Get God-level Talent at the Start of Online Games

Chapter 343: Create the glory of the dragon

The darkness is gone.

The dawn has come.

In Moonlight City, the players gradually became active.

Because it was a bit late yesterday, when the team reached level 3, it was already late at night, and the players began to rest, and the city became more and more desolate.

So the plan to recruit people for the team originally set last night was put this morning.

So, early in the morning, the Dragon Clan Immortal and Dragon Xing Tianxia were busy recruiting people on one of the busiest streets in the city.

In addition to the [Dragon Elite] logo is very conspicuous.

The logo of [Level 50 Three-Rank Warrior] is also a place where the two of them are proud.

Since rising to level 50 with Zhang Yi yesterday afternoon, in order to have a better presence when recruiting people, the Dragon Clan Immortal and the Dragon Xing Tianxia two people have spent the whole night and failed several times. Under the circumstances, the third turn was finally completed.

The minimum requirement is "50 level three revolutions".

With the two people shouting in the street, countless passers-by players immediately surrounded them from all directions.

The immortal dragon and the dragon travel the world, just like a popular star, surrounded by water.

The shouts of the players are scrambling.

"Boss, I am a Level 50 Assassin of Rank 3, I have met your requirements, let me join!"

"I'm already level 50, I'm just three turns and I haven't finished the task. Can I reserve a seat in advance? I will go to the task as soon as I finish breakfast... Forget it, I will go to turn three immediately!"

"Indestructible, although they don't have level 50 and rank three, they can be single if they are single. Can you join your dragon clan as a privilege?"

"Can you be single? Wipe, who is the man you are holding?"

"As long as I join the dragon clan, I can be single immediately!"


As one of the only two official teams in Moonlight City at this stage, the recruitment action this morning went very smoothly.

In accordance with Zhang Yi's request.

Except for the original League of Legends and Fighting to Fight with the two teams of 700 players, all the remaining nearly 300 positions have recruited players with rank 50 and above.

As a result, the number of members of the Dragon Clan reached 1,000.

In addition, in accordance with Zhang Yi's explanation.

The Dragon Clan Immortal and Longxing Tianxia established another sub-team, which is to recruit players into the team without any name. When the team's level is higher in the future, the upper limit of the number of people is expanded, and then they will be renamed.

Even in this way, more than 300 people were recruited.

Equivalent to the total number of dragons, it has reached 1,300!

Of course, the people on the vice team are certainly not as stable as the front team.

When there are more teams officially established in Moonlight City, if they have not been rectified, then they will just leave without hesitation.

Therefore, when Zhang Yi woke up in a hotel in the city, he opened a non-stop team channel, and saw that the news kept in it.

Countless newcomers and old people chatted freely inside, exchanging feelings with each other...

It seems so lively in the team channel.

Zhang Yi also sent a message inside: "Come on, brothers, and create the glory of the dragon!"

The voice just fell.

A hundred responses.

"come on! Come on!"

"Unexpectedly, it's a great honor to join the team of the No. 1 God in the Moonlight City Sky List!"

"Brothers, we have been a family since then. Together, we will build the Dragon Race into the number one team in Moonlight City!"

"In terms of donation, if you have more funds, donate a small amount. In addition, the team tasks must be full every day! I have already brushed all the team tasks to 5 stars. After a while, everyone has breakfast and prepared, then go out to do the task leveling! "

After just sending a message and saying hello to the new member, Zhang Yi no longer speaks in the team channel.

Instead, start planning your task for today.

At present, the dragon clan already has more than 50% of the members, reaching level 50 and rank three strength.

It is estimated that it will take two or three days to achieve 100% compliance.

Wait for all the staff to turn three times before they can help and perform the [Dragon Hunter] mission together.

Before that, Zhang Yi's first task was to recruit Yiqi Juechen.

Unconsciously, today is the fourteenth of the lunar calendar, and tomorrow night is the night of the full moon.

So Zhang Yi opened his friends list and sent a message to the scavengers: "How are you preparing for your affairs?"

Scavengers, since they flew with a big knife yesterday, and watched Xiao Yueyue being killed, the surface looks the same as before.

But no one understands his inner suffering except Zhang Yi.

Because in the early hours of this morning, the scavengers sent Zhang Yi several crying voices.

After all, the scavenger is a person who values ​​love and righteousness. Zhang Yi, who has been acquainted with him for half a year in his previous life, knows this best.

This is a growth process that scavengers must go through. This is the only thing that Zhang Yi can help him in this life.

After all, Zhang Yi has changed his dying history.

As Zhang Yi sent this message over.

Soon, I received a reply from the scavengers: "You told me several things, which one is specific?"

"Yiqi Juechen."

The scavenger obviously hesitated and sent a message asking: "Brother, do you really want to do this..."

"Don't talk nonsense, it's awkward, otherwise I will go to the level today and I won't take you."

"All right……"

"Well, let's call the immortal them. It's the same mission from yesterday, as usual, [Baijiu Coast] gather, I'll go over and wait for you."

In addition to carrying out the team's mission, Zhang Yi's main purpose today is to upgrade to level 54 and equip the dragon bone necklace.

So, after sending the message to the scavengers, he ate breakfast in the city to complete the supply of potions and the repair of equipment.

Zhang Yi took the first step, leaving Moonlight City and heading to the Baijiu Coast.

As a level 60 map, there is still no player in sight at the Baijiu Coast.

After all, at this stage, those players at level 50 or so in Moonlight City who came to farm the monsters at level 60 were tantamount to looking for death.

Before the scavengers came, Zhang Yi first swiped it.

With the dragon blood knight, single kill those 60 white eagles, there is not much pressure.

For more than ten minutes, the scavenger Lin Qian and the Dragon Clan immortalized the four of them before they arrived.

Not much to say, the five immediately formed a team and started to face the white eagles.

After completing the third round, the strength of the Dragon Clan Immortal and Dragon Xing Tianxia has obviously increased a lot.

Facing the white eagles, they are no longer scumbags, anyhow, they can contribute a little bit of damage.

Therefore, Zhang Yi and the others increased their efficiency today compared to yesterday.

On the basis of yesterday, for each wave of white eagles brushed, one will be added.

At the end of the day, the income of several people is much higher than yesterday!

From morning until five o’clock in the evening, a beam of golden light finally shines on Zhang Yi’s head...

"Ding~ Congratulations on your upgrade, the current level is 54..."

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