and Mythology, the players of the Three Great Wars were scattered in the city, and after a simple cleaning, they began to set up tents.

As everyone knows.

While they were busy in the city, there were countless pairs of eyes outside the city, staring at the Watching City...

"Captain, when shall we act?"


Stop talking.

In the dark, about a hundred players, under the guidance of the first player wearing a black cloak fashion, completely covering his figure, and hiding the ID above his head, sneaked towards the city of the watch.

at the same time.

In the city, under the joint construction of the three major players, tents have been laid out along the streets of the city.

In the wild, tents are the only props that can restore player fatigue.

After setting up the tent, everyone began to accompany themselves and moved in.

King's Landing and Mythology, along with a few core players of the Three Great Teams, sat down around a bonfire, and began to discuss the next steps, as to which map to go to leveling, and how to divide and cooperate with detailed plans. .

Just as a group of people discussed Zhenghuan.

Near the exit of the Watching City, suddenly there was an exclamation: "An enemy is invading!"

I heard this sudden exclamation.

The people of King's Landing and Shinhwa were so scared that they quickly got up from the ground.

"Who? Yinuo Qingcheng or the Dragon Race are here?"

King's Landing's first reaction confirmed how much he fears Zhang Yi and the Dragon Clan now.

With that said, the two of King's Landing and Shinhwa, quickly led a large group of players under them, and rushed towards the source of the sound.

Passing through the crowd, I saw a guy wearing a black cloak slowly walking in from outside the city.

Several fighter players from King's Landing stopped in front.

Facing the oncoming "black cloak", among the several fighters, one of them drew up his sword in a "wow" and shouted, "Stop!"

"Who are you? Don't blame me for being rude!"

The player who was wearing a black cloak and hiding the ID above his head, his whole body was clearly exuding an aura of a strong person different from ordinary people, and he really stopped.

Under the cover of the cloak, no one can see the other side's face.

He only heard the black cloak say a word: "Tell your master to come out."

Several fighters of King's Landing, look at me and I look at you.

Then, a sneer came: "Who do you think you are? Our boss, can you see you if you want to?"

At the same time, the few people were lost in thought.

"This guy is definitely not ours, how did you find this place?"

"It must have followed us! We were careless just now, and we didn't know if we were followed. He must have followed all the way from the city!"

"Whoever he is! He already knows where we are, this guy, can't stay, otherwise let him return to the city to expose our position, and we will suffer! Brothers, kill him!"

With that said, five King's Landlord level 48 second-ranking warrior players picked up their long swords and rushed towards the black cloak!

The black cloak stood still, motionless.

Just wait for those few King's Landing soldiers to get close to the past.

In the darkness behind the black cloak.

Whoosh whoosh...

Dozens of sharp arrows flew out suddenly, and they fell into the five people in a disorderly manner.

In an instant, all the five King's Landing fighters were beaten into residual blood!

As several people were shocked by the sudden attack, and then seeing countless black figures standing in the darkness behind the black cloak, the soldiers were shocked by each other.

"Damn! He isn't the only one!"

What's strange is that just now when there was clearly the strength and opportunity, the opponent did not kill these fighters in King's Landing!

I thought that a few people were more than enough to deal with the black cloak, but I didn't expect that the other party had teammates.

Upon seeing this, in the rear, the rest of the Three Great Team picked up the guys.

The opponent's attack had already made them ascertain the identity of the black cloak as the enemy, so there was nothing to hesitate.

Just when a large group of players from the Three Great Wars were preparing to launch a group attack on the black cloak.

Two people, King Landing and Shinhwa, came from behind.

"Dare to do something to my brother, you are looking for death!"

With a loud shout, King Landing World held his long bow.

At this moment, the black cloak raised his head and glanced at the two of King's Landing and Myth.

Smiled and said: "You two are finally willing to come out."

"Don't get me wrong, I didn't come to fight with you. It was just because your people did it first. I am just out of legitimate defense."

Hear what the black cloak said.

He did see that no one of his subordinates was dying, and he temporarily suppressed the hatred and asked: "So, who are you?"

"This is not important."

Standing in the darkness, the black cloak said to King's Landing: "As long as you know, I'm here for your cooperation."

Myth frowned: "What do you mean?"

"You are now public enemies of Moonlight City."

The black cloak then said: "Do you plan to stay in hiding like this forever?"

"Now I give you a chance."

"As long as you join hands with me and are willing to work for me, I can protect you in Moonlight City from now on."


King's Landing World couldn't help laughing: "Working for you? I think you want to eat!"

"Labor and capital don't even know who you are. How many catties are you? Dare to ask us to play for you in the three big team? Are you qualified?"

As soon as the voice fell, the black cloak clapped his hands.

Then, in the darkness behind him, a group of players walked out.

There are a hundred players, all of whom have reached level 50, Rank 3 strength, and the IDs on their heads are all headed by the word "Junlin"!

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