Behind the black cloak, the group of Rank 3 players who also have the ID prefix of the word Junlin.

King's Landing was stunned for a moment, and soon reacted.

Facing the black cloak, he furiously said: "It turns out that you pretended to be my brother of King's Landing, looking for trouble everywhere!"

"Who are you and why do you want to do this?"

Under the question of myth.

The black cloak said lightly, "Didn't I already say it?"

"You are already the public enemy of Moonlight City. Now you, in Moonlight City, are the rats crossing the street. People from all the high-level teams all regard you as deadly enemies."

"Do you think that this thing can pass by avoiding the limelight?"

Hearing what the black cloak said, the two of King's Landing and Shinhwa couldn't help but become angry and ashamed.

The black cloak continued: "Be with me, join my subordinates, and I can keep you."

King's Landing World laughed: "It's hard to protect yourself by you, and you want to protect us?"

"You don't know who I am, how can you know that I can't protect you?"

As he said, the black cloak suddenly reached out and took off his hat, and at the same time opened the status bar, set it up, and revealed the ID on the top of his head.

When they saw this familiar face and the ID on the other's head, the two of King's Landing and Shinhwa were shocked.

"It's you!"

The black cloak said: "Now think, do I have that ability?"

I was shocked.

King's Landing World was unbelievable: "You used such a great effort to pretend to be my King's Landing people to attack the players of Moonlight City's many clan players, just to make us have no choice but to join forces with you?"

"I need the power of your three major teams to assist me and become the overlord of Moonlight City!"

The black cloak bluntly said: "As long as you join me, I can assure you that even if the Yinuo Qingcheng and the Dragon Race, it can't help you!"

"You and I will join forces, and the overlordship of Moonlight City is just around the corner!"


Mythology sneered: "Want our Three Great Teams to work for you? Dreaming!"

After taking over the myth, King's Landing also said: "What if we don't want it?"

"Not willing."

The black cloak's voice was cold: "Then the result you will face is to completely disappear from the world of the apocalypse."

"Do you think that the people of Yinuo Qingcheng and the Dragon Race will let you go? And in Moonlight City, those high-level team members who have been offended by you."

"You despicable villain! With such despicable means!" Jun Lin Tianxia couldn't help cursing.

The black cloak is not too much nonsense.

He opened his mouth and said, "Give you one minute to think about it."

After speaking, the black cloak stopped speaking.

Standing quietly in the dark, like a **** of death, staring at the players of Team Three, making them horrified for a while.

Therefore, King Landing and Mythology began to discuss privately.

"Why, do you really want to succumb to this guy?"

"Dreaming! He hurt me so badly in King's Landing, and now he wants me to form an alliance with him? Doesn't it feel a bit self-contradictory? If I agree, how is this different from shooting myself in the foot?"

"But what I have to say is that for us, this is a good opportunity. If we join forces with them, we can avoid many detours."

After a pause, Shinhwa continued: "Moreover, do you want to stay in the wild like this for a long time? You don't want to kill Yinuo Qingcheng and destroy the Dragon Race?"

Junlin Tianxia gritted his teeth, and for a while, there was nothing to say.

The black cloak really waited there for a minute.

When the time came, he shouted: "Two big brothers, have you considered it?"

"Do you want to rule Moonlight City with me, or be like a little lamb, waiting to be slaughtered."

There was a long silence.

Myth and King’s Landing said in unison: "Okay, we are in alliance!"

The myth looked incredible at King's Landing: "What did you just say?"

"It doesn't matter what you rule Moonlight City."

Junlin Tianxia said: "The point is, I like to hit myself in the foot!"

"Brother Niubi!"

Hearing, the black cloak showed a weird smile: "Welcome to join."

"But I have something to say."

The King's Landing held back for a long time.

After a long time, I just said: "So, why can't you talk to us directly about this matter, you must first hurt us so badly, and then let us join you?"

The black cloak fell silent.

Said: "I didn't take this into consideration."

The answer from the other party almost made King's Landing explode on the spot.

Of course, the black cloak also had his plans.

If you don't push the three big teams to a dead end, with their arrogant attitude, you will definitely not be so easy to succumb to yourself.

But the fire in the belly of King's Landing could only hold back.

Apparently succumbed to the black cloak.

In fact, King's Landing had already made his own plans in his heart.

This guy pretended to provoke players from various high-level teams in Moonlight City, making King's Landing become a mouse crossing the street that everyone in Moonlight City shouted and beat.

If this is the case, he still agrees to join the other party to work for him, unless King Landing's mind is drawn.

Therefore, taking refuge in the black cloak is false, and using him is true.

Because the opponent is strong, joining hands with him can indeed bring unexpected gains to the three major teams.

In addition, as the black cloak said, he can keep the three major teams from being targeted by the Moonlight City teams, and even Yinuo Qingcheng and the Dragon Clan. This is also a good thing.

So, trying to restore his composure, the king came to the world, and the two of Shinhwa came to the black cloak.

"Happy cooperation."

"Happy cooperation," Black Cloak laughed.


Countless players of Team Three looked at the scene in front of them, and they fell into a panic of consternation.

"Damn! The captain has formed an alliance with the guy who is posing as us?"

"What did the captain think, can we succumb to this kind of person?"

"There is no way, who made our Three Great Teams fall to this point? Now, apart from being aided by other forces, we are not far from ruin by ourselves."


The players of the three major teams in the back formation were talking about it.

King's Landing said to the black cloak, "I have a proposal."


"Kill Yinuo Qingcheng and annihilate the Dragon Race."

With the King’s Landing, the voice just fell.

The black cloak fell silent.

Haven't spoken yet.

I only heard King Lin Tianxia continue to say: "Dragon Race, it must be our way to dominate Moonlight City, the biggest stumbling block, we must get rid of him!"

That being said.

King's Landing obviously wanted to avenge his personal revenge, using the power of the black cloak to help him deal with Zhang Yi.

Although I see through the king's land.

For his proposal, Black Cloak did not refuse either.


"The Dragon Clan has not yet formed its power, so it is easy to deal with. However, Yinuo Qingcheng is not easy to deal with. He is the one who destroyed your three big teams by himself."


King's Landing doesn't care about it.

"The battle at the defensive camp last night was entirely because he was too well equipped, and he completed Rank 3, we are all Rank 2 here, and the equipment is too inferior."

"Wait for our wretched development for a while, the equipment and level to keep up, and then cooperate with you, you can easily kill a promise!"


The black cloak said: "When the time comes, I will definitely help."

"Dragons, must die!"

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